Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Rides and Touring => Topic started by: Wobbly John on 04 September, 2009, 11:10:55 pm

Title: Skyride London
Post by: Wobbly John on 04 September, 2009, 11:10:55 pm
Who is doing the London Skyride ( this year?

Are we going to meet up in St James' park again?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Jules on 04 September, 2009, 11:28:59 pm
Who is doing the London Skyride ( this year?

Are we going to meet up in St James' park again?

I'm supposed to be marshalling. The YACF camping weekend is tempting me though.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Gandalf on 05 September, 2009, 08:38:27 am
I signed up a while back.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 05 September, 2009, 10:50:42 am
I have train tickets so I'm coming.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 06 September, 2009, 11:20:37 pm
The VCC are at Brooklands again on that day. If the weather is as nice as last year, I'm tempted to go down to Brooklands in the morning to take pictures, then come up to St. James park in the afternoon.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 07 September, 2009, 09:29:41 am
Oh bum.  I was hoping we might be able to do the Brooklands Run again.  But we're commited to the camping weekend.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wowbagger on 07 September, 2009, 09:38:20 am
I'm going camping.

Given the name-change, I probably would have given it a miss anyway. I don't really want to be associated with anything to do with Murdoch.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 07 September, 2009, 09:42:18 am
Ditto.  We went to the first Freewheel (the Hovis one), and last year's, which made a nice 25 mile ride for Superstoker, as well as a relaxed meet with folk.  But I don't really want to be associated with Murdoch, and i have my reservations about this sort of event anyway.  However, I hope all that do go have a really good time. :)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 08 September, 2009, 02:59:53 pm
Ditto.  We went to the first Freewheel (the Hovis one), and last year's, which made a nice 25 mile ride for Superstoker, as well as a relaxed meet with folk.  But I don't really want to be associated with Murdoch, and i have my reservations about this sort of event anyway.  However, I hope all that do go have a really good time. :)

I think that there are several people who have got reservations about Skyride, judging by this missive from LCC's CE :

Dear colleagues,


The Mayor of London’s Skyride and the spirit of Freewheel


I have sensed unease with what some feel is the take-over and corporatisation of Freewheel. Since the idea of Freewheel came from within the LCC family and since we have put so much into making it a success, it may feel that the spirit of ‘our’ event is being spoiled.


I lay out our position below. Whatever we feel about Sky as a brand, do take comfort that nothing can undermine the powerfully subversive effect of giving Londoners an experience of riding their bikes on car-free streets. Car-free streets communicates en masse to tens of thousands of Londoners what LCC is about – better than anything we could possibly organise ourselves


This is our position:


    1. London Freewheel needed a sponsor to keep it going. As an organisation we would be entitled to object (and perhaps disengage) if a sponsor came forward with aims that directly undermined LCC’s charitable objectives, but Sky are investing millions in cycling (global media oligopoly is not yet one of our charitable remits). Our long term recommendation and lobbying has been to create a charitable trust similar to the London Marathon, but until such time GLA will always rely on commercial support.

    2. We have fought long and hard to prevent Sky overwhelming what is an essentially London - and public event. We have repeatedly expressed concern at the risk of the ‘selling down the river’ of the Freewheel spirit and brand. I think that the GLA know that they got this wrong. Public money is still the majority contributor to Skyride’s costs and yet Sky and British Cycling are only too happy to portray themselves as organisers: well, wouldn’t you if you could get away with it?

    3. We still see Skyride as delivering the Freewheel car-free experience to Londoners. Our job is to lever this. It is important that we take part and encourage others to take part – they will get that critical experience of car-free (cycle friendly) streets.

    4. We will be at Skyride campaigning and raising our profile. We will be pushing our Cycle Highways manifesto and swamping the ride with LCC flags and other materials. The led rides are our part of the event. We need our groups to make our presence felt. We need to rise to the challenge and contrast our consistency with that of a possibly capricious sponsor like Sky. We need to reclaim the event for the London cyclist!

    5. We will continue to lobby for our role in the ride to be ‘officially’ recognised. So we will be pushing for co-branding on posters, banners etc.


Sky are investing millions in cycling – which is not a bad thing. And, as I say, it will take more than logos and a name change to smother the car-free experience.


Koy Thomson

I'm also marshalling and leading a feeder ride to the start  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hellymedic on 08 September, 2009, 08:43:03 pm
David and I will be in Paris.
I registered for the Skyride ages ago but have had very litte information from  the organisers, in contrast to previous years.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Julian on 08 September, 2009, 08:57:32 pm
One of my colleagues is doing it.  She's a runner and probably fitter than I am, but hasn't ridden her bike for ages and seems a tad nervous about riding a bike on real roads.  If something like this gets people on bikes, I don't care if Al-Gaddaffi's leading the bloody thing. 
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: TimO on 08 September, 2009, 11:01:03 pm
I've marshalled on it for the first couple of years, so I think I've done my bit for them.  This year I'm skiving off and doing the YACF Camping weekend instead.

Last years didn't seem to be as well done as the previous year, hopefully they'll improve stuff this year, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

I can't say I'm a big fan of Sky's increased involvement either.  At least Hovis (back in 2007) sounded somewhat more wholesome, even it is just a brand name of Premier Foods (I'm not sure how evil they are considered compared to other large companies!)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wowbagger on 08 September, 2009, 11:11:44 pm
One of my colleagues is doing it.  She's a runner and probably fitter than I am, but hasn't ridden her bike for ages and seems a tad nervous about riding a bike on real roads.  If something like this gets people on bikes, I don't care if Al-Gaddaffi's leading the bloody thing. 

If that were the case I'd be there like a shot.  :P
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 13 September, 2009, 04:14:18 pm
Yup. The hatlers will be there.

We hummed and hahed long and hard about whether mini should do this on his own bike or on the trailer-bike.

Certainly trailer bikes are less worry for the grown ups and he doesn't seem to be too bothered by it, so look out for two Orange MTB / Adams Trailer bike combos.

We'll most likely shoot round the cicuit early and then head into the park near the bandstand. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anyone in a yacf top.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Adam on 13 September, 2009, 05:25:22 pm
I'll be coming along, and bringing my daughter.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 15 September, 2009, 09:11:51 pm
This is going to be huge!


British Cycling / Skyride / London / The Mayor of London's Skyride – 20th September (

There are 40 !!! led rides to get people into the traffic-free route. And I think there aren't any intersections with motor vehicles - which spolied the Manchester Skyride IMHO.

I hope we have a bike jam. I'm going to bring sandwiches.

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: JT on 15 September, 2009, 09:49:42 pm
Mrs JT and I will be there on our Bombis.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wendy on 15 September, 2009, 09:50:55 pm
I should be there with the BM family.  Hope to see you all!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: StuAff on 15 September, 2009, 11:21:25 pm
Yup, giving the Viner its first London run.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Gattopardo on 15 September, 2009, 11:51:59 pm
Well signed up now.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: TimO on 16 September, 2009, 12:15:26 am
Interesting, they've obviously changed things around a bit.

For the last couple of years they had feeder rides to places like Clapham Common, and then just fed people onwards to the central route with a more heavily signposted and marshalled non-traffic-free bit into the traffic free section.

It looks like they've abandoned this model in favour of the much more central Zone 2-ish "Pit Stops".  Presumably this is why they've got the increased number of feeder rides from the outskirts, although I suspect this means either they'll need a lot more volunteers for these rides, or more likely they'll only be one or two rides for each location.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 16 September, 2009, 10:41:08 am
I want to do this, it's usually a nice atmosphere. Just assessing the hip situation and whether I can get back on a bike again (at least the Eclipse means I don't have to lift my leg too much).

Are yacfers congregating anywhere like last year?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: StuAff on 16 September, 2009, 10:57:07 am
If there's a meetup I might be there, if not, I'll have my YACF jersey on...
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wobbly John on 16 September, 2009, 11:23:50 am
In previous years YACF-ers have tended to hang around near the bandstand in St James's park, when not doing a circuit/getting food/drink etc.

If I'm there I'll be on the Wobblebike ( again. I'm hopeing to be there, but had a cold earlier in the week and had a berevement in the family, so can't be certain yet.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 16 September, 2009, 11:53:34 am
In previous years YACF-ers have tended to hang around near the bandstand in St James's park, when not doing a circuit/getting food/drink etc.

If I'm there I'll be on the Wobblebike ( again. I'm hopeing to be there, but had a cold earlier in the week and had a berevement in the family, so can't be certain yet.

First timers take note. The 'bandstand' is a rather feeble affair as far as I recall. More a circular tented canopy. However, it is marked on Streetmap and is quite close to a gate into St James Park.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 16 September, 2009, 11:55:19 am
We're aiming for a quick dash around the circuit early on when it is blissfully empty. The blurb says the route is open to bikes from 10am, but the yellow signage on the roads last year (I think) indicated that it had been closed to motorised traffic from 6am. Not that I'm suggesting we'll be there by 6 !!  Perhaps 9.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 16 September, 2009, 11:56:06 am
I certainly wish we'd arrived earlier both times we went.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Regulator on 16 September, 2009, 12:48:03 pm
I am in two minds.  If it is anything like last year, then the organisation won't be great - and British Cycling aren't exactly renowned for such events management.  Also the link with Murdoch/Sky puts me off a bit.

However, I shall see what I feel like on the day.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 16 September, 2009, 12:54:33 pm
I am in two minds.  If it is anything like last year, then the organisation won't be great - and British Cycling aren't exactly renowned for such events management.  Also the link with Murdoch/Sky puts me off a bit.

However, I shall see what I feel like on the day.

Yebbut we all went to the pub after and had a good time, didn't we...  ;D

I can't promise I will be in any fit state, I am out with Nutkin on Saturday night, she is a corrupting influence, but I will try...
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: darkpoint on 16 September, 2009, 01:19:18 pm
I will be there,  as I am helping to marshal people to the start.  Not that i have been told the route we are taking yet..
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Karla on 16 September, 2009, 01:34:57 pm
I think there aren't any intersections with motor vehicles - which spolied the Manchester Skyride IMHO.

What happened at the intersections?  Did someone cork traffic (<i>a la</i> CM) or what?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Regulator on 16 September, 2009, 02:35:34 pm
I think there aren't any intersections with motor vehicles - which spolied the Manchester Skyride IMHO.

What happened at the intersections?  Did someone cork traffic (<i>a la</i> CM) or what?

The problem with the Sky Rides (and the Freewheels before them) was that they corked the bicycles to let cars and pedestrians through...  ::-) ???
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Charlotte on 16 September, 2009, 03:11:35 pm
My impressions of our local Skyride... (

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 16 September, 2009, 03:31:48 pm
My day in London will be relatively short - I'm arriving at Euston at 11 am and leaving at 4 pm.  :-\  However, my first class tickets cost peanuts.  :smug:

I'll cruise past the bandstand to say hello. Is there a "designated pub" for yacf, or do we just go with the flow. I don't have a yacf top, but might ride this to be recognised:

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 16 September, 2009, 04:14:58 pm
We've just been dropped a bombshell. TfL aren't anything to do with it this year, so their hospitality tent (free sarnies and champagne) to which we managed to gain access won't be there.


We'll have to make our own sarnies.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 17 September, 2009, 09:34:30 am
I am leading a feeder ride from Lewisham parts, the meet-up points are all along NCN 21:

Bell Green Sainsburys: 9.30 a.m.
Catford Bridge Railway Station 9.50am
Ladywell Fields 10.05am
Cornmill Gardens 10.20am
Arrive Cutty Sark Gardens 10.45am for the main feeder into the official Skyride route.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Adam on 17 September, 2009, 05:47:11 pm
Won't be going now.  Daughter has been naughty so have grounded her.  ::-)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Tim Hall on 17 September, 2009, 09:31:13 pm
Do I have to register, or can I just turn up and go?

Mrs. Hall and I look like we'll be there, inna tandem stylee.

We aim to join Her Welshness in Sarf Lunnon. 
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wendy on 17 September, 2009, 09:45:05 pm
Register?  Just turn up mate.

I've said over on cyclechat that perhaps we should all join forces, and to meet around the bandstand, so keep an eye out for both yacf and cyclechat tops.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 17 September, 2009, 09:55:34 pm
Do I have to register, or can I just turn up and go?

Mrs. Hall and I look like we'll be there, inna tandem stylee.

We aim to join Her Welshness in Sarf Lunnon. 

Yippeee  :thumbsup: Look forward to seeing you guys. I think that you may need to register.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 17 September, 2009, 09:57:44 pm
Absolutely no need to register whatsoever. Just turn up and join in.

The only difference in registering is that you get e-mail telling you when it is. They don't/won't/haven't sent anything out in the post like wot happened on the first Freewheel (albeit after the event).

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 17 September, 2009, 10:00:29 pm
Absolutely no need to register whatsoever. Just turn up and join in.

The only difference in registering is that you get e-mail telling you when it is. They don't/won't/haven't sent anything out in the post like wot happened on the first Freewheel (albeit after the event).

Ahh, thanks Hatler! My semi-answer was down to the fact that you had to register for the Hovis Freewheel.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Tim Hall on 17 September, 2009, 10:04:16 pm
So train to East Croydon then find Bell Green. Does that sound like a plan?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Martin on 17 September, 2009, 10:08:11 pm
do you get a free hiviz Sky Sports* tabard if you register like wot I've seen loads of recently (working not riding on Sun but it will come in useful for the normal commute*) ?

*if only to elicit some empathy from the blackshirts cabs and WVM
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 17 September, 2009, 10:13:15 pm
So train to East Croydon then find Bell Green. Does that sound like a plan?

That sounds like a plan me lud!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Jules on 17 September, 2009, 10:18:46 pm
do you get a free hiviz Sky Sports* tabard if you register like wot I've seen loads of recently (working not riding on Sun but it will come in useful for the normal commute*) ?

*if only to elicit some empathy from the blackshirts cabs and WVM

You can pick those up the pit stops, and no doubt the route if you don't pass one on the way in. There is no reason at all to bother to register unless you wish to accept the offer of emails from British Cycling,  Sky and their carefully selected partner companies.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 17 September, 2009, 10:19:08 pm
do you get a free hiviz Sky Sports* tabard if you register like wot I've seen loads of recently (working not riding on Sun but it will come in useful for the normal commute*) ?

*if only to elicit some empathy from the blackshirts cabs and WVM

Orange Tabards for the Ride Leaders
Blue Tabards for the Marshals.
Not sure about the registered folks
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 18 September, 2009, 12:25:10 pm
In case those visiting don't know, this weekend is also London Open House  ( weekend.

Lots of interesting buildings to see inside.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: jellied on 18 September, 2009, 01:27:11 pm
Orange Tabards for the Ride Leaders
Blue Tabards for the Marshals.
Not sure about the registered folks

really? oh dear, i've got none despite organising the 2 rides from my borough and actually leading 1. I was sort of hoping that my SkyRide leader bib would suffice.

I think the other folk will be able to collect the rather snug fitting Sky ones at various points - Sky will not miss that chance.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 18 September, 2009, 02:12:56 pm
Orange Tabards for the Ride Leaders
Blue Tabards for the Marshals.
Not sure about the registered folks

really? oh dear, i've got none despite organising the 2 rides from my borough and actually leading 1. I was sort of hoping that my SkyRide leader bib would suffice.

I think the other folk will be able to collect the rather snug fitting Sky ones at various points - Sky will not miss that chance.

Speak to Charlie Lloyd at LCC, he'll sort you out.  :-*

We have also been given a LOT of LCC products to swamp the Skyride, whilst not being a huuge LCC aficionado, its a great opportunity by LCC to promote themselves.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: darkpoint on 18 September, 2009, 02:55:18 pm
I am leading a feeder ride from Lewisham parts, the meet-up points are all along NCN 21:

Bell Green Sainsburys: 9.30 a.m.
Catford Bridge Railway Station 9.50am
Ladywell Fields 10.05am
Cornmill Gardens 10.20am
Arrive Cutty Sark Gardens 10.45am for the main feeder into the official Skyride route.

Cool,  I am one of your marshals (starting at Bell Green),  but as yet not received any emails/info about when to be there..  Now that I know I will see you there.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 18 September, 2009, 03:01:18 pm
I am leading a feeder ride from Lewisham parts, the meet-up points are all along NCN 21:

Bell Green Sainsburys: 9.30 a.m.
Catford Bridge Railway Station 9.50am
Ladywell Fields 10.05am
Cornmill Gardens 10.20am
Arrive Cutty Sark Gardens 10.45am for the main feeder into the official Skyride route.

Cool,  I am one of your marshals (starting at Bell Green),  but as yet not received any emails/info about when to be there..  Now that I know I will see you there.

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 18 September, 2009, 03:47:12 pm
I could do with about 20 bibs for a school group.
I don't care what they have written on them.
I'll bring a big pannier.  O:-)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wowbagger on 18 September, 2009, 03:56:49 pm
Given that we're not camping in Hampshire (with or without pampshire) one or other of us, or possibly both, might find our way to the Great Wen on Sunday. Depends on stuff.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Regulator on 18 September, 2009, 03:59:16 pm
Given that we're not camping in Hampshire (with or without pampshire) one or other of us, or possibly both, might find our way to the Great Wen on Sunday. Depends on stuff.

Remember, this is the ride where you're supposed to keep your clothes on...  ;)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: ScumOfTheRoad on 18 September, 2009, 04:01:10 pm
In case those visiting don't know, this weekend is also London Open House  ( weekend.
Lots of interesting buildings to see inside.

Public tours of the Zipperhead dungeon perchance?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 18 September, 2009, 04:08:43 pm
In case those visiting don't know, this weekend is also London Open House  ( weekend.
Lots of interesting buildings to see inside.

Public tours of the Zipperhead dungeon perchance?

Of course, but even visitors have to follow the rules - ball gag, cuffs & clingfilm must be worn.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 18 September, 2009, 04:14:05 pm
In case those visiting don't know, this weekend is also London Open House  ( weekend.
Lots of interesting buildings to see inside.

Public tours of the Zipperhead dungeon perchance?

Of course, but even visitors have to follow the rules - ball gag, cuffs & clingfilm must be worn.

Anything else, or just those?
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 18 September, 2009, 04:21:25 pm
In case those visiting don't know, this weekend is also London Open House  ( weekend.
Lots of interesting buildings to see inside.

Public tours of the Zipperhead dungeon perchance?

Of course, but even visitors have to follow the rules - ball gag, cuffs & clingfilm must be worn.

Anything else, or just those?

Just those, although I might make an exception for you.  ;D
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 18 September, 2009, 04:29:46 pm

Have a look at this and tell me what the problem is with it:

British Cycling / Sky Ride / Skyride London Led Rides (

I have e-mailed them (since I cannot get in contact with them over the telephone) with our times, but guys if you are leading rides/marshalling them and your times are not up there then I strongly suggest that you e-mail them with the times and that they put them on the web-site ASAP.

I feel a RANT coming on.  >:(

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: ScumOfTheRoad on 18 September, 2009, 04:35:39 pm
Nearest Station to the SE London Pitstop - Canada Water.
Oh so helpfully on a Tube line which does not allow bicycles. OK, folders are allowed.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: jellied on 18 September, 2009, 04:36:00 pm
B&D were not that happy about the 8.00am start!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: darkpoint on 18 September, 2009, 05:02:32 pm
It does impress me just how bad a comunications company can be about comunicating, the maps for the pit stops are frankly a joke..

The lack of start times, maps, route information to the led rides is equaly dreadful.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: ScumOfTheRoad on 18 September, 2009, 05:20:01 pm
"The more adventurous of you, can of course make this trip on your own"

Gad. They might as well hand out loaded guns and tell you to finish yourself off - less bother all round than cycling on those dangerous roads.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wobbly John on 20 September, 2009, 08:49:04 am
Poopy.  >:(

I won't be there after all. Cheap day return rail tickets turn out to be:

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Regulator on 20 September, 2009, 09:06:13 am
Poopy.  >:(

I won't be there after all. Cheap day return rail tickets turn out to be:

  • Not rail tickets - replacement bussssssess  >:(
  • Not cheap  :-[

Arse!  I'm not going to be able to make it either, thanks to the evil that are replacement buses.   >:( :'(

Unless I borrow the car....  :-\
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: ScumOfTheRoad on 20 September, 2009, 09:22:50 am
Regulator, have a nice restful day in the Fenland. Go for a browse in some secondhand bookshops. Go for a punt on the Cam. Drink beer.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wobbly John on 20 September, 2009, 10:42:06 am
Replacement buzzes finish at noon, and fares appear to be cheaper than the ticket machine said this morning - so could be there just after 1pm.

I think I'll make it after all.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Andrij on 20 September, 2009, 11:21:50 am
I got on the route at Waterloo Bridge around 10:30 (returning from the yacf camping weekend) and there were already quite a few cyclists out.  Only passed one set of cameras - the woman on the loudhailer telling folk to smile seemed a bit miffed when I put my arm up in front of my face.  :demon:

It will be very crowded today.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 20 September, 2009, 03:58:49 pm
I saw Scummers going the other way, and Bentmikey as I was leaving, and Sir Chris Hoy.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: fhills on 20 September, 2009, 04:27:31 pm
Just back from helping and greenwich cyclists ferry loads of cyclists from Cutty Sark Gardens to the centre and back, starting from Sydenham with her welshness.

Rather good fun zapping up and down the long snake blocking side roads - I recommend it to any YACFs who want to have some fun and help out next year. Most of the drivers were pretty good, though someone did shout something from a  school of motoring car.

Quite a bit of cycling gossip (some definitely not repeatable or I might spoil your tea) in the volunteers enclosure with free choc bars and crisps, royal appointment sandwiches no less (somehow can't imagine the Queen eating pre-packed butties) and slightly posher portaloos. A fair few folk I bumped into interested in the Brighton with the cars run on first Sunday in November - watch this space.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Pip on 20 September, 2009, 04:46:21 pm
just returned from this, who won?  :demon: ;D
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 20 September, 2009, 06:50:07 pm
I'm back home after a good day out. There were thousands and thousands of cyclists there. Wobbly John overtook me at somepoint but I was too busy trying not to run over all the five-year-olds to shout hello. I met Gary in a YACF shirt near the bandstand but didn't see any other forummers.

Many thanks to all the marshalls who had a hell of a job working the pedestrian crossings.

A few photos:





I somehow think that "bright pink bra" wasn't what was expected when the Highway Code recommends hi-viz clothing.   :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ;D


I didn't actually enjoy cycling round the route much, because it was so slow and congested... but I loved seeing so many relaxed people out enjoying themselves on bikes in the sunshine. The music from the mobile systems was great and a "big bap" from a snack bar somewhere in the city was cheap and wonderful.


Thanks London. What a place!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 20 September, 2009, 07:14:00 pm
Got back about an hour ago - absolutely cream-crackered!

Started my led ride from Bell Gree with Russ, Honey, PaulTaylor and others (including Mr and Mrs Hall) and all along route 21 we picked up a large group to take with us into Cutty Sark Gardens.

Tom Crispin did a fantastic job leading around 500 cyclists into central London (around half a kilometre of us  :o), with some amazing marshals providing the road blockings. Not many car drivers got mad with us, until around the Bermondsey area  ::-)

Once we got into central London, it was pretty manic and we were eager to hit the off-limits to nearly everyone Marshals and Ride Leaders tent, where not only did we get a superb lunch but also free beauty products.

Feeling suitably fed, a select group of us did one turn of the route, with Tom C fixing at least 2 bikes and we got to the start point of our feeder ride home. Over 100 of us departed on the Lewisham & Greenwich ride home  :D

What a day - apart from some stupid cock-ups in the organisation by certain party, it was an a amazing day  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: StuAff on 20 September, 2009, 07:24:35 pm
I went up from Pompey, bailed at 1 or so. I got on the course just before 10 (would have been there earlier but for South West Trains helpfully scheduling engineering work round Havant, enforcing alternative route up), and it wasn't too bad at first, got a decent turn of speed going in a few places, but this time it got really congested really quickly. They should have stuck to last year's route, which worked really well. Too many bottlenecks this time, I seemed to spend more time dabbing and freewheeling than going at any speed. Apart from that, the same old problems (idiots weaving all over the place, people just stopping anywhere they felt like it....). Even the freebies sucked. I think I'll go elsewhere next year.....But I'm glad so many seemed to enjoy it.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Pip on 20 September, 2009, 07:44:02 pm
Drew Buck eat your heart out!


Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: gordon taylor on 20 September, 2009, 08:55:46 pm
, and it wasn't too bad at first, got a decent turn of speed going in a few places, but this time it got really congested really quickly. They should have stuck to last year's route, which worked really well. Too many bottlenecks this time, I seemed to spend more time dabbing and freewheeling than going at any speed.

I don't think the day was designed with a "decent turn of speed" in mind.  ;D ;)




I did hear a lot of whinging from the "cyclists" on the route, whenever we stopped. The people on BSOs and the family groups seemed to be enjoying it much more - which is good, IMHO.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Jules on 20 September, 2009, 09:10:55 pm
Another good year - There semed to be more people on the route but, probably due to the congestion, there seemed to be far fewer accidents too.

I helped once again to bring a group in from Richmond, which started as about 40 people, including my wife and sons, and ended with probably twice that number by the time we reached Hyde Park. As PT notes above, side blocking is tremendous fun and I didn't get any hassle at all.

The "Steward's Enclosure" was nicely done and my 12 year son, who doesn't generally cycle much, managed the 36 mile round trip with no problems.

A grand day out in lovely weather.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: StuAff on 20 September, 2009, 09:15:22 pm

I don't think the day was designed with a "decent turn of speed" in mind.  ;D ;)
I did hear a lot of whinging from the "cyclists" on the route, whenever we stopped. The people on BSOs and the family groups seemed to be enjoying it much more - which is good, IMHO.

True...I am glad so many seemed to be enjoying it. I think if they'd stuck with last year's route I would have done so myself a lot more. It just seemed to flow a lot better. Pootling I don't mind (either when I'm doing it or others are). Coming to a stop 200 times in one lap (well it felt like it) I do....By decent turn of speed, I should have said 'moving', perhaps.........!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Gandalf on 20 September, 2009, 09:15:49 pm
I don't know why, but despite only doing 35 miles I'm absolutely knackered, perhaps it's the stoppy starty thing.   I went up with Speshact and his posse from sunny Tooting and the obvious delight of the kids was lovely.  There was one young lad, whose chain resembled a ship's anchor and had some rather impressive cobwebs adorning his matter, he was loving it.  As we were going through Balham he felt compelled to blurt out to an old lady at a bus stop...were going to Buckingham Palace!

The atmosphere was mostly benign, with a largely good natured acceptance from motorists.  Of course no event like this is complete without a stroppy, corpulent WVM effing and blinding, which was nice with so many children present.  You'd have thought that even his pea sized brain would be able to compute that there was some kind of cycling event afoot, what with the uber peleton of people wearing identical Hi Viz bibs.  I actually felt sorry for him, can't be nice going around knotted up with stress and belligerence like that.

Didn't spot many YACFers, but I was a bit late in adjourning for lunch.  Had an en velo chat with Bentmikey and Julesh  and bumped into Gordy by the Bandstand as well.

The actual ride wasn't exactly a relaxing affair though, it was brilliant seeing so many people on bikes but I found the amount of effort required in avoiding the random sudden stoppers and  death defying line changers a  right pain.

I'd be very interested to know the attendance figures, It seemed there were far more people on bikes than in previous years.  BTW the goody bags were barrel scrapingly crap.  Overall though a good time was had by all, if it gets more bums on saddles then job done.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 20 September, 2009, 09:30:30 pm
I think the estimates were 85,000 people in the end, although we will probably not know an approximate.

Myself and Tom Crispin were the ultimate poseurs and tried to get ourselves clicked by the cameras at the photo points, the pics will all be posted (apparently) by 9.a.m. tomorrow from
   SkyRide - Select your city

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Martin on 20 September, 2009, 11:39:11 pm
nipped out in my lunch hour(ish); bagged one of those "must have" tabards; got held up dodged very young riders and rang my bell a lot;

what a brilliant event! definitely a celebration of our capital city and the best way to get around it  :)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: David Martin on 21 September, 2009, 02:35:50 pm
What a great advert Kelly Brook was for urban cycling. No silly hats, shiny lycra or slippy shoes. Just ordinary clothes on a practical bike..

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 21 September, 2009, 02:38:52 pm
This thread is .... you know the score.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Andrij on 21 September, 2009, 02:39:31 pm
This thread is .... you know the score.

Beat me to it!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wobbly John on 21 September, 2009, 02:54:52 pm

This thread is .... you know the score.

Skyride publicity shot

...and on the day


Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 21 September, 2009, 02:57:39 pm
John, you've changed... ;)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Zipperhead on 21 September, 2009, 03:00:04 pm
John, you've changed... ;)

For the better!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: David Martin on 21 September, 2009, 03:22:15 pm



Impressive being able to carry a complete planter and conifer in that basket..

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Julian on 21 September, 2009, 07:56:00 pm
Well, my colleague went.  She was a bit nervous about it, and wasn't sure she'd be able to make it round the whole route - even though she can easily run ten miles.

This morning she was full of enthusiasm, having ridden the course and back home to south-east London, making a total of 27 miles.  She's now scouring eBay for nice bikes in her size, is getting rid of her dual-suspension MTB and has decided that she likes cycling and wants to do more of it.

Win.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: teethgrinder on 21 September, 2009, 08:20:31 pm
Well, my colleague went.  She was a bit nervous about it, and wasn't sure she'd be able to make it round the whole route - even though she can easily run ten miles.

This morning she was full of enthusiasm, having ridden the course and back home to south-east London, making a total of 27 miles.  She's now scouring eBay for nice bikes in her size, is getting rid of her dual-suspension MTB and has decided that she likes cycling and wants to do more of it.

Win.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 21 September, 2009, 09:26:35 pm
That's what it's all about. :D
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Martin on 21 September, 2009, 09:29:06 pm
I hope it's still as well funded and supported after 2012
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Tim Hall on 21 September, 2009, 10:20:14 pm
That's what it's all about. :D

It is indeed. I went with Mrs. Hall on the Pino. I've got a huge ride report in my head. One day it might get out. But here's the important bit:

We met Her Welshness at Bell Green Sainsbury's. She was leading the feeder ride to the Greenwich feeder ride. We set off at 0930 along NCN 21. Just as we did so a family on bikes turned up.  They had planned to get the train into town, but were won over by Her Welshness' charm who persuaded them to ride in, some of it, shock, on roads.

So three more bums on saddles on the road.

That's what it's all about.

Big kiss to Her Welshness.  :-*
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Speshact on 21 September, 2009, 10:32:03 pm
The huge popular appeal of Freewheel/Skyride must be built on in 2010, particularly with the Cycle Hire scheme in place.
We need to tell the Mayor to dispose of rider registration, crass sponsorship and garish yellow bibs, and remove the barriers penning the cyclists in to a little route. Instead he should simply and boldly declare Zone 1 Cycle and Pedestrian Only on September 19th 2010. The cost of having the police stop motor vehicles from entering the Zone will pretty much be met by the saving in the electricity bill from turning off the traffic lights for the day.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: her_welshness on 21 September, 2009, 11:43:46 pm
Well, my colleague went.  She was a bit nervous about it, and wasn't sure she'd be able to make it round the whole route - even though she can easily run ten miles.

This morning she was full of enthusiasm, having ridden the course and back home to south-east London, making a total of 27 miles.  She's now scouring eBay for nice bikes in her size, is getting rid of her dual-suspension MTB and has decided that she likes cycling and wants to do more of it.

Win.  :thumbsup:


Bloody brilliant  :thumbsup: Paul and I were discussing the Skyride this evening and we both agreed that it was a great event for families as well as people who do not tend to cycle as much, and hopefully we can get get more cyclists out there.

I was very enthused that there were people on the ride who had not ridden route 21 and on the way back were really amazed by some of the variations of route 4 through to Greenwich and Lewisham, and that they want to explore them and get to grips with their tfl cycling maps. Win win win!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Regulator on 22 September, 2009, 07:36:30 am
The huge popular appeal of Freewheel/Skyride must be built on in 2010, particularly with the Cycle Hire scheme in place.
We need to tell the Mayor to dispose of rider registration, crass sponsorship and garish yellow bibs, and remove the barriers penning the cyclists in to a little route. Instead he should simply and boldly declare Zone 1 Cycle and Pedestrian Only on September 19th 2010. The cost of having the police stop motor vehicles from entering the Zone will pretty much be met by the saving in the electricity bill from turning off the traffic lights for the day.

Sounds like a plan!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wendy on 22 September, 2009, 07:53:50 am
It was really good fun!  I had a great time, but due to various issues I never made it to the bandstand.  At least I got to say hello to Gandalf for a bit!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: jellied on 22 September, 2009, 08:33:25 am
The huge popular appeal of Freewheel/Skyride must be built on in 2010, particularly with the Cycle Hire scheme in place.
We need to tell the Mayor to dispose of rider registration, crass sponsorship and garish yellow bibs, and remove the barriers penning the cyclists in to a little route. Instead he should simply and boldly declare Zone 1 Cycle and Pedestrian Only on September 19th 2010. The cost of having the police stop motor vehicles from entering the Zone will pretty much be met by the saving in the electricity bill from turning off the traffic lights for the day.

Faultless logic.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: ScumOfTheRoad on 22 September, 2009, 09:47:57 am
Me, I think there should be something similar every Sunday.
Agree with Jellied - no registration, orange bibs etc.
The Mall and Constitution Hill are already closed to motors on Sunday. How about figuring out a short loop circuit taking in the Mall. LCC could lead family rides up to the area.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: clarion on 22 September, 2009, 09:50:06 am
The huge popular appeal of Freewheel/Skyride must be built on in 2010, particularly with the Cycle Hire scheme in place.
We need to tell the Mayor to dispose of rider registration, crass sponsorship and garish yellow bibs, and remove the barriers penning the cyclists in to a little route. Instead he should simply and boldly declare Zone 1 Cycle and Pedestrian Only on September 19th 2010. The cost of having the police stop motor vehicles from entering the Zone will pretty much be met by the saving in the electricity bill from turning off the traffic lights for the day.

Couldn't put it better, but:

Me, I think there should be something similar every Sunday.

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Wendy on 22 September, 2009, 09:57:20 am
Embankment car free every Sunday?  Awesome!
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: David Martin on 22 September, 2009, 10:01:38 am
Embankment car free every Sunday?  Awesome!

Would be good. Look for the stone from Dundee in the embankment. From the same quarry as the Usher Hall in Edinburgh.

Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: hatler on 22 September, 2009, 10:25:03 am
Embankment car free every Sunday?  Awesome!
I believe they do something similar in Caracas.
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: Andrij on 22 September, 2009, 01:13:08 pm
Embankment car free every Sunday?  Awesome!
I believe they do something similar in Caracas.

The man road in Kyiv - Khreschatyk (Хрещатик) - is pedestrianised every Sunday and often for entire weekends if there's some sort of festival on.  (Usually with concerts or similar in plazas at either end and on Independence Square in the middle.)
Title: Re: Skyride London
Post by: leeg on 22 September, 2009, 05:29:48 pm
We had a bus service on our train line so I had to ferry my wife and kids (8 and 10) to a nearby station in the morning.  After a successful ride round, with the 8 yr old very happy to have hit 23mph on his new Islabike, we got a train back on another line.  Buoyed by the success of the day I was allowed to lead us back 3 miles across suburban London. 

So whilst the actual ride was a bit stop start it has given my wife the confidence to let the kids ride on quiet roads and I can now start planning future trips.