Author Topic: Route planning with Ridewithgps - how many points are allowed in free version?  (Read 2149 times)

As the title says, when using the free formula of inscription how many tracking points are you allowed? I can't find this on the website and I don't particularly want to waste my time signing up only to find that it doesn't do any better than Openrunner.

The reason I ask is that I am doing a 100km route for the club and as often happens I have come to the limit of 25 waypoints before finishing the route, this time after 85kms (but using a length of cyclepath with multiple access points I have run out after less than 10kms due to having to use multiple points in order to stay on the path and not get routed back onto the parallel road - doing 30kms of path like this is damn tiring!) The obvious work-round is to pay up and get 250 points but I am looking to avoid this if I can - problem being that Openrunner has an algorithm that diverts you onto roads you wouldn't want to use (and not very direct either) unless you end up using up three or four points where one should have done.

Now going back to efface my track bit by bit to find how I can economise on points. Any information on RWGPS or other such tools would be gratefully received.

I'm a free user of RWGPS and have never seen anything regarding a limit on the no. of trackpoints when planning a route. I've planned a single route of 1400km without any problem so think you'll be alright.

I'm a free user of RWGPS and have never seen anything regarding a limit on the no. of trackpoints when planning a route. I've planned a single route of 1400km without any problem so think you'll be alright.

Thank you that's exactly what I was hoping to hear :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Cheers Jo

RWGPS is excellent in my opinion. Chucking them a few quid for a month’s subscription as and when I need it is a happy expense. As an alternative to your planning challenges, have you tried manually plotting straight lines instead, or switching to walking mode? They usually do the trick for me when I have similar issues or the maps aren’t quite reflective of reality. Happy routing.