Author Topic: I don't have a DVT (quite)  (Read 1341 times)

I don't have a DVT (quite)
« on: 15 December, 2023, 08:29:03 pm »
It has not been a good fortnight from the health point of view.
The weekend before last, I started to get tenderness along one of the big veins in my left leg. I've had this before and it was then diagnosed as a superficial thrombophlebitis. Antibiotics and ointment sorted it out.
I got in touch with the surgery about this, was passed to the pharmacy, then back again. The nurse practitioner then prescribed the same treatment as before. This was the day I was about to start my Moviprep regime (see The antibiotics did not help so Wednesday (when the course had finished) I got back to the surgery, to be told I had to use Ask My GP after seven the following morning, or phone after 8.30. Result, an appointment for this morning to see a GP. She decided that a different course of antibiotics would help, and prescribed them. While I was waiting in the pharmacy, she came in and told me she'd changed her mind.
This led to be spending most of the afternoon in Yeovil Hospital having an ultrasound scan, blood tests, a chest x-ray and an ECG. I don't have a DVT, but I do have rather a lot of clotting in that leg. One of the clots is about an inch from one of the deeper veins, so I am now on blood thinners. For the time being (I hope) I am restricted to two units of alcohol a day. Good thing I'm designated driver for Christmas Day and that our friends cannot come round on New Year's Eve.
Big plusses to the NHS for the way it's all been organised. I did have to wait for an hour between the ultrasound and the rest, but seeing I was effectively a walk-in to a department which is mostly pre-booked, that's not really that bad.

Anyone else on these things?
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: I don't have a DVT (quite)
« Reply #1 on: 17 December, 2023, 05:57:48 pm »
My brother has had a DVT of one sort or another for some years. His foot is badly discoloured - something to do with the iron in his blood.

I'm on blood thinners, but that's combined with a beta blocker to treat atrial fibrillation.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: I don't have a DVT (quite)
« Reply #2 on: 17 December, 2023, 06:49:55 pm »
Sorry to hear this, Steve.
Dad is on blood thinners (clopidogrel - which he calls 'cloppy dogerel'), I think because of poor blood circulation in his legs. No great problem except when a nose bleed that started on Thursday night wouldn't stop; cue a jolly day on Friday spent in A&E and ENT culminating in a cauterised blood vessel in his nose (and muggins having to clean the bathroom which looked like a pig had been slaughtered in there).
Hope all goes well.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: I don't have a DVT (quite)
« Reply #3 on: 15 January, 2024, 03:26:26 pm »
Like Wowbagger I'm on an anti-coagulant (Edoxaban) and a beta blocker (Bisoprolol) due to Atrial Fibrillation.

I had a cardiac ablation last year and I'm hoping to come off the drugs... if I can get a bloody appointment with the cardiac team (I've made a formal complaint about lack of follow up).  My GP doesn't want to change things without their say-so, as they initiated the treatment.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

Re: I don't have a DVT (quite)
« Reply #4 on: 13 March, 2024, 06:38:52 pm »
It has not been a good fortnight from the health point of view.
The weekend before last, I started to get tenderness along one of the big veins in my left leg. I've had this before and it was then diagnosed as a superficial thrombophlebitis. Antibiotics and ointment sorted it out.
I got in touch with the surgery about this, was passed to the pharmacy, then back again. The nurse practitioner then prescribed the same treatment as before. This was the day I was about to start my Moviprep regime (see The antibiotics did not help so Wednesday (when the course had finished) I got back to the surgery, to be told I had to use Ask My GP after seven the following morning, or phone after 8.30. Result, an appointment for this morning to see a GP. She decided that a different course of antibiotics would help, and prescribed them. While I was waiting in the pharmacy, she came in and told me she'd changed her mind.
This led to be spending most of the afternoon in Yeovil Hospital having an ultrasound scan, blood tests, a chest x-ray and an ECG. I don't have a DVT, but I do have rather a lot of clotting in that leg. One of the clots is about an inch from one of the deeper veins, so I am now on blood thinners. For the time being (I hope) I am restricted to two units of alcohol a day. Good thing I'm designated driver for Christmas Day and that our friends cannot come round on New Year's Eve.
Big plusses to the NHS for the way it's all been organised. I did have to wait for an hour between the ultrasound and the rest, but seeing I was effectively a walk-in to a department which is mostly pre-booked, that's not really that bad.

Anyone else on these things?
Had my follow up appointment today. I stay on the tablets for another three months, then back to normal. Also, as I have a history of thrombophlebitis, this being the third occasion, I am being referred to the vascular surgery team to see if there is anything they can (and will) do.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: I don't have a DVT (quite)
« Reply #5 on: 13 March, 2024, 07:22:49 pm »
I hope being on the meds isn't too difficult side effects wise for you and the vascular lot are helpful one way or another.