Author Topic: Bike shops in Portugal - please share your knowledge!  (Read 830 times)

Pedal Portugal

  • Pedal Portugal is run by Huw Thomas
    • Pedal Portugal
Bike shops in Portugal - please share your knowledge!
« on: 04 April, 2016, 10:24:27 am »
Morning all,

I'm trying to expand my database of bike shops in Portugal for the website. This is a free resource for touring/visiting cyclists and I'm on a permanent mission to add useful information.

Nowhere else seems to have a 'master list' any longer. (A Portuguese site called Free Ride used to have one but appear to have taken it down).

I've got quite a lot of shops listed in the Algarve but also a lot of blank spaces on the map for other parts of Portugal - see

If you've ever used a bike shop in Portugal any details you can give would be welcomed.

Thanks, Huw