Author Topic: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility  (Read 48972 times)

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #150 on: 28 August, 2019, 01:43:19 pm »
I've just had my work-dictated annual health check (mandated for over-50s).

Results were good. Cholesterol overall result in the 'green' for the first time in many years. V02Max now measured to be 45 (sadly couldn't be compared to last year as they changed measuring method). It is measured on a Watt bike. FTP was pathetic 193, but I wouldn't expect it to be high, since I don't train my legs, and they stopped the test as soon as I said my legs felt any strain at all! I was only just getting out of breath and heart rate steady at 157 - it hadn't been going up.

Body fat (measured by electrodes) down to 15% from 18%. Weight down to 72.4 from 75kg.

That isn't so good, actually. I haven't gained muscle mass, despite the training. I've lost fat, that is all.

As fast as I am building muscle, I'm burning it, and fat. Just can't pack in enough calories to keep up.

Resulting recommendation was

"Use an app to track food intake, don't lose any more weight. You are catabolic, you are burning your own body for fuel."

I already consume protein shakes. Going to have to try adding something to the shakes to up the calories.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #151 on: 30 September, 2019, 03:49:38 pm »
I don't think I have enough motivation or enthusiasm to make it that far. I'm with Greenbank - I can train enough to be OK, but going the extra mile with either diet or training to actually be good is just too much.

I'm enjoy the spin class once a week, it really does push me to places I don't usually go when on a bike. (Aiming to hold 400W for 1 minute today was particularly hideous, I caved at 55s).

Plans are (slowly) afoot for a turbo set up at home. I've just moved my daughter into a bigger room and so the smaller room is back to being my office. There's just enough space to use a turbo in there next to my computer (for using Trainerroad/Zwift nonsense) and the store the turbo under the desk and the bike on some hooks on the wall.

The room is also above the hall of the flat downstairs (I'm in a 1st floor flat) so noise should be less of a problem. I have an old turbo I was going to set up and see if the noise is a problem for my downstairs neighbour (we get on well and he'll give me a straightforward answer) and I wouldn't be using it at a time where his family is likely to be sleeping.

So I'll plan on selling the Aravis and the Colnago and getting a TT bike (Planet-X Stealth TT probably) which is part of longer term plan[1] anyway.

Anyone used a Tacx Vortex or Bushido for Trainerroad/Zwift? (Wiggle have the Vortex for 47% off at just £199.99 at the moment. Ah, it's not in stock, but the Bushido is at £275)

1. n=4: Commuter, Carbon road bike, fixed, TT bike with the latter being used for Triathlons
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Chris S

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #152 on: 30 September, 2019, 05:20:33 pm »
Yeah, I had a Tacx Vortex on both TR and Zwift. It's a wheel-on trainer, so you have to fiddle about getting the tension right to avoid wheel slip; Tacx do a trainer specific tyre and although I never bothered with one, I've heard good things about them. You have to calibrate it reasonably frequently if you're interested in reasonable accuracy, keep the tyre pressure consistent, and in use - don't trust any power readings for the first 10 minutes while it all gets up to temperature.

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #153 on: 30 September, 2019, 08:05:33 pm »
Tacx do a trainer specific tyre and although I never bothered with one, I've heard good things about them.

DC Rainmaker says there's no point with them. He uses his trainers a lot more than I plan on doing so and copes fine without.

I've realised I've got some PowerTap hubs (fixed and geared) so I can give TR/Zwift a try just using those and the manual non-smart wheel-on trainer I've got lying around and then see if an upgrade to a smart trainer would be useful.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #154 on: 01 October, 2019, 09:31:25 am »
I use a Bushido Smart, and it's fine, but it's not super. It's not as smooth as a dumb trainer with a big flywheel, so it's not as natural a pedalling motion. I use "power match" where TR uses the power from my pedals to make sure I'm on target, and adjusts the trainer to fit the data from them.

You don't even need a powertap hub to do TR - they have a thing called "Virtual Power" where they use a calibration graph for your turbo and a speed sensor. Obviously the numbers are only any good internally, but so long as you keep the tyre pressure consistent, you can get decent results in terms of improving fitness.

I've realised I've got some PowerTap hubs (fixed and geared) so I can give TR/Zwift a try just using those and the manual non-smart wheel-on trainer I've got lying around and then see if an upgrade to a smart trainer would be useful.
Would you like a trainer road referral code (it gets you a free month)? If you PM me an email (that's not been used with TR before), I'll send you a code.

Pedal Castro

  • so talented I can run with scissors - ouch!
    • Two beers or not two beers...
Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #155 on: 01 October, 2019, 11:38:32 am »
I used virtual power and TrainerRoad for two winters and it was just as good as my Direto smart trainer with regard to power display and consistency. The smart trainer is better if you want it to alter the resistance for you automatically.

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #156 on: 01 October, 2019, 12:56:22 pm »
I use a Bushido Smart, and it's fine, but it's not super. It's not as smooth as a dumb trainer with a big flywheel, so it's not as natural a pedalling motion. I use "power match" where TR uses the power from my pedals to make sure I'm on target, and adjusts the trainer to fit the data from them.

PowerMatch is going to be useful if I get the smart trainer. My main requirements are:-
a) to have reasonably accurate/consistent power readings and using a PowerTap hub sorts that out
b) to have the trainer adjust the resistance for me so I don't have to do this manually when doing various training programmes (less important as I can see how I get along with manual adjustment using the dumb trainer)

Would you like a trainer road referral code (it gets you a free month)? If you PM me an email (that's not been used with TR before), I'll send you a code.

Not quite ready yet, waiting for the training mat to be delivered and then have to faff with getting the trainer setup and a bike up indoors and that might take a bit. Will let you know.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #157 on: 01 October, 2019, 01:28:45 pm »
If you're running wheel on, adjusting resistance is best done by changing gear (I guess if you don't have gears then you might have to mess with the trainer settings). This isn't too bad - combined with a power meter for accurate measurement you are almost there, and you don't have to worry about spindown calibration or tyre pressure or that other stuff. The only thing you can't do with this setup is put it fully automatic and watch a movie or whatever. I can't only do that for the aerobic base rides anyway - anything Tempo or above I need to focus.
Ping me when you want that referral code. :)

Re: Getting faster when getting into mid 50s ? A dream or a possibility
« Reply #158 on: 16 October, 2019, 09:04:14 am »
If you are going to buy a new trainer at some stage I would wait till you can afford a wheel off design one they are much less hassle the a std wheel on design.
My kickr is now on its 3rd winter and is miles better than what I had before.
Use your old setup with the powertap (I did similar for two years) then look for something heavily discounted or secondhand next summer.