Author Topic: The Fairies Fall Foray  (Read 1060 times)

The Fairies Fall Foray
« on: 03 October, 2017, 05:39:22 pm »
First time I have ridden this event. A shame that the forecast put off a fair number of riders. But it did mean that the wonderful breakfast;porridge , excellent bircher muesli, home made fruit compote, seeds, nuts , toast etc and then the choice of two home made and outstanding soups , and choice of hot pasta dishes and selection of cakes at the end , did not need to be fought over.
This was cycling food of the highest order-and all part of the entry fee. Really impressive and appreciated by all.
Most people seemed to wear their rain jackets the whole day and the rain allied wiht the head wind for about 80kms along the coast made for a pretty demanding ride.
Some great bits along cycle paths by the coast and some interesting climbs inland.
A big thank you to Bob and his team for giving us a really good day out and making the extra effort on the catering front.
Just sort out the weather next year..........

Re: The Fairies Fall Foray
« Reply #1 on: 03 October, 2017, 06:20:49 pm »
I concur, the hospitality was superb.

On the higher sections travelling towards Deal, I was reliably informed that the views on a good day were quite something. The low cloud scuppered that. Then I couldn't find the cycling cafe in Deal, so opted for another very pleasant cafe along the front.

A couple of times I thought about removing the rain jacket, but the clouds were always threatening more rain, and it always arrived.

In my wisdom I'd arranged to head into London after the ride to pickup an item bought off ebay. My time estimates were somewhat out, and I'm glad the seller was not bothered when I advised that I'd see him at 10pm rather than my estimate of between 8 and 9pm. With this in mind I was focussed on getting around the ride with minimal fuss. Still got 3 good stops in though at each of the commercial controls. Then I was treated very well at the finish.

Cracking day, despite the weather.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Re: The Fairies Fall Foray
« Reply #2 on: 04 October, 2017, 12:16:54 pm »
I did enter for this one, but went down with a very heavy cold about a week before so wasn't going to risk it.  I did e-mail the organiser to apologise for being DNS though.

Hope everyone enjoyed the ride!