Author Topic: Base training  (Read 282999 times)


  • ACME (Herts Branch)
Re: Base training
« Reply #2200 on: 24 March, 2021, 02:59:31 pm »
Has anyone had a chance to have a look at the new polarised training plans in TrainerRoad (sorry if this has already been discussed)? You have to enable access to them, as they're beta at the moment, rather than fully released, but once you have access, it seems you can use them in the same way as any other plan. Seems there's a 6 week base and an 8 week build at low, medium and high volumes.

To enable access, you need to check a box in Account -> Profile -> Early Access

Re: Base training
« Reply #2201 on: 24 March, 2021, 03:45:29 pm »
Has anyone had a chance to have a look at the new polarised training plans in TrainerRoad (sorry if this has already been discussed)? You have to enable access to them, as they're beta at the moment, rather than fully released, but once you have access, it seems you can use them in the same way as any other plan. Seems there's a 6 week base and an 8 week build at low, medium and high volumes.

To enable access, you need to check a box in Account -> Profile -> Early Access

As you described.  Anything specific you want to know?

Looking at the 2 mid-volume plans - they differ from SSB and SPB plans in that there are only 4 rides per week (nothing on Wednesday).  Threshold workouts on Tuesday and Saturday and a long (2-3hr) Z1 on Sunday (which I presume most will swap for a road ride and "adaptive training"®  will take account of this). Very little VO2. Total hours per week under 6.5 for both 6 and 8 week mid-volume plans.

Although in theory they may suit audax/distance cyclists, I think I'll stick with the pyramidal plans for the time.  I'm half way through SPB mid volume and it's going well - FTP up to 260 from 220 a few months ago and nailing all workouts including the ones I struggled with in the past at a lower FTP.  Something is working!

My other thought is if I'm going to do a road workout on (e.g.) Sunday, do I really want to stick to Z1 for the whole ride?  Not much fun in that, and I can't really imagine dawdling up hills for the sake of it.

EDIT:  TR have changed the polarised plans overnight.  On both 6 & 8 week plans, regular VO2max sessions have now replaced the threshold ones on Tuesdays.

The sound of one pannier flapping


  • ACME (Herts Branch)
Re: Base training
« Reply #2202 on: 24 March, 2021, 04:56:49 pm »
As you described.  Anything specific you want to know?

Sorry should have been more specific, I just wanted to see what people's thoughts were on the new plans. I'm considering trying the low volume versions as an alternative to the SSB / Sustained Power Build plans, but am maybe a little concerned that there's not enough time spent at endurance in the low volume plans to be more effective than sweet spot. I will swap the 'long' ride out for something with similar intensity, but longer duration when time permits - it's definitely easier for me to train only 3 times a week, but for longer.

My goals are long distance events / Audax (as well as maintaining general fitness), and I'm basically looking for the best fit plan for this which only involves me getting on the turbo 3 times a week.

Re: Base training
« Reply #2203 on: 01 March, 2022, 08:23:54 am »
Back on the horse, and remembering how bloody hard it is!
First TR ride since 31 May 2020 - Ramp test (I could have skipped it, but don't think I have done enough riding recently to give their tool a chance to guess my FTP).
Could have gone another 30 seconds at the risk of throwing up, so cut it where it is. 204W isn't bad for off the couch. My legs didn't hurt much at all, so I guess they are better than my cardio system.

Will have to see how adaptive training works with my plan.  It generated a strange plan mixing SSB and Build (I think because my A is set to the start of December).

Re: Base training
« Reply #2204 on: 07 March, 2022, 02:10:17 pm »
I did a trainer ride on Thursday, and my hip started hurting, so I quit after 45 minutes or so.
Sunday I went outside and tried to do an under/over ride. That was a waste of time, because the wind and gradients make such a difference to whether you are doing 190 or 210 (well, more like 150 or 280!)

So on 2 Sundays in a row, I've done 1.25 hour rides with an np of over my FTP.  That probably says something, both about my FTP and also possibly about my turbo. It's a wheel-on smart trainer, and it's noticeably staccato, which makes it more work than riding outside (I guess it doesn't have that big a flywheel). Is that still a thing with the wheel-off trainers?

Re: Base training
« Reply #2205 on: 07 March, 2022, 02:51:58 pm »
What trainer are you using?  My Kickr has a decent size flywheel and there's no stuttering - it's just a permanent drag  ;D  Good that you're back at it though  :thumbsup:

Since you sending me a trial code I've been doing TR on and off for 2 years now.  At the moment I've just finished 3 months of base training and have started a medium volume build phase (aimed at gran fondo).  A lot of VO2 Max stuff which surprisingly I'm able to handle, but a a couple of threshold sessions I just couldn't finish.  If I bail early I make up the time with an endurance ride tagged on.

The adaptive training thing seems to work well.  After every session it estimates if your plan could/should be amended based on your performance and feedback.  You can chose to accept or reject the suggested modifications.

As you say, no need for ramp tests every few weeks any more (once you've done 2 weeks of workouts anyway).  I tried the auto-detection last week then did a ramp test anyway to compare.  They were within 1 watt of each other!
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Base training
« Reply #2206 on: 07 March, 2022, 07:21:27 pm »
I'm using a Tacx Bushido Smart. I definitely need to inflate the tyre more, but I don't know if that will be sufficient to stop feeling like it's a bit push push push...

Re: Base training
« Reply #2207 on: 07 March, 2022, 07:24:27 pm »
I have the Bushido Smart (the one that doesn’t need plugging in).  Do you use it in ERG or slope mode? I find it much smoother in slope mode and you don’t get that spiral of death if your cadence drops too much.  Do you also calibrate it when you put the bike on it? 

Re: Base training
« Reply #2208 on: 08 March, 2022, 07:26:16 pm »
I run it in erg mode and powermatch with my P1 Pedals, so I calibrate the pedals not the trainer.
I pumped up the back tyre before riding this morning, and that made things a lot better. I think it was flexing too much.

Re: Base training
« Reply #2209 on: 12 April, 2022, 08:32:23 am »
After SSB1 I got a nice FTP bump from 204 to 219 on the AI FTP Detection. :)
It's scheduled me into Short Power build now, so lots of VO2 Max intervals at the new FTP.  :-\

Re: Base training
« Reply #2210 on: 12 April, 2022, 02:04:26 pm »
That was loads better than I was expecting. :) I guess VO2 probably suits the way I ride outdoors better than the low variability of sweetspot (might also suit my "athletic" background better too).
Watch me eat my words in a few weeks! ;)

Re: Base training
« Reply #2211 on: 12 April, 2022, 02:12:28 pm »
Yes.  I'm happier with VO2 than threshold or over-under workouts.  Limiting the pain at 5-6 minutes per interval, even if at a higher intensity, is psychologically more manageable for me. My road rides include a fair amount of Z3&4 stuff mixed in anyway.
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Base training
« Reply #2212 on: 17 November, 2022, 12:07:57 pm »
My training has been utterly mixed up, and after injury I did a number of boring endurance rides. Today I did a VO2, which was fine, got off and said "I missed VO2 workouts". And now I've come here, to discover I said the same thing in April!
(Coincidentally my FTP is back down to 219 as well - it got to 239 in the summer before I tweaked my hip)

Re: Base training
« Reply #2213 on: 02 January, 2023, 03:07:17 pm »
Are people still TrainerRoad'ing here?  I stopped in the summer and have been using Rouvy instead for the past couple of months.  It's not structured training but it's more fun than TR and I still get some decent workouts.

Debating whether to restart TR.  After a solid 6 months of medium volume plans last winter/spring my FTP rose, but when I started endurance events I found this actually didn't make much difference to times, particularly after the first 50 miles or so, when comparing to the same events in previous years.
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Base training
« Reply #2214 on: 05 January, 2023, 08:06:24 am »
If my hip works then I use TR, but because that's been an issue for quite some time and flares up for unknown reasons, I find it hard to get motivated to put in the work. I like the adaptive training stuff though, so assuming I can cycle I'll continue using TR.


  • ACME (Herts Branch)
Re: Base training
« Reply #2215 on: 05 January, 2023, 09:03:28 am »
Also still using TR and enjoying it (in as much as you can enjoy suffering - it's a means to an end). Did my first ramp test for some time, and unsurprisingly am way down on where I was in September after several viruses and Christmas excesses, but feel much better now it's out the way and I can hopefully start moving the needle in the right direction.

Am interested to see how well their new AI FTP detection feature works.

Re: Base training
« Reply #2216 on: 05 January, 2023, 03:04:04 pm »
I have had a Zwift and trainerroad subscription for many years, probably 10+.  When i felt good I would use the turbo and also on bad winters would do 100+mile rides.  However I have little moral fibre and was prone to getting off on a bad day rather than pushing through or dialling back and achieving.  My netflix subscription was mainly started to give me something to watch while training.

Anyway my wife decided to start running, developed knee pain and has early OA.  But she can ride a bike.  however we do not have room for 2 turbos and frankly she would not cope with the glitchiness of Zwift sometimes not reconnecting and certainly not with having to start up a computer/appletv,etc for Zwift and another for netflix.  She is well known for turning on a BSOD simply by touching the computer!

So after some research I bought a Peloton +bike.  One week later I sold my turbo, and attached frame and cancelled my Zwift and trainerroad subscriptions.

There are superb training programs built in and an active group sharing training programs.  The trainers are motivating and some (Christine D'Ercole) of a very high standard of cycling.

I am amazed at how frequently the comments about continiuing come at EXACTLY the point I am finding it difficult.  All rides have formal warmup sessions and then a cool down with further cool down and stretch options.

We both have individual accounts on the bike for one monthly fee and access to all the stretch and strength classes on the floor.

changing position from my wife's settings to mine takes about 30 seconds and the software is superb.

Monthly cost is neutral or a slight saving and the initial cost is no more  than a wattbike or wahoo bike without all the extras.

To my very great surprise I have turned into a complete peloton fanboy and my wife has done more exercise with more pleasure in the last 3 months than ever before and is now planning a formal structured training program!

Re: Base training
« Reply #2217 on: 05 January, 2023, 04:37:12 pm »
I’ve been using Athletica AI, which works great where you mix indoor and outdoors and not just indoor focused. Works with heart rate, power, or both.

Re: Base training
« Reply #2218 on: 09 September, 2023, 09:10:03 am »
Some thoughts from Jumbo Visma head of performance Mathieu Heijboer