Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Rides and Touring => Ride Reports => Topic started by: Peter on 20 February, 2015, 02:11:07 am

Title: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Peter on 20 February, 2015, 02:11:07 am
Snow and Steam – A Railway Ride 7th February 2015

   I often include a journey on the East Lancashire Railway in a local ride through the hills around Rochdale.  I decided to extend this idea to include a trip on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway. 

   The ELR starts at Heywood, so I rode the six miles along a mixture of cycle-paths and main roads.  The standard tank workhorse arrived, watered and ran round the train.

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It may be a toy railway but it's still dangerous

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   Engineering, or art?

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   Running repairs

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   I put my bike in the van; proper space on a train – it'll never catch on

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The heating was on

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We click-clacked up the Irwell valley to Rawtenstall

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   where I had a half of the local (to Swindon) Piston Broke and ate sandwiches in the coal-fired waiting room

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   I'm glad I'm a vegetarian

   Wonderful railwayana on the walls

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   I had a Gold Flash once and my brother Trev a Bantam, though he quickly graduated to a Norton Dominator.

   Climbed out of the valley, north past Dunnockshaw Reservoir.

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   Crossed Burnley, then dragged through traffic jams to Colne; oddly no pictures of this section.

   The two “different war” memorials on Earl Crag north of Keighley.

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After 30 mile trip, I arrived at Keighley with an hour to wait for the final train of the day

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   Mooched about admiring iron-work

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   Took excellent ground coffee from snack-bar and warmed toes in waiting room, where there were   more great posters with relevance to Tees-siders like me.

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This turntable was moved from Hawes Junction, scene of a terrible disaster on the Settle-Carlisle line a century ago.

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   The train arrived, pulled by a Standard 4-6-0.

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   Looks homely enough here but it's a sweltering work-place

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   At Oakworth there was a difference of opinion about which malt products were most suitable for whom.

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   The sun was setting as we arrived at the terminus in Oxenhope but there was time for a  picture of  yet another north-eastern destination.

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   I now had twenty-odd miles and two Tour de France climbs to do to get home and the bunting waved me on

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This is what the camera made of the sunset but it was better than this.

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I was pretty much speechless with wonder by now, not that there was anyone to listen.

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   I flew down to Hebden Bridge by the light of my new dyno-wheel, built by John the Velomancer, then climbed Cragg Vale.  About a third of the way up is the Robin Hood, full of cycling pictures.   I once wrote a ghost story about it, so it was very satisfying to see the ectoplasm when I checked the pictures at home.

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A three mile drop from Blackstone Edge brought me to Littleborough, whence I rounded Hollingworth Lake, with the sea-birds burbling in their “roost” on the icy water

   Pretty much a perfect day with about sixty miles on the bike and maybe 15 on the railway.  Christmas, whenever you need it.

   I have even more ambitious plans along similar lines (ho, ho!) but I think this one has the makings of a group ride some day.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Jaded on 20 February, 2015, 07:40:21 am
Excellent! A grand day out!
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Canardly on 20 February, 2015, 09:32:18 am
Grand stuff.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Graeme on 20 February, 2015, 10:23:13 am
That looks like a chilly day out Peter. Brilliant fun though, I have a growing enthusiasm for pedal and puff excursions. The NYM railway offers a cycling-one-way-train-back experience too. But other nice outings like catching the train to Alnmouth and cycling home, or riding to York and catching a train home.

Broadens horizons for a gentle day out.

Hope you are well.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Torslanda on 20 February, 2015, 11:41:12 am
Now that's my idea of a good day on the bike!

When you're back to full strength we'll do something like that . . .

Take care.


Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Tigerrr on 22 February, 2015, 08:10:03 pm
what a lovely ride report. Thanks for posting it.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Ruthie on 22 February, 2015, 08:11:05 pm
Oh, how lovely.  Great pictures as well Peter.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Butterfly on 22 February, 2015, 09:13:52 pm
Marvellous! I'm a big fan of incorporating steam trains in to bike rides. Last summer we travelled on the Severn Valley Railway  on our way to Shrewsbury.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Steve GT on 23 February, 2015, 03:49:12 pm
Nice one Peter. :thumbsup:

As you said, it would make a very nice group ride.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Peter on 23 February, 2015, 06:25:03 pm
Thanks, all!  Steve, I had a plan to incorporate the Embsay line, too but that's going to have to wait for a bit, now.
Title: Re: Snow and Steam - a railway ride
Post by: Tail End Charlie on 16 March, 2015, 09:01:14 am
Super atmospheric photos, love em.