Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => PBP => Topic started by: markldn on 08 June, 2019, 04:37:54 pm

Title: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 08 June, 2019, 04:37:54 pm
I am currently in the hospital having fractured a bone in my foot. They’ve casted it. 2-3 weeks before possibly getting the cast off and a boot on. What is my last possible chance to complete a 600? Can anyone help by linking me the equivalent audax calendars for outside UK? Don’t think I stand (pun) any chance of completing a UK 600 BRM.

Thanks  :'(
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: The French Tandem on 08 June, 2019, 04:48:13 pm
Everything on offer in France is here :

Get well soon, and good luck!
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 08 June, 2019, 05:00:00 pm
Go to
From the dropdown menu, click Organisations then BRM France or BRM Worldwide to find every BRM in the world.

I think the last qualifying 600s worldwide are the same weekend as in the UK, about the 22nd of June.

There are some folk who've ridden brevets with a broken foot/ ankle on a flat pedal, provided their cast allowed enough knee bend. Doing a 600 in that manner would be impressive. I think Barry Parslow did that during a long brevet (Trafalgar-Trafalgar?) back in the day and I did plenty of sub-100km rides like that. The Fenland Friends would be flat enough to allow that, particularly on a tandem, assuming mostly benign conditions.

Famously, last century one USAian rode his qualifying 200 on a fixed wheel with his left crank removed. His left leg was in a full length cast and propped on a downtube support. It was a flat route that he rode but even so, that shows some determination.

A tip from someone who had a lower leg cast on for months after leaving hospital. A fibreglass cast with goretex liner (rather than cotton wool) allows sweat, rain and bathwater to dry out, though it takes a few hours. The goretex lining is expensive but worth it. When they cut the cast off, the goretex liner doesn't insulate the skin from the cutting tool like cotton wool does (stings and can leave a scar).

Talk to a good sports physio, preferably somebody who deals with elite athletes.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: Wycombewheeler on 08 June, 2019, 05:02:41 pm
according to the plaquette on the PBP website the qualifying window in France extends to 30th June.

Looking at the list of qualifying brevets in the registration section, there is only one on the 29th of June.

I'm surprised it;s possible to ride so late and get the homogulation number back in time to complete registration on 3rd of July

Belgium also has a 600km scheduled on the 29th

it can't be possible to do anything later than that.  2-3 weeks from now is 22nd to 29th of June, thinks look bleak indeed, sad to hear that.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: FifeingEejit on 08 June, 2019, 05:12:46 pm
Bugger... Time to loan a hand cycle?

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 08 June, 2019, 05:16:04 pm
No. Only three para-folk have ever qualified for PBP on handcycles and only one of them finished. It would be impossible for an 'untrained handcyclist' to finish a UK 600.

It turns out that there are 600s the last weekend in June from Sweden to Spain. One of them must be flat enough to get round on a solo with a lower leg cast/ boot.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: Wycombewheeler on 08 June, 2019, 05:41:17 pm
5 in sweden
1 in belgium
1 in spain
1 in texas could be flat, although that's an expensive trip
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 09 June, 2019, 04:56:27 pm
Thank you all for the kind support, tips and inspiration! I never thought of Fenland Friends - that is a great idea to make things easier. Will rest up, eat well and hopefully hopefully maybe can make this happen.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 09 June, 2019, 05:28:23 pm
Also... is anyone up for tackling Fenland on a Tandem with me on the back?? :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 10 June, 2019, 06:26:49 am
If I weren't signed up for a Summer Arrow (can't let the others on the team down), I'd have taken you round. Mind you, our audax tandem can only fit short stokers anyway. We've no idea how tall/ big you are.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 10 June, 2019, 08:18:57 pm
A true gent! I appreciate the thought though!

Possibly too tall.

I am 6’0” and 80kg if there were any other takers...
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 10 June, 2019, 11:29:40 pm
There aren't many folk able to pilot a big bloke around a 600 at short notice.

You should plan on riding a solo for the Fenland 600, if the doc or physio thinks you won't do permanent damage by riding. Work out if you can get enough knee bend and if not, either trim the cast/ boot or fit short cranks (and lift the saddle to suit). You'll need to use the most comfortable saddle and shorts you own and will want some way of coping with/ protecting from abrasion, particularly from the edge of the cast/ boot. I still have scars from a long-term cast rubbing on my leg while pedalling. Find some folk travelling at the same speed as you, particularly into the wind.

It may well be a slow, painful ride but it's not an impossible ride. I hope the cards fall in your favour.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: iddu on 11 June, 2019, 12:07:05 am
Darksider loan with a leg support (e.g )?

Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 11 June, 2019, 06:31:13 am
Maybe, if you can find a bike/ trike and you are powerful enough to do so. I've tried one-legging for short spins on an upright and it is tough. A lack of 'recumbent legs' would make it even harder.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 11 June, 2019, 10:06:18 pm
Nice idea iddu but that is a tall order to learn to ride at such short notice! (So many potential puns in there).

Thanks LWB - definitely have an elite athlete orthopaedic clinic I am going to book an appt with asap (Fortius if anyone’s interested).  Cast is definitely short enough to allow knee bend. All good points on saddle and shorts - cambium or leather brooks will do me. And I myself still have scars from a bad set of wellies at Glastonbury - cast doesnt feel like it would be a problem but maybe a little Vaseline around the top . Worried about how the cast will feel hitting the pedals - if it can be done at all resting it on a flat peddle - but will experiment in the hallway.

Fingers crossed appt goes well.

It is a zone 1 5th metatarsal fracture btw for any physicians out there. Have done some googling and seems the best of a bad bunch.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 11 June, 2019, 10:19:28 pm
I was thinking more along the lines of sticking plaster but whatever works for you. Getting Vaseline out of the lining of a cast afterwards might be a bit difficult.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: Phil W on 11 June, 2019, 10:24:38 pm
It will be interesting to see how many turn up for the Fenlands and how many are after a last ditch 600 qualifier.  You will need to have paid the balance of PBP before you ride Fenlands. It's extra incentive not to throw that money away by not finishing.  See you at the start, I'll be turning to the dark side for this one. I'm planning a slowish start then turn it up as it flattens out.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 11 June, 2019, 11:16:09 pm
I was thinking more along the lines of sticking plaster but whatever works for you. Getting Vaseline out of the lining of a cast afterwards might be a bit difficult.

A much smarter solution. Touché.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 11 June, 2019, 11:18:52 pm
You will need to have paid the balance of PBP before you ride Fenlands. It's extra incentive not to throw that money away by not finishing.

Jesus how do I not know this. Thanks for the heads up. What’s the deadline?

Also... need something like this but that bends at the knee, attaches to a crank, and meant for cycling with untimely injuries!
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 11 June, 2019, 11:26:18 pm for crank options. Also PM handcyclist on here, who is Highpath Engineering. for PBP registration deadlines.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: Phil W on 11 June, 2019, 11:33:42 pm
You will need to have paid the balance of PBP before you ride Fenlands. It's extra incentive not to throw that money away by not finishing.

Jesus how do I not know this. Thanks for the heads up. What’s the deadline?

Needs to be paid by June 20th; confirmed in an email response when I asked the question directly.


You have to pay your registration, even with only 3 BRM, not later than the 20th of June.


Thierry Rivet"
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 11 June, 2019, 11:40:14 pm for crank options. Also PM handcyclist on here, who is Highpath Engineering.

Wow tysvm. Going to message him tomorrow. for PBP registration deadlines.

Jesus they make it complicated :o Thank you!
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 16 June, 2019, 05:42:55 pm
So some good news. Visited the foot specialist on Wednesday and he immediately cut off the cast and prescribed me a removable boot. We discussed my ambitions of riding Fenland Friends and after looking at the new x-rays he had some hope that I could ride. Will be going for another check up on Thursday for the all clear and have ordered a lace up ankle brace at his suggestion to wear with the cleat. The good news is that the muscle which attaches to the 5th metatarsal, and that which pulled so hard on it when I lost my balance it caused it to fracture, is not used for cycling.

Let’s see how this week goes.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: Wycombewheeler on 16 June, 2019, 08:08:15 pm
So some good news. Visited the foot specialist on Wednesday and he immediately cut off the cast and prescribed me a removable boot. We discussed my ambitions of riding Fenland Friends and after looking at the new x-rays he had some hope that I could ride. Will be going for another check up on Thursday for the all clear and have ordered a lace up ankle brace at his suggestion to wear with the cleat. The good news is that the muscle which attaches to the 5th metatarsal, and that which pulled so hard on it when I lost my balance it caused it to fracture, is not used for cycling.

Let’s see how this week goes.

Glad to hear it.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 16 June, 2019, 10:10:09 pm
Sounds like you have a decent chance of getting round then. Good stuff.
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: ramchip on 02 July, 2019, 05:18:48 pm
Did he make it?
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: psyclist on 02 July, 2019, 05:40:20 pm
Did he make it?

Yes. He posted a few details on the Fenland Friends thread, (
Title: Re: Last chance to qualify a 600 non-UK? eg France or Netherlands
Post by: markldn on 29 July, 2019, 05:41:59 pm
Did he make it?
