Author Topic: Roses to Wrags 200km - 2 March 2019  (Read 1174 times)

Roses to Wrags 200km - 2 March 2019
« on: 03 March, 2019, 05:27:03 pm »
Yesterday was the 200km Roses to Wrags event from Alfreton to Wragby and back via Newark.  Apparently there were 112 entries for this event - with waves of riders setting of from the control first thing, I perhaps saw about 25-30 faces during the entire day.

Despite fighting the wind during the return back to Alfreton I still managed to find the will to record some video for my channel.

Big thanks to Steve Ogden and all the people who made this such an enjoyable and smooth running event - well done.  :thumbsup:
Frequent Audax and bike ride videos:

Re: Roses to Wrags 200km - 2 March 2019
« Reply #1 on: 04 March, 2019, 09:03:13 am »
My 5 seconds of youtube fame. I'm just setting off as you begin filming at the start.

Certainly the wind made if feel harder than it should have with it's benign elevation profile.

As for your gilet question, real men wear pink!  ;)

Re: Roses to Wrags 200km - 2 March 2019
« Reply #2 on: 04 March, 2019, 09:24:16 am »
Thanks for the video. Being able to show it to family and friends has made the job of describing the countryside and the different bikes we encountered, so much easier. It also proved that me and my friend were there, as we too have had our short moment of youtube exposure. I've avoided the word fame as it shows us being overtaken with considerable ease.

We spoke briefly on the day at a railway crossing where we waited for two trains to pass. Being Southerners and so unaccustomed to the colder weather, we were well wrapped up in our winter jackets and buffs. You're clearly made of sterner stuff with your exposed chest.  ;)

Re: Roses to Wrags 200km - 2 March 2019
« Reply #3 on: 05 March, 2019, 07:04:34 pm »
We spoke briefly on the day at a railway crossing where we waited for two trains to pass. Being Southerners and so unaccustomed to the colder weather, we were well wrapped up in our winter jackets and buffs. You're clearly made of sterner stuff with your exposed chest.  ;)

Ah yes, I took the opportunity to take off my leg warmers. :thumbsup:
Frequent Audax and bike ride videos: