Author Topic: Bike rage !  (Read 903 times)

Bike rage !
« on: 06 September, 2009, 01:43:20 pm »
On the Eurostar from Avignon back to the UK yesterday there were many people with bikes. One couple had put there bikes in the luggage racks (you have to take the wheels off and loosen the handlebars and put them in a bag, a plastic bag will do) when another guy arrived and tried to remove their bikes so he could stow his. Queue a very heated argument with much shouting, shoving and pushing and pulling of dismantled of bikes. I got up and pointed out that the luggage racks at the other end of the carriage were completely empty then retreated to the safety of my seat before they got a chance to whack me with a Blackburn pump.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


Re: Bike rage !
« Reply #1 on: 06 September, 2009, 02:42:28 pm »
There's something about Eurostar that brings out the worst in people. I was called names and shouted at by a 5feet 6 bloke because I asked him to move his papers from my side of the table. Other times I've seen a man get up and leave his wife, perhaps permanently judging by what they were shouting, and the number of drinks that get thrown... Perhaps it's the tiredness and stress of coming back from holiday. Long ago I discovered the easiest way to travel with a bike is "Leisure select" and ask the steward/ess to put it in the compartment they use for prisoners(? I'm not sure who its for but there's shackles on the wall).


  • never eat a cyclists gloves
    • grown in wales
Re: Bike rage !
« Reply #2 on: 06 September, 2009, 05:56:08 pm »
Did you have a good time in Avignon. I used to take my bike down there at least once a year and love provence. I have to say I never had a problem once on the train despite expecting to. There was at least one occasion when I could not get my bagged bike into the luggage rack and had to leave it in the corridor which can't be safe or convenient but noone ever said anything.

Re: Bike rage !
« Reply #3 on: 06 September, 2009, 06:12:04 pm »
Avignon is lovely, I have been before. We were actually staying near Beziers and just picked up hire cars at Avignon and that was the only time we saw any of Provence this year. Personally I prefer Languedoc to Provence though both are lovely. Languedoc is quieter and I like teh catalan atmosphere. It's a dam sight cheaper too :) The train journey was very good and I highly recommend it. The 275 mile journey to get to and from Ashford International station wasn't so relaxing. Got home at 2:30 this morning.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.