I have an unused bed in a lower tier of my garden. Taken me a while to reclaim it, but it is now bramble free and has had a few bags of farmyard manure dug in back in July.
He site is walled on three sides and the potential espalier wall faces due east. So warms up (for west Wales values of 'warms up') early, and then remains warmish due to reflection from opposite wall only 5 metres away.
I've always thought I'd like to plant a couple of espaliers there, but I'm not sure what I want.
Apples is obvious, but I'm not actually that keen. I have thought about maybe one pear and a plum. Probably something unadventurous like Victoria plum, which I rather like.
I realise that now is the time I need to be getting on with it, so,. Any thoughts?