Author Topic: Only a week delayed  (Read 1406 times)


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Only a week delayed
« on: 28 May, 2018, 09:45:14 am »
I was asked to write a piece for the work newsletter, as I am a Health and Wellbeing Champion, following Mental Health Week.

Some of you may have already seen this, due to me posting it on FB, but I hope you feel it is worth sharing to a wider audience (thanks to Mrs T for spelling and grammar checking)

On the Friday of Mental Health Week 2018, I am reminded, by the modern wonder of Facebook’s “On This Day” feature, of the too early passing of one of my musical heroes. On the morning of 18th May 2017 Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Audioslave), after years of battling his own issues, was discovered dead in his hotel room.

I am not normally moved by the death of someone in the glare of the celebrity spotlight but Chris’s music had been with me since my late teens. I remember seeing the video to “Black Hole Sun” and thinking that although the product of a tortured soul, there was something in it that spoke to me.

After all the media storm (which was much more low key than that of other “celebrity” deaths over the previous year or so) had died down, I spent some time looking at just what would drive someone who seemed to have it all, to take the ultimate step. What I discovered, was that he had suffered with varying degrees of depression during his life, had received counselling and had tried medication.

At the end of it, I was actually left with more questions than answers; specifically, “why?”:
Why did someone who seemed to have a good life want to end it all?
Why at that precise time?
Why didn’t anyone in his group of friends and family, notice and intervene? Had they tried previously and ultimately given up, exhausted?

This lead me on to more questions:
-What would I do if I saw a friend, family member, or colleague, going through issues?
-What if the tables were turned and I was the person feeling that way?

I am not 100% certain I know the answer to any of the questions. Apart from the last one. The answer, I hope, is obvious. I would hope that someone would notice and talk to me.
Help for those suffering with mental health issues doesn’t always come from the professionals (in fact only a small minority of the help given does come from that route), so please, I ask you, be the person who has the courage to ask “are you OK?” Don’t expect to get a positive response. Be the person that listens if there is something to talk about - if the appropriate time isn’t there and then, be available at a later time.

In the meantime, do your ears a favour by checking out Chris’s work. Spotify has a great playlist of all his work.
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: Only a week delayed
« Reply #1 on: 28 May, 2018, 11:03:34 pm »
From my own experience I can say that nobody sat down with me and said"Are you Ok?" Lots of people, family and friends, noticed that I was not myself,that I was quiet, that I didn't want to talk but nobody talked to me. That is not strictly true. One person did because they thought they had upset me. When I reassured them that they had not, they lost interest and disappeared. Without the support of my wife I don't know where I would be.

I don't understand how people can notice but not say anything. Do they not want to get involved? Are they too busy? Are we all becoming too insular, we can only communicate though our phones? I am sure people would try to help if asked but when you are feeling down you don't want to ask.

This lead me on to more questions:
-What would I do if I saw a friend, family member, or colleague, going through issues?
-What if the tables were turned and I was the person feeling that way?

I would hope that if you saw somebody you knew having a problem, that you would speak to them. That you would listen to them. That you would be interested in whatever it is troubling them. And it may seem trivial to you but it is real and heavy to the person suffering. I would hope that you would be a friend. And that very same person, that very same friend, would do the same for you if you were suffering.

It is certainly very tempting to say, "You have a great life. Cheer up a bit". If it were only that simple.....

Re: Only a week delayed
« Reply #2 on: 29 May, 2018, 03:21:59 pm »
Good note Tiermat. Couldn’t agree more. It is worrying how often that simple question, honestly asked, brings real concerns to the surface. Whilst not easy, I think this is usually better than leaving things unsaid.

I had a grim few weeks recently and really didn’t have the energy to be positive and chatty for my family. Fortunately they both asked and engaged with me and were around for me. Whilst I wouldn’t class my feelings as being as negative as many I come across, my wife and children’s love and active care did speed up me turning the corner.