You lot might enjoy this Twitter account:, here's a 'mere' 16%, with added roundabout!
et avec John, excellent lecteur de road-book, on s'en est sortis sans erreur
At Wellow, near Bath. More like 14%I think this must be the result of a dodgy phone line between the Somerset County Council and the road sign depot people. CC: Can you do us a fourteen percent sign, please?SP: Forty percent? OK,
Kim, you are very bad!
The design of the sign is bugging me...
The first had struck me too. I presume the 17% refers to a steep bit later on, and as Aushiker "rode all but 50 metres of the climb" there must have been at least 50 metres that was steep.
The Horseshoe Pass, Llangollen. We were all convinced that this was wildly optimistic - 10% or at a pinch 12% would be closer to the mark.
Hawnby, North Yorks Moors.I'm sure they had a surplus of these signs when they were putting them up around t'Moors, but this one I believe.