Author Topic: The Annual Mileage Log  (Read 37804 times)


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
The Annual Mileage Log
« on: 04 March, 2012, 08:56:07 pm »
I have miles from a previous life, but I didn't record them anywhere. I resumed proper cycling in March 2006 after a layoff of about 20 years and being diagnosed with arthritis.

If you want to copy my layout, please feel free.

YearMilesTime h:m:sAve Speed

Target for 2013: 7000 miles. Incidentally, passing 50,000 miles and 5000 hours' cycling.

Failed for several reasons: weather, illness and injury. The weather was too cold for Feb, Mar and Apr for me to enjoy solo rides; I had a couple of bouts which kept me off the bike; my mother-in-law's terminal illness took us up north, without bikes, quite a bit, and my daughter's injury gives us quite a bit of childcare-without-bikes to do.

I'm hoping to improve next year. Daughter still requires quite a bit of help, but I may be able to do childcare-on-a-bike with a bit of careful planning.

I will set a 2014 target of 5000 miles, which should be doable with a little more effort than 2013 year.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #1 on: 04 March, 2012, 09:18:02 pm »
YearMilesTime h:m:sAve Speed
Total to date29,096.48
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Chris S

Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #2 on: 05 March, 2012, 09:37:13 am »
YearDistance (km)Average (km/hr)

Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #3 on: 05 March, 2012, 10:06:21 am »
YearMilesTime h:m:sAve Speed

I lost the plot a bit in 2011 as I was working intense hours of the day and night and only cycling small distances.  I didn't bother logging them for a couple of months.


Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #4 on: 24 April, 2012, 06:32:28 pm »
Good thread. I've only got accurate data from 2009 onwards. Initially I used BikeJournal's average speed data, but when I calculated by hand the final row for totals I got an inconsistent result. So I calculated my own average speed column and found it to be lower then BikeJournal's which suggests they are using an incorrect method. 2011 had a number of factors which should have counted against, and was the first year I rode entirely on fixed, yet has the best average speed.

YearMilesTime h:m:sAve Speed

2014 was my lowest-milage year since 2009, and also my slowest.

Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #5 on: 19 June, 2012, 05:29:59 pm »
Year     Miles   Ave Speed
2010    2607    11.6
2011    2828    13.1


  • Tyke
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #6 on: 20 June, 2012, 10:22:28 am »
YearKilometresAve SpeedMax Speed

2007 is an incomplete year.  I got back on the bike in 2006, but didn't have a computer before.

The reducing average speed reflects the reducing percentage of km ridden alone on the commute.  My commute has changed to be more back roads, and alone for two thirds generally.  I am doing longer rides, and in larger groups.  There have also been more rides with TGL.

EDIT: Very few rides with TGL in 2012, but many more commutes in company.
Getting there...


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #7 on: 21 June, 2012, 08:42:58 am »
Are all those figures in miles, Clarion?

Far be it from someone of my stature to cast aspersions about your sylph-like physique, but I find your 2008 average speed perhaps a little on the high side.  :)
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Tyke
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #8 on: 21 June, 2012, 10:05:03 am »
Good point.  I used your format, but forgot you were born before The Enlightenment.  I live in a metric world* ;)

* Except for gears and frame sizing :-[
Getting there...


  • Андрій
  • Ερασιτεχνικός μισάνθρωπος
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #9 on: 21 June, 2012, 01:56:52 pm »
YearMilesTime h:m:sAve Speed

Not as good at record keeping as I thought I was.  2008 is definitely under-reported, and I know I cycled in 2009!  I am border-line obsessive about stats now, so will be interested in how things develop over the next few years.

ETA: 2012
;D  Andrij.  I pronounce you Complete and Utter GIT   :thumbsup:


  • still at it
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #10 on: 01 August, 2012, 11:46:50 am »
1989 5555; 1990 3372; 1991 2303; 1992 1094; 1993 1101; 1994 80; 1995 812; 1996 3287; 1997 3382; 1998 5206; 1999 6511; 2000 5325; 2001 4138; 2002 3283; 2003 6410; 2004 7106; 2005 2905; 2006 5030; 2007 2069; 2008 4388; 2009 6752; 2010 5667; 2011 7618.  Total recorded to date 93394 miles.  Going for the  100,000 this year as my target in retirement is also 12,000km per year which fits quite neatly with my big miles target.
Of course all this pales into insignificance alongside the record of our Tuesday rides leader---Harry "the Bike" Watson at age 84yr has now cycled a meticulously recorded, but unpublished, 680,000+ miles.  He can still complete 100mile rides and is an example to all of us. :thumbsup:
Organiser of  Tour of the Berwyns 200k and Panorama Prospect 130k; Saturday May 20 2023


Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #11 on: 15 December, 2012, 05:09:10 pm »
I took up cycling six and a half years ago after a heart attack - smoker/couch potato. I am now 64 and a half.
2012 is prematurely finished for me, as I am in the middle of an unpleasant sequence of operations on my nose after the removal of a BCC.
Every year except for 2011 has been interrupted by an operation or two - prostate/cataract/skin graft - each requiring several inactive weeks for recovery.
With a clear run (written in 2012  :( )I will try to do 5,000 miles next year and get past the million ft of climbing mark. Hopefully I'll be good to go by February.

2007/8 - 2021 miles.
2009   - 3710 miles. 13.6 mph average. 245,234 ft of climbing in 2007/8/9 combined
2010   - 3041 miles. 13.1 mph average. 152,690 ft of climbing.
2011   - 4524 miles. 13.3 mph average. 252,658 ft of climbing.
2012   - 4367 miles. 13.8 mph average. 236,362 ft of climbing.
2013   - 3592 miles. 13.0 mph average. 186,403 ft of climbing. New Top Speed Record - 53.0 mph.

Totals since heart attack - 21,264 miles and 1,073,347 ft of climbing.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #12 on: 15 December, 2012, 05:13:27 pm »
That's very impressive!
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Cycle:End-to-End webmaster
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Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #13 on: 16 December, 2012, 06:05:05 pm »
I hadn't recorded mileage since 2005 (when I did 7,300 miles ... including an E2E and lot of Audax rides) until 2012 ... another 250 or so before 31 December 2012 and I'll hit 4,000 miles ... which is a bit disappointing, although we did seem to miss quite a few club runs because of the weather early in the year and our week-long Boys' Outing seemed to have more beer than cycling ... 250   (miles that it is, not beers).

The meter will start again on 1 January 2013 with a 5 or 6,000 target ... have a bit more time now that I don't have to do any of that tiresome work stuff  :thumbsup:


Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #14 on: 17 December, 2012, 08:38:41 am »
For many years I rode fewer than 3000 miles a year.  I've picked up a bit in recent years and topped 5000 in each of the last 3 years.  2012 is going to be down a bit at about 4200.  I do not ride Audax or club rides or race, so this is all made up of a big lump in annual tour and the rest in short rides.

I do not keep records of average speed either.  Average speed in a 1500 mile camping tour would knock the annual average somewhat.  However, on my 45 pound weight hack machine (which gets used the most) when I needed to change the battery in the computer I looked at the average trip speed over the trip distance of 4000 mile.  I was surprised to see it was 15mph, but that machine usually does only 25 or 30 miles per outing so that explains why it is so high.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #15 on: 30 December, 2012, 11:01:00 pm »
Just a small reminder to people to update their logs at the end of tomorrow.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Mike Conway

  • Wheel builder and general bike rider
    • 23mm-wheels
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #16 on: 24 January, 2013, 09:24:01 pm »
Only started 'proper cycling' in about 2007, and a regular recording of mileage in 2011, so:

2011 - 15681.20 km at 26.01 km/h
2012 - 18118.60 km at 26.16 km/h

2011 - 9743 miles at 16.2 mph
2012 - 11258 miles at 16.4 mph


Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #17 on: 04 February, 2013, 12:17:08 am »
First ride since the aforementioned operations to reconstruct my nose:
4.6 slow, flat miles were enough for me today - legs felt like jelly after 10 weeks with no riding. This is going to be a hard first few weeks......... :)
Will I reach my target for 2013 of reaching 20,000 miles and 1 million ft of climbing in the years since my heart attack in 2007? It doesn't feel like it at the moment, but I am going to try. I need to do around 2.500 miles and 150,000 ft tto get there.

Here's hoping that I'm also fit enough for the Lydham (Long Mynd) short route audax........if it happens. Otherwise the Preseli Angel Sportive in May will be my first "event" of the year.


  • Only 6 SR,s No hyper yet
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #18 on: 07 April, 2013, 02:29:34 pm »
YEAR         MILES total       AVERAGE on recumbent only. AUDAXPOINTS
2009         7000 ap            na                                           31
2010         10424               15.97                                      69
2011         11046               15.76                                      90
2012         10330               16.32                                      30

This year will be less because of cold weather


  • Tattooed Beat Messiah
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #19 on: 22 June, 2013, 04:50:01 pm »
All this logging is that bleedin' Auntie Helen's fault ;)

Got back on the bike in 2006 at the age of 40 after 15 years of no exercise and carrying 4 stone too much weight.

Year      Miles        Time h:m:s   Ave Speed
2009   10011.20   729.23.29   13.73
2010   10192.74   703.49.09   14.48
2011   10480.13   711.40.11   14.69
2012   10801.74   730:07:43   14.79
2013     5017.90   336:06:41   14.93


Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #20 on: 12 July, 2013, 04:58:59 pm »
Just had the final (4th) operation to rebuild my nose after having skin cancer. Another couple of weeks off the bike  >:( and then I am set to build on the 2081 miles and 101,000 feet of climbing that I have managed since the first three ops, which I had around Christmas.

Update 13/8/13: I'm very pleased with myself. In the last week I passed my two targets - a million feet of climbing and 20,000 miles since my heart attack. :)

Update 20/9/13: Final all clear today.  :)


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #21 on: 02 October, 2013, 10:53:28 pm »
Congratulations AAO! Let's hope you can put in a few miles to do justice to 2013.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #22 on: 03 October, 2013, 10:03:53 pm »
Well done AAO!

FWIW, I started logging miles in 2002 when I restarted seriously commuting to work. Not the speediest - I put that down to the meters climbed, old age and general decrepitude... :P  ;)
I started cycling at University in the mid 70's but kept no log.

Year     km        m climbed      hrs       avg kph
2002     2361   33154      
2003     6455   90644      
2004     9154   128545      
2005   10889   152909      
2006     9431   132435      
2007   10513   159064            444   23.7
2008   10069   141725            412   24.4
2009     9518   134228            412   23.1
2010     9953   150717            435   22.9
2011   10345   157164            447   23.1
2012     9728   147589            434   22.4
2013     8760   125908            395   22.2  (to date)

Hiccups along the way: 2009 - 3 months off for broken leg. 2012 - 6 weeks off for a knackered back.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #23 on: 07 October, 2013, 04:40:58 pm »
Yesterday I passed 500 hours' cycling this year.

So far today I have completed 1h 2s on the.

This evening's ride to and from my Pilates lass will take me past 5000 hours on the bike since resuming cycling in 2006.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: The Annual Mileage Log
« Reply #24 on: 31 December, 2013, 04:31:12 pm »
I've just put my 2013 miles on. I won't be going out again now. The weather's crap and I feel the same way.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.