Author Topic: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!  (Read 1363 times)

Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« on: 07 February, 2018, 01:00:41 pm »
OK this is not the best place to ask about medical matters but it's often a good place to get an idea of possibilities and risks. Plus good advice so I'll ask anyway.

Now I'm mid 40s, reasonably fit,  active and healthy. Key indicators are well within recommended guidelines (AFAIK cholesterol could be high but I'm checking it out next week).

Background over I'll ask my question. Why do my arms swell in size when I've slept? Seriously I know it's happened because I went to bed for a nap with my watch on loosely (it annoyed me because it was falling down onto my hand a bit). However I awoke with the watch being tight on my wrist.

I usually take it off each night and my tracker watch stays on but is loosened a lot. So I have never really registered this swelling. However now I'm aware of it I think it has been happening for some time.

The only other time it happens is with exercise. Riding back bike causes it to swell a bit for example which is totally understandable to me. Nighttime increase in, wrist diameter isn't something I can understand or expect.

Is it normal? Is it a sign of any condition to deserve a gp visit? Just simply am I the only one to notice this? Am I alone? Just curious as I doubt there's much wrong with me really.


  • Just do it!
Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #1 on: 07 February, 2018, 01:16:12 pm »

Seriously, apply a tape measure in strategic places to quantify these changes.

There is gravitational rearrangement of fluids when you lie down but I have not come across reports of swollen arms before.

The pessimist in me might wonder if there is any mechanical obstruction to venous return from the upper limbs, which could be Seriously Bad News.

Do your arms and face look red or purple in the mornings?

Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #2 on: 07 February, 2018, 01:45:39 pm »
Not red but I often have periods of pain or extreme pins and needles in my arms. Mostly for arms and hands but it does extend up the arms occasionally. Keeps me awake at times. Plus I'm a side sleeper, always have been, but i've had to learn to sleep on my back because that's the only position that relieves this effect.

Also I can't wear anything on my top. Well occasionally something I wear is OK but mostly it causes the pain.

Come to think of it this sounds bad. I did go to gp early on when something like this started. It was more tingling in the middle and ring fingers and up to the elbow. I think this could have been a nerve thing in the elbow like carpal tunnel syndrome. GP didn't know about it but looked it up on website. It was new to him but he said not to worry about it. Which meant that was that and end of appointment.

So arm swelling, no figures but I estimate I could fit one finger into my watch strap before bed any it was digging in after an hour catnap. Using a vernier that works out at 13.13mm finger height stuck under the strap without pulling it into my arm. At least 20mm excess strap length was taken up by the swelling. It's not a small amount really I think. I have nothing about swelling at other parts of my arm.

Does that help with data?


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Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #3 on: 07 February, 2018, 02:13:36 pm »
In a way.

I think you should see your GP.

Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #4 on: 07 February, 2018, 03:25:54 pm »
So do I. But with the full knowledge it would be better use if my time going to patientdotcodotuk website. Cut out the middleman!

As a kid we had a really good gp. If you ignore his alcoholism which tbf never seemed to affect his abilities as a gp. Since then we've gone through two practises with each house move. I've been with my current gp for nearly 20 years. They've been going downhill the whole time. It started with the merger (actually it's more a takeover) with a practise in a smaller town 5 miles away. A nicer town so most of the good GPs decided to use that one for their surgeries leaving very few surgeries by the competent GPs at my surgery.

Plus there's an added issue with the only other nearby surgery has a poor reputation (didn't think it was possible) and goes through doctors for fun. Training practise that's mostly stocked with doctors from overseas with a barely recognisable version of English language. My partner had to translate when we took our young child there together once. She's always been very good with languages (3 or 4 so far possibly more to a basic get by level).

Sorry rant over. GP visit it is but after my first nhs health check that I've been booked on. Seems the nhs does annual checks once you've passed the 40 mark.

Any ideas what it could be? Would be good to get a bit of patientdotcodotuk revision in so I know how to help the gp do his job.

Sorry again, feeling pessimistic for the nhs primary care and it's coming out a bit too strongly.


  • Just do it!
Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #5 on: 07 February, 2018, 04:11:52 pm »
Did you get my email?

Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #6 on: 07 February, 2018, 05:22:41 pm »
No, didn't get anything. PM I take it, but nothing has come through.


  • Just do it!
Re: Curious case of the swelling Arms!!!
« Reply #7 on: 07 February, 2018, 05:57:12 pm »
I don't know why the forum didn't let me send you a PM earlier, as I would have preferred this but only email seemed to be available and this has vanished, without trace, into the ether.

I'll PM you.