Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Health & Fitness => Topic started by: sam on 25 January, 2024, 03:17:03 am

Title: Something in my eye
Post by: sam on 25 January, 2024, 03:17:03 am
Posterior vitreous detachment. Spot the floater:

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Title: Re: Something in my eye
Post by: DuncanM on 29 January, 2024, 09:31:00 am
My wife has this in both eyes. She was told that it's something to be checked out when it occurs, because it can come alongside a retinal detatchment, but once it's been checked and deemed OK it's just a matter of letting your brain get used to it. Good luck.
Title: Re: Something in my eye
Post by: T42 on 29 January, 2024, 10:04:23 am
Yeah, had this, sign of encroaching decrepitude.  As it progresses you may see something like a yellow rope strung across your visual field. Don't let it worry you (unless there's a wee man walking on it with a balancing pole), it'll go away in time. Probably. Possibly. Mine did.
Title: Re: Something in my eye
Post by: rafletcher on 29 January, 2024, 01:53:20 pm
Mainly afficts short sighted people as they age and the vitreous humour shrinks. I've had it in both eyes. One, no real issues, the other not so hot - retinal tear and disrution to the macular. Steroids dont seem to have helped, neither drops or injections. Abot time I chased the Opthalmology bods up to see what they have to say.
Title: Re: Something in my eye
Post by: sam on 03 February, 2024, 08:37:32 pm
it'll go away in time. Probably. Possibly.

Currently in the "a bit bored with you now, but I can still see you" phase. I look forward to the wetware update.

it's just a matter of letting your brain get used to it.

Amazing how the brain can get used to almost anything. Optometrist's view of my right eye:


retinal tear

Went back the other day for a closer look to make sure it was nothing more than a garden variety PVD. Fortunately there was long term parking at the head of The Cuckoo Trail ( to give my pupil time to undilate.
