Author Topic: The health and fitness thread about random things  (Read 482343 times)


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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2400 on: 30 November, 2018, 03:48:22 pm »
Opened mine on Tuesday, saw the thing about shoulder injuries on the cover or was it in the contents but didn't notice it in the actual body of the magazine. Not that I read it with great attention, seemed a less interesting than usual edition.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2401 on: 30 November, 2018, 05:55:29 pm »
Finally had a 'flu jab today.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2402 on: 30 November, 2018, 06:38:10 pm »
I've got the coughing virus that's going round  . :( .I am surviving on sinex,cough syrup and paracetamol at the moment  .
the slower you go the more you see

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2403 on: 01 December, 2018, 06:34:49 am »
And a trip to the doctor at 11pm last night confirmed that I now have a chest infection  ::-)
the slower you go the more you see


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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2404 on: 01 December, 2018, 07:40:07 am »
Got a medium-sized dose of waiting-room arse at the ophthalmologist's yesterday.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2405 on: 01 December, 2018, 05:05:40 pm »
My wife has suffered what I suppose you could call a spontaneous haematoma. Monday morning she felt a sharp pain in her hip, and was initially worried it was related to her replacement. Very painful, hard to stand and walk. By Wednesday she had a bruise developing from the small of her back, over her hip and down her thigh. The thigh is now some 50% larger circumference than usual and still very tender. Doc was impressed by the bruising - “spectacular” was her description. Seems to be a spontaneous bleed, something similar happened around 5 years ago, same leg, though that time it was all down the back from buttock to ankle. She’ll be going back for a blood test to check her platelet level in a couple of weeks.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Mrs Pingu

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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2406 on: 01 December, 2018, 07:12:48 pm »
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2407 on: 03 December, 2018, 09:09:32 am »
fracture clinic tomorrow.  Pelvis is definitely getting better - not using the stick around the house now, just long distance (about 2 miles  :P).  The non-fractured elbow however remains tender as does the whiplashed lower back.  And the right wrist is still playing up.
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2408 on: 03 December, 2018, 09:12:49 am »
And a trip to the doctor at 11pm last night confirmed that I now have a chest infection  ::-)

Seems to be the latest fad... the NHS way of saying "I have no idea why you are coughing, but let's blame the bugs and give you some antibiotics, just in case".

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2409 on: 03 December, 2018, 09:53:58 am »
I'm trying out a Sissel "Sitfit Plus" cushion at work, to see if it will help with occasional lower back pain. An added bonus, assuming I stick with it, will be to allow me to refit the arms to my office chair - without the cushion the height of the seat means the arms always clash with the desk. With the cushion everything is a couple of inches lower.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2410 on: 03 December, 2018, 02:45:37 pm »
I've got full-blown snot lurgy.  Feels like someone's dry cleaned my head.  The usual.

Will endeavour not to let it turn into a chest infection...

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2411 on: 03 December, 2018, 02:50:06 pm »
I'm trying out a Sissel "Sitfit Plus" cushion at work, to see if it will help with occasional lower back pain. An added bonus, assuming I stick with it, will be to allow me to refit the arms to my office chair - without the cushion the height of the seat means the arms always clash with the desk. With the cushion everything is a couple of inched lower.

I've had one of those at work for a few years. I like it. It *really* confuses other people when they try and sit at my desk, though. :D


Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2412 on: 04 December, 2018, 07:31:21 am »
I've got full-blown snot lurgy.  Feels like someone's dry cleaned my head.  The usual.

Will endeavour not to let it turn into a chest infection...

Can turn into sinusitis... had it once and it can be painful... carbocisteine as aerosol worked a treat to remove the thick snot and reduce the inflammation in just a few days, but these days doctors of course prefer to prescribe antibiotics instead, just in case  ;D

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2413 on: 04 December, 2018, 08:53:58 am »

"We are calling to tell you that we are rejecting your request for a repeat prescription for topiramate, because it is triggering the formation of kidney stones and the neurologist (who hasn't seen me in 2 years) wants you to stop taking it. "

Me "You should have a letter from a urologist stating that I'm ok to continue on topiramate, as long as I take a supplement to counteract the side effects. I've already had a conversation with one of the doctors in the partnership about this, and I have a letter about this."

"Um, let me look. Oh, we do, yes, it does say that. I'll have to speak to the doctor again. "

Right. Nothing like actually looking at the patient record and reading the correspondence then, before making medical decisions. Good thing I don't depend on the drug, oh, wait, I do.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2414 on: 04 December, 2018, 09:43:11 am »

"We are calling to tell you that we are rejecting your request for a repeat prescription for topiramate, because it is triggering the formation of kidney stones and the neurologist (who hasn't seen me in 2 years) wants you to stop taking it. "

Me "You should have a letter from a urologist stating that I'm ok to continue on topiramate, as long as I take a supplement to counteract the side effects. I've already had a conversation with one of the doctors in the partnership about this, and I have a letter about this."

"Um, let me look. Oh, we do, yes, it does say that. I'll have to speak to the doctor again. "

Right. Nothing like actually looking at the patient record and reading the correspondence then, before making medical decisions. Good thing I don't depend on the drug, oh, wait, I do.

... you might be eligible for cannabis, maybe? ;)

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2415 on: 04 December, 2018, 11:44:00 am »

"We are calling to tell you that we are rejecting your request for a repeat prescription for topiramate, because it is triggering the formation of kidney stones and the neurologist (who hasn't seen me in 2 years) wants you to stop taking it. "

Me "You should have a letter from a urologist stating that I'm ok to continue on topiramate, as long as I take a supplement to counteract the side effects. I've already had a conversation with one of the doctors in the partnership about this, and I have a letter about this."

"Um, let me look. Oh, we do, yes, it does say that. I'll have to speak to the doctor again. "

Right. Nothing like actually looking at the patient record and reading the correspondence then, before making medical decisions. Good thing I don't depend on the drug, oh, wait, I do.

... you might be eligible for cannabis, maybe? ;)

CBD oil might well be something that would help; I'd need proper medical-strength dosage, not holland and barrett shite. It isn't being mentioned or offered.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Timelord
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Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2416 on: 04 December, 2018, 01:53:47 pm »
I've got full-blown snot lurgy.  Feels like someone's dry cleaned my head.  The usual.

Will endeavour not to let it turn into a chest infection...

Can turn into sinusitis... had it once and it can be painful... carbocisteine as aerosol worked a treat to remove the thick snot and reduce the inflammation in just a few days, but these days doctors of course prefer to prescribe antibiotics instead, just in case  ;D

Sinusitis is barakta's department.  As an asthmatic I tend to get the postnasal drip respiratory crap, and occasional (I used to have them chronically as a child) middle ear infection.

Usual protocol is to up my dose of steroid inhalers to try to keep the chest clear and wait for the snot to go away.  Abuse of chlorphenamine to improve the sleep:sneezing ratio overnight, and if it gets really stupid, pseudoephedrine (which is horrid, but works).

Not worth wasting doctors' time for viral lurgy.


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2417 on: 04 December, 2018, 02:18:22 pm »
Right. Nothing like actually looking at the patient record and reading the correspondence then, before making medical decisions. Good thing I don't depend on the drug, oh, wait, I do.

I had a call from my GP's surgery yesterday about a blood test result.
They said they had been trying to contact my Consultant for over a month, without success about this.

I KNOW my consultant knows this.
She has sent the practice two letters (which they would appear not to have read) and discussed the matter with me.



  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2418 on: 04 December, 2018, 02:55:41 pm »
FFS Mr C, sudden withdrawal from topiramate is not good ffs!  I don't understand this inability to READ and check there's not answers before screwing people around.

I guess I shall find out how good Shoulder Prof is tomorrow after CT/MRI scans the other week and Xrays being done pre-appointment. Must make notes for impact of shoulder issues, that seems to be their metric. See if he is less scared than his physio ;)

I also filled in Amplitude bollocks online "rate X on scale of meaningless to meaningless"...
"How often does your shoulder singular dislocate": "Once ever" "Twice ever" "Once or twice a month" "Once or twice a week".... *HAHAHA* goes I... About 50-100x a day? Every time I move my arm? Sometimes more than once. Better shoulder isn't much better as that has started to subluxate daily... *KERRUNCH* and my right elbow does a good loud *SNAP* too.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2419 on: 04 December, 2018, 03:13:05 pm »
Topirimate? vaguely remember that as an anti epileptic, one of those we talked about for my son - quick withdrawal of any of those suggested was not good.

In my case, fracture clinic today, ortho-bloke much more useful than last time mainly because he actually had a conversation instead of talking AT me, perhaps he realised I'm not a complete fuckwit.  Seemed to understand what my "normal" is.

So, elbow - yes the continued swelling is a bit odd 5 weeks later, but may be just a haematoma settling down - check again next time
Hand - if anything could be a sesamoid fracture which would not have any treatment anyway, call back again if it's still hurting.
Pelvis - OK, getting better - happy with my progress as I desctibed it - 4km walk this morning in 50 mins, 1km without the stick.  Keep using the stick as necessary but wean myself off it.
Prognosis - 6-8 weeks for fracture healing, 6-9 months for full recovery from soft tissue stuff  :demon:
Carry on with what I'm doing, try cycling, perhaps easy turbo and rowing machine, my target of a HM and 100 miler in the first weekend of August - "Yes, probably a good target, but don't expect to hit your times"

Anyone else got experience of recovery frm this scale of soft tissue damage?  It's the whiplashy stuff that is now most painful/restrictive
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2420 on: 04 December, 2018, 04:11:24 pm »
Topiramate is an anti-epileptic, I had it for migraine for a while (hideous!). Abrupt withdrawal can invoke seizures even in those who don't normally have em, you have to taper it very slowly!

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2421 on: 04 December, 2018, 04:59:29 pm »
ElyDave, sounds like you are doing very well. Cartilage heals very slowly, expect that to take longer than the bone to fully heal, ditto ligaments. Take care not to over stress either.

The frustrating thing for my interaction with doctor's surgery is that I have had a discussion with one GP and he agreed to continue prescribing and wrote to indicate so. Another GP has come along, read one letter in my file, didn't read the rest and refused my prescription . . . Arse. I have tried tapering off the topiramate, but once I drop below 50mg, the migraine symptoms return. I'm not functional anymore.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Just do it!
Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2422 on: 04 December, 2018, 07:33:20 pm »
BMI is probably a better indicator of bed-warming capability than fatness, given that heat GENERATION is directly related to mass and
heat LOSS is related to surface area...

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2423 on: 05 December, 2018, 10:41:42 am »
Does anyone use these ?

Sent them an email enquiry and got an automated response immediately. Three days later I got another automated email telling me that they had missed their own target for response times and would I still like an answer to my original enquiry.  :facepalm:

Based on that I've decided not to use them as I may need a swifter response if I actually got my medication from them.
Hear all, see all, say nowt

Re: The health and fitness thread about random things
« Reply #2424 on: 05 December, 2018, 10:48:32 am »
Does anyone use these ?

Sent them an email enquiry and got an automated response immediately. Three days later I got another automated email telling me that they had missed their own target for response times and would I still like an answer to my original enquiry.  :facepalm:

Based on that I've decided not to use them as I may need a swifter response if I actually got my medication from them.

You could of course phone them if you need an urgent response - the email won't be manned outside office hours anyway. Or indeed you could phone your doctors, or pharmacy.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)