Author Topic: Little Eye On The Provinces  (Read 381393 times)

Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2025 on: 23 October, 2019, 05:43:19 pm »
Not as sexy as Carlisle.

Is that why Donald Stott went on a bus trip to Carlisle?


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2026 on: 24 October, 2019, 08:35:25 am »
Daleks spotted on Bristol's Clifton Suspension Bridge 'closed for inspection'
"The Opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject"  Marcus Aurelius

Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2027 on: 25 October, 2019, 05:47:18 pm »
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2029 on: 26 October, 2019, 02:12:15 pm »
This one's worth it for the novel definition of voltage, which, when used to divide a number of 1-bar electric fires, allows us to derive the ampere:  An important step towards completing the set of journalistic equivalents of the SI base units.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2030 on: 26 October, 2019, 02:29:36 pm »
They must have altered it since you read it. The volt is now derived from the mobile phone.
A 55-volt electric current can kill in certain circumstances – that’s the equivalent of 10 mobile phones.
Science is never still.
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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2032 on: 27 October, 2019, 01:47:32 pm »
They must have altered it since you read it. The volt is now derived from the mobile phone.
A 55-volt electric current can kill in certain circumstances – that’s the equivalent of 10 mobile phones.
Science is never still.

The pedant in me insists a current is measured in Amps, not volts but I'm no sparkie!

Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2033 on: 27 October, 2019, 01:55:54 pm »
The best bit is that it's the power company's spokeswoman quoted getting their units wrong.

A spokeswoman for Western Power said: “A member of the public noticed some suspicious activity on our network and called us. We entered and found an illegal extraction at one property and informed police who found a second property nearby.

“We made them safe.”

She added: “Illegal extraction involves interfering with our network. A 55-volt electric current can kill in certain circumstances – that’s the equivalent of 10 mobile phones. The lowest on our network is 230v. It is extremely dangerous.

To be fair, she's going to be a PR droid, not someone with technical knowledge, but you'd have thought that someone at Western Power would have advised her or checked before she went public.

"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2034 on: 28 October, 2019, 09:06:36 am »
Even CEOs do it - one from a company that makes jousting bait said that a unit had generated X GW in a year, without mentioning the amount of energy that it supplied. That's one BFO turbine!
2x4: thick plank; 4x4: 2 of 'em.


  • I brake for Giraffes
Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2035 on: 08 November, 2019, 09:25:21 am »

Never expected to hear "sex toys" and "Rocks Off" on Beeb TV!
2x4: thick plank; 4x4: 2 of 'em.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2036 on: 11 November, 2019, 11:12:24 pm »
I don't think luck really comes into it...

(Reminds me of the time my parents accused me of sniffing air freshener[1] because I kept moving the cans away from the gas lamp we were temporarily using in the bathroom pending some electrical work.  I was most confused, mainly because this was my first introduction to the concept of solvent abuse, but having tentatively accepted that it was a thing that some people did, couldn't work out why they thought I was stupid enough not to put them back exactly where I found them.  Being older and wiser, the further thought occurs that why the hell would anyone want a nose-full of Glade when there's a perfectly good cartridge of unadulterated Camping Gaz available right next to it?)

Anyway, all air freshener is evil.  Automated dispensers, doubly so.

[1] They were desperate to discover that I was a substance abuser, because reasons.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2037 on: 12 November, 2019, 09:36:21 am »
Anyway, all air freshener is evil.  Automated dispensers, doubly so.
It's more air disguiser than freshener.
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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2038 on: 12 November, 2019, 12:55:19 pm »
Anyway, all air freshener is evil.  Automated dispensers, doubly so.
It's more air disguiser than freshener.

And it doesn't even manage that.  I, like most people with functional noses, am perfectly capable of smelling more than one thing at the same time.  Adding air disguiser doesn't get rid of the mould/poo/smoking/whatever you're trying to mask, it just makes it worse.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2039 on: 12 November, 2019, 01:31:45 pm »
That's because it doesn't disguise the smells, just the air.
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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2040 on: 12 November, 2019, 01:37:25 pm »
That's because it doesn't disguise the smells, just the air.


Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2041 on: 12 November, 2019, 02:25:58 pm »
Anyway, all air freshener is evil.  Automated dispensers, doubly so.
It's more air disguiser than freshener.

And it doesn't even manage that.  I, like most people with functional noses, am perfectly capable of smelling more than one thing at the same time.  Adding air disguiser doesn't get rid of the mould/poo/smoking/whatever you're trying to mask, it just makes it worse.

mmm whilst I wouldn't disagree on the general unpleasantness of the average air spray,  I genuinely reckon the Febreze style do actually do summat with the akchewal smelly stuff, in a way that the standard air "freshener" abjectly fails to do. Candles also work, Things like the Prices air freshener candles (branded "Open Window") are a little better, too.


  • Timelord
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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2042 on: 12 November, 2019, 02:36:14 pm »
Former housemate used to have a getting-home-from-clubbing procedure of chucking his clothes in a bin liner and squirting in liberal quantities of Febreze before sealing up to be dealt with post-hangover.  It seemed pretty effective at removing cigarette smoke from shiny trousers.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2044 on: 06 December, 2019, 02:20:24 am »
Today's instalment in "straight people are weird":

I had no idea.  Good for them.  Apart from the house prices thing, which is only good news in a not-really-at-all small-minded Brit kind of way and beyond the scope of this eyeroll.


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Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2045 on: 06 December, 2019, 09:13:41 am »
I had no idea Newquay was like that but there's a centuries long association of seaside resorts and debauchery. It might have started with Prince Whoever it was in Brighton around 1810 but I suspect it's longer than that.

"straight people are weird": 
About 1997 my flatmate and I went to the seaside, because it was 106 miles to Torquay, I had a car, the sun was shining and it was the weekend. I'm not sure I'd find that drive fun now but I did back then. So we found a B&B and obviously it's much cheaper to share a room than get two single rooms (which I'm not sure the B&B even had available). So the landlady looks at us semi-suspiciously, Simon with his dreadlocks and me with [supply your adjective here], and says she doesn't want any dodgy goings-on and mentions her husband is a policeman. It was 1997. We had a good weekend, I don't recall encountering any stag or hen parties but they weren't really yet a thing back then.

Fawlty Towers was set in Torquay but I didn't know Basil back then.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2046 on: 06 December, 2019, 10:34:57 pm »
I'm pretty sure I'd been to a stag do in Torquay by 1997. But we probably just looked like 8 young blokes out for a drink.

Re: Little Eye On The Provinces
« Reply #2047 on: 06 December, 2019, 11:23:05 pm »

I was going to say I knew both lads who died as I went to school with them,  then I checked the dates & was recalling something over 30 years ago ...   Young blokes, booze & Newquay would seem to be a bad combination.
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