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Off Topic => The Pub => Topic started by: nuttycyclist on 16 September, 2009, 05:33:00 pm

Title: I have wet trousers
Post by: nuttycyclist on 16 September, 2009, 05:33:00 pm
I clipped the kerb on this morning's commute (memo to self, shoulder observation at a junction is sensible, but look where you're going at the same time).

The hole in my left knee has three large plasters on it, but it's still oooozing and they're now so wet that the trouser knee is wet too :D

The hole in my left elbow seems to be patched by the large plaster, but the shirt has bloodstains :)

The plaster on the right hand is dry, but bloodstained on the outside too.

I will feel like a professional cyclist when I'm cycling home.  Cycling despite being all patched up  ;D ;D
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: geraldc on 16 September, 2009, 05:38:38 pm
I hope you shave your legs for easy plaster removal
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: mattc on 16 September, 2009, 05:42:40 pm
The 'pro' look is incomplete without a big hole exposing buttock and/or hip.

You know it makes sense.
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: nuttycyclist on 16 September, 2009, 05:49:23 pm
That reminds me... I haven't checked the clothing yet...   Maybe I will be a full pro going home :D
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: teethgrinder on 16 September, 2009, 06:41:41 pm
I hope you were wearing a helmet.

Runs away :D
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: nuttycyclist on 16 September, 2009, 08:10:03 pm
 :P :P :P :P :P

Oh boy, I'd forgotten how much this stings :o 

For the gore...

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Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: Jaded on 16 September, 2009, 08:12:50 pm
Warning - loads of flesh on show! Plus its an unshaved model!  ;D
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: teethgrinder on 16 September, 2009, 08:32:40 pm
Yup, they're stinger allright.
A bit of Savlon should see ya right.
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: nuttycyclist on 17 September, 2009, 04:36:26 pm
The trousers are wet again.  Seepage appears to have started up this afternoon through the coverings.

The stinging is now getting really bad.

Excuse me whilst I whinge. 

Ouchy Ouchy Ouchy.
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: teethgrinder on 17 September, 2009, 07:23:19 pm
Big dollop o' Savlon and stick a big plaster over it so you don't get any sticky stuff on te stingy*bits. That should help.

*Not stingy as in tight fisted, mean or a skinflint, but as in OUCH! that stings.
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: Jaded on 17 September, 2009, 07:32:16 pm
All these wounds require Tegaderm.

It's too late now though!
Title: Re: I have wet trousers
Post by: nuttycyclist on 17 September, 2009, 08:03:10 pm
Haven't been able to get tegaderm :S

Went to Boots in my lunch hour but all the dressings they sold had absorbent pads in the centre.  Stopped at the local pharmacy on the way home, they had some "Mepore" that looked the trick.

I had treated it last night with a Melolin dressing from the first aid kit which I'd bandaged in place.  That came off tonight without too much sticking  :-X  The thing is stiff and soaked in blood/fluid though :S :(

I then shaved the area, being careful to avoid blade on wound  :-X :-X :-X and I realise why professional cyclists do this before falling off.  I cleaned the area up with an antiseptic wipe, at which point I realised the ones I'd been carrying in the first aid kit had dried out quite a bit when compared to the new one bought today...  OUCH!!!!

Once I calmed down and recovered I put the mepore on.  It's not as good as I remember from last time, and didn't stick properly first time (maybe the wipe had left some residue?).

But there are now two of those mepores stuck in place, seem ok, so I've placed a large patch of lint over them and bandaged that in place in the hope that that will keep the patches in place instead of letting them start peeling off.

The arm is going to remain covered in melolin and sticky tape for now, until I see if these mepore things stay on overnight...