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  • Heart of the Shires 200: 06 June, 2009

Author Topic: Heart of the Shires 6th June  (Read 2748 times)


Heart of the Shires 6th June
« on: 25 March, 2009, 09:33:55 am »
Hmm; not many calendar 200's in early June; all silly distances for some reason (is there a big ride planned this year?)

Work has scuppered any hope of a midweek El S perm so this might have to be my RRTY; anyone done it / doing it?

Chris N

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #1 on: 25 March, 2009, 09:40:57 am »
It's a new route - the route sheet in the zip file is from last year.  Tony is around here sometimes, I think, so he might be able to enlighten you.  Although it starts quite close to me, I shan't be riding it - I'll be in Scotland instead.


Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #2 on: 25 March, 2009, 09:44:01 am »
Entered  :thumbsup: (doncha just lurrve Paypal?) is there a convenient place to camp locally? (thinking about going up to Northampton the night before and riding up) although a remote possibility that might combine it with visiting friends in Stamford

Chris N

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #3 on: 25 March, 2009, 09:57:25 am »
There appears to be a campsite between Husband's Bosworth and Sibbertoft (about 6 miles SE of Walton).  No idea what it's called.


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #4 on: 25 March, 2009, 10:25:20 am »
I'm considering this one - it depends on family nearby being around to put me up.
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #5 on: 25 March, 2009, 10:28:38 am »
I came across last year's route last night (presumably this year will be similar albeit different). I'd previously dismissed this one as probably being further away than I'd like to drive but actually it's not as far as I thought so I'm thinking about it.

Bicycle Path - Heart of the Shires 200 Audax at

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #6 on: 25 March, 2009, 02:25:18 pm »
Ive got this one pencilled in.It should be a nice ride.


Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #7 on: 05 May, 2009, 02:48:26 pm »
just booked a return to Rugby for £14.50 from LTD; silly Virgin Trains website though does not make it clear that you have to book bikes at the same time as travel (which you can't do online) so I now have to go and see a human to get it on the train as the telephone person was no use; kept asking me my trian times when he had them on screen in front of him  >:(

the trials of travelling outside good old Notwork SouthEast where bikes are just turn up any time out side of the peak.

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #8 on: 06 May, 2009, 12:49:51 pm »
Sorry guys I've not been paying much attention.

Both the 100 and 200 routes have changed quite considerably from last year due to issues with controls.

I hope to attach both new routesheets to the calendar by the end of this week. They will be marked draft until they have been test ridden by someone other than me.  I wouldn't advise printing the route until around the 3rd of June as our CTC group will ride it on 1 June as a final check.

As for camping/camper van sites ..there are several in the area including Victoria Farm campsite at High Cross (where the Fosse Way crosses Watling Street) and Holly Farm at Ashby Magna


Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #9 on: 06 May, 2009, 09:46:15 pm »
don't need a campsite now thanks it's an easy day trip if I use Rugby

Chris S

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #10 on: 25 May, 2009, 08:48:08 am »
Hmm... I'd been keeping that weekend clear in case I rode the Cambrian 600. I may well do the HoS 200 instead. I don't want to rely on the (silly hilly) Midland Super Grimpeur at the end of the month for my RRTY ride, so this would be ideal. And almost local  :thumbsup:.

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #11 on: 29 May, 2009, 07:34:20 pm »
Got my route sheet today.Looks like its going to be a nice ride.Looking forward to it,and hope to see some of you there.

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #12 on: 30 May, 2009, 02:51:05 pm »
I need to receive a routesheet before next weekend, in order for me to be able to
re-size it. Aerial 14 is what my eysight requires.  :thumbsup:


Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #13 on: 30 May, 2009, 09:55:37 pm »
I need to receive a routesheet before next weekend, in order for me to be able to
re-size it. Aerial 14 is what my eysight requires.  :thumbsup:

I've resized it for you and emailed it  :) (it was available on the calendar page)

Chris S

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #14 on: 06 June, 2009, 11:05:34 pm »
Back home, and smelling better for a shower.

A very pleasant route I thought, only slightly marred by the inclement weather. Actually, seeing what others are having to put up with this weekend, it looks like we rather got away with it.

Early rain petered out on the first loop to Rutland. Lots of short sharp stabby climbs typical of the area, and once again, I couldn't be arsed to swap my wheel round, so rode the whole ride on a frankly silly gear (46/16). This inevitably meant a rather embarrassing amount of walking  ::-).

Stonking tailwind along the Welland valley back to HQ. Excellent turnaround by the staff - Beans on Toast for a pound and all the tea you could drink. Awesome. More tailwind on the next section, but we soon rode back into the rain area that was by now plaguing areas South and West of Coventry. Only light for the most part, but certainly steady enough for waterproofs. The wind seemed to disappear at Southam, but not for long.
More hilly goodness between Southam and Daventry, including a monster just before Daventry. Needless to say, it was the 24" gear for me.
Bully of a wind from Daventry to the finish, but I could smell the Tea, so kept plugging away.

Great to ride with Martin and Nightrider for extended spells, though they weren't encumbered by a single gear, so were inevitably faster than me in the hills. Somehow Martin mislaid Nightrider in the last section - that was the last we saw of him; hope you were OK!

Great organisation and route; thanks to all the helpers who gave up their day for our benefit.

Shorter gear for me next year!

PS: 2242m of climbing.

Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #15 on: 07 June, 2009, 07:58:51 pm »
Great ride,using quiet  lanes through picturesque villages.Met up with Martin,and Chris,on his macho 72 geared fixed.The first 100km were pretty lumpy.The start finish control also served as the 100km control.Great hospitality from Tony and his volunteers,many thanks.The first half was riden in drizzle,but at the 100k mark it seemed to be brightning up a bit .By Southam I was ready for a decent break,and had a cheese sandwich ,cake,and coffee.Suitably fortified .Chris S Martin ,and myself set off for the final 65km or so.By now the drizzle had resumed,and the road to Daventry was suprisingly hilly,and we split up on a horrible hill outside Daventry.I then went off route a bit and went into Daventry the wrong way,and rode round it on the ring road,urghh !Asked for directions in Walton but was directed the wrong way up the A5,started to worry when I stated to see signs for Milton Keynes ! Turned off and followed a lane untill I saw a sign DAVENTRY 1 MILE .Arghh  ???
Guess who didnt take a map with him ?By now my routesheet had turned into papier mache,and my jelly beans had now welded themselves to my spare inertubes !Luckily Tony had given us all an amended routesheet at the start,and with some directions I discovered Crick was only 7 miles down the A5.Back on route at last, I started the enjoy myself again,all the hills were over my energy had come back ,and the drizzle stopped. :)Got back at about 8.30 suprised to see bikes still parked outside the village hall.148 miles on the computer.Alltogether a memorable day out.I now feel like a proper randonneur :thumbsup:


Re: Heart of the Shires 6th June
« Reply #16 on: 07 June, 2009, 09:50:46 pm »
wot Chris and NR said; a great route on mostly perfectly surfaced and empty (a nice change from the South East) minor roads. A good bit of Great Central Railway archeology too; while I was admiring the southern approach to Catesby tunnel (which I have cycled through in the past) waiting for NR Chis S appeared so not sure where he went it was a straight road  ???, so as he had a route sheet and obviously wasn't behind we pressed on, after the last info I assumed Chris would be walking the last massive hill before Daventry so went ahead on the only bit of horrible road to ride with the uber-cool fixie and his posse for a bit before they also succombed to the endless little hills here; BTW isn't this the busiest bit of rural transport infrastructure you've ever seen?

Streetmap - Homepage

The railway / canal theme continued with Kilsby (impressive airshafts) and Crick tunnels before a long but very pleasant last drag back to Walton and a superb spread from Drone and his helpers  :P

Many thanks to you all and especially for faultless GPS and the recommendation of the quiet Shawell route back to Rugby which avoided HGV central on the A426 and also afforded more railway paraphenalia (two viaducts and an embankment no less); had to dash as I disintegrated my rear light early in the ride so wanted to get back before dark.

A 45 min wait for the train back at the station afforded views of binge drinking yoof and yoofettes. And as expected the train was n (where n is a large number ) minutes late at Euston; good thing it decided to do it after rather than before the ride.

Thanks again and nice to meet you Drone and NR.

More hilly goodness between Southam and Daventry, including a monster just before Daventry. Needless to say, it was the 24" gear for me.

I've not heard it descibed as that before but very apt