Author Topic: Broad bean tips tip  (Read 2674 times)


Broad bean tips tip
« on: 26 April, 2008, 11:56:17 am »
My beans are now about three feet high (he boasted) and the tips need to be pinched out to limit the black fly infestation.

I was reading in Jamie Oliver's 'jamie at home' that the growing tips taste delicious eaten raw, they do indeed.  I ate quite a few yesterday and made sure I woke up before posting this recommendation.

They would be great for salads and stuff; for those that haven't tried them, they taste mildly of broad beans and when cooked, apparently, have the texture of spinach.

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #1 on: 13 May, 2008, 09:26:48 am »
A weak solution of washing-up liquid used as a spray controls black fly.

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #2 on: 13 May, 2008, 10:48:16 am »
Oh, I wish I'd known about this when I was pinching ours out a few weeks ago. The tips smelled fantastic, but I just chucked them straight in the compost bin. Next year....

We've pinched ours out very early this year, in a final attempt to defeat the blackfly, and the ants that are farming them. So far it's working, I think.

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #3 on: 13 May, 2008, 01:07:53 pm »
I was about to say exactly what you just said, Marna :)

(Marna's allotment & my allotment are the same allotment.)

I think we'll get one more harvest of the broad beans before the aphids/ants take over.  Maybe two, if we're very lucky.  Do you think it's worth trying the washing-up liquid spray?  I'd normally say no (short-term solution etc etc) but tbh at this point I'm up for a short-term solution.

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #4 on: 13 May, 2008, 01:19:58 pm »
I think we'll get one more harvest of the broad beans before the aphids/ants take over.  Maybe two, if we're very lucky.  Do you think it's worth trying the washing-up liquid spray?  I'd normally say no (short-term solution etc etc) but tbh at this point I'm up for a short-term solution.

Worth a go, I reckon. If we have concluded that it's a race between us (or the beans, really) and the blackfly, then slowing the blackfly down is sensible.  I'll spritz them at the weekend. Are you heading down to water tomorrow?

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #5 on: 13 May, 2008, 01:22:43 pm »
Do you think it's worth trying the washing-up liquid spray?

It's not a preventative, it'll only kill what's already there. Also it doesn't remove the blackfly, they remain in situ as an initially sticky black mess. But they are no longer attacking the plants, and it's far less toxic than most insecticides.

Re: Broad bean tips tip
« Reply #6 on: 13 May, 2008, 01:42:34 pm »
There's already plenty of the buggers there, sadly - and the ants have moved in as well, so population is only going to increase.  If we can keep the beans going for another fortnight I'll reckon we've done well - the last 2 years, the whole lot wound up dead :(

Marna: yes, will water tomorrow & prob do some harvesting of things for doop's & my dinner :)