Author Topic: New Highway Code Changes TODAY  (Read 6074 times)

Re: New Highway Code Changes TODAY
« Reply #25 on: 04 February, 2022, 01:41:53 pm »
I had a ride into the town centre this morning. I didn't notice any change in driver behaviour
when I was riding along on a (badly designed) cycle path which crossed over a minor road.

Driver (and front seat passenger) aggression also observed after I dismounted in town and
stood behand (and to the left of) the pole (with the Parking / Disabled sign on it).

Apparently, I was blocking the path of their 4x4 car as it attempted to make a left turn onto
the pavement to park outside a cafe (opposite the phone boxes).,-2.0767234,3a,75y,5.27h,84.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSwBv1SpjOP96hdpvhbcDgA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x48711b99d4381a17:0xecfcd551e99362f6!8m2!3d51.9001976!4d-2.0771815

Re: New Highway Code Changes TODAY
« Reply #26 on: 05 February, 2022, 12:14:27 pm »
R4 Today Program (who really should know better) this morning:

"Cyclists are now allowed to travel 2 abreast, lets digest this..."  ::-)

"So, driving journalist, what drives you mad with cyclists on the road?"

"The only thing that irritates me is when they are four abreast on a country lane, that really does irritate road users..."

"You do see that in cities a lot too at the weekend. And you, air ambulance man and also keen cyclist?"

"Yes it annoys me too when I see four abreast on a country lane"
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.

John Stonebridge

  • Has never ridden Ower the Edge
Re: New Highway Code Changes TODAY
« Reply #27 on: 07 February, 2022, 06:08:31 pm »
R4 Today Program (who really should know better) this morning:

"Cyclists are now allowed to travel 2 abreast, lets digest this..."  ::-)

"So, driving journalist, what drives you mad with cyclists on the road?"

"The only thing that irritates me is when they are four abreast on a country lane, that really does irritate road users..."

"You do see that in cities a lot too at the weekend. And you, air ambulance man and also keen cyclist?"

"Yes it annoys me too when I see four abreast on a country lane"

I heard that too on Saturday - with increasing anger.

Im a fan of the BBC generally but Ive heard four separate articles covering this, two on R4 and two on Radio Scotland and all were ludicrously biased.  Funny how they never talk about people parking like c***s or driving while using a phone, speeding etc. 

Booking “motoring journalists” for this stuff should be a no no. 

Re: New Highway Code Changes TODAY
« Reply #28 on: 10 February, 2022, 11:24:36 pm »
I listened on R4 to a presenter riding along with an activist just after the HC changes.  They encountered a driver who'd stopped in the ASL / cyclists box and the presenter was very blunt in replying to the activists suggestion that "he's not aware of the rules".  It was nice to hear.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: New Highway Code Changes TODAY
« Reply #29 on: 04 April, 2022, 07:53:25 pm »
I wrote to the council asking whether the Highway Code changes would be reflected in infrastructure. The answer is NO!

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the Highway Code amendments and their implications in Southend.

I passed this enquiry to the Highways team at the council. I have received a response from the officer regarding the matter you raised, and I give below the comments they have replied with:

We have no current plans to alter road/footway markings on a City-wide basis, based on the new code.
The new Highway Code details that ‘at a junction you SHOULD give way to pedestrians/cyclists etc crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning’, this is different to the requirement at zebra crossings where you MUST give way. Therefore, the emphasis is on the road user to comply.
New highway schemes are implemented to existing standards and codes of practice, such as the new cycle design guidance. The Highway Code reflects this current design guidance.

I hope the above information is helpful to you and apologise for any delay in replying to you.

Kind regards, 
Angela - Cllr Queries Team   
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