Thank you all for your thoughts...
Yes, the top one is the Boots. It is dreadful, I agree, and yet it has some redeeming features... because I really like this image that came from it... so there is a question of what I want - art or memory.
Ham, you're right: Thinking back to why I have the Boots camera, it's all about cycling photographs. I hate using my phone to photograph while cycling. I liked my old digital PnS, and was looking for a cheap pocket camera. My wife suggested a disposable film camera, but then we thought a reuseable old film camera would be better. I used the Boots camera on PBP and quite like
the photographs. I've noticed the vignetting seems to be getting worse - is that possible? Now that I put this in writing I'm back to wondering whether to get a cheap digital PnS. It all comes down to price. I'd love a Ricoh GRIII but that's way more than £60. Back to sanity: some automation because I want to literally point and shoot while cycling.
Andrew, the price for the Canon Sure Shot is affordable, but I can't tell whether it would be any better than the Boots camera until I've tried it out.
PBear, the bottom picture does have a lot of darkness on the LHS, I think it is the effect of the sloping hillside and low sun. This next image is from the SLR and doesn't have the same LHS darkness. I love using it, but because it is fully manual (and made of brass) I'm not using it while cycling. I'm using it to learn about photography and I'd be happy with art and/or memory from that camera.
nicknack, I'd be delighted to buy a secondhand camera from you. Do you think any of these would fit the criteria of "jersey back pocket for cycling"?