Bit soft, I think. Good for light stuff & being left sitting outside on the allotment. Well, as long as there are no thieving scrotes around . . .
My 30 year old surprisingly-cheap-forgotten-the-brand-from-Homebase fork has never complained about anything I've done to it*, but the handle somehow managed to get woodworm. Killed it as soon as saw it, but some years later the handle broke - & the internal holes told me why. Replacing a handle is a right bugger, but I really, really, don't trust cheap forks, & do I want to leave a solid & expensive one on the allotment?
*I bent another one, & broke a tine off a third. And I have a thin-tined old one for light stuff**. I want something fairly tough.
**None of these was paid for. Neighbour moving house & taking his gardening business with him was buying more upmarket tools (he was doing well) & gave away his old ones. The last was one of a bunch of tools left outside a just-sold house, labelled "Help yourself".