Author Topic: Gilpin's Gallop 100  (Read 2223 times)


Gilpin's Gallop 100
« on: 06 April, 2010, 11:56:18 am »
Just got the route sheets.  Looks good.  I was aiming for the 200 originally, but lost my mojo and have hardly cycled this year, so will use this as part of the work-up to my first 200 later in the year.   :)

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #1 on: 06 April, 2010, 11:59:20 am »
The 200 is very easy, very flat and can be done fast. I've not done the 100 but done the 200 twice now.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #2 on: 06 April, 2010, 12:02:21 pm »
We thought about the 200 for ages before we committed.  Crusty would probly breeze it, as he's got loads of miles in this year already.  We went for the 100 because it's definitely going to be a fun bike ride.  A 200k might not be so much fun if I Fail on the road and spoil the day out.

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #3 on: 07 April, 2010, 11:43:19 pm »
I'm riding the 200 again.  There's a lovely crossing of the Tees at Dinsdale Bridge.  The southern leg down to Boroughbridge is pretty tedious, but the County Durham bits are good (and less flat). 

What's the route of the 100?  Are we likely to bump into one another?


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #4 on: 08 April, 2010, 04:20:49 pm »
If I get my leave pass stamped I shall be doing the 200 the wrong way round as a DIY starting at Boroughbridge and turning at Newbottle.(saves getting out of bed early and reduces the carbon bootprint.)
I hope the wind is not too strong as the stretch between Northallerton and B'bridge is a bit exposed,especially towards Topcliffe.
Last time I did this one we were pushed back northwards by a strong wind unfortunately accompanied by heavy rain.One guy packed at Girsby suffering from near hypothermia.
If you see me going in the opposite direction give me a wave and please resist the temptation to say "you're going the wrong way.!"


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #5 on: 08 April, 2010, 07:20:07 pm »
The 100 goes to Neasham and Dinsdale, so we may see you.  The stretch round Dinsdale is part of my favourite solo ride for my days off.  Gorgeous country.

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #6 on: 09 April, 2010, 04:54:34 pm »
If I get my leave pass stamped I shall be doing the 200 the wrong way round as a DIY starting at Boroughbridge and turning at Newbottle.(saves getting out of bed early and reduces the carbon bootprint.)
I hope the wind is not too strong as the stretch between Northallerton and B'bridge is a bit exposed,especially towards Topcliffe.
Last time I did this one we were pushed back northwards by a strong wind unfortunately accompanied by heavy rain.One guy packed at Girsby suffering from near hypothermia.
If you see me going in the opposite direction give me a wave and please resist the temptation to say "you're going the wrong way.!"

You don't fancy it as an ECE 400, then? ;D

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #7 on: 09 April, 2010, 04:55:59 pm »
The 100 goes to Neasham and Dinsdale, so we may see you.  The stretch round Dinsdale is part of my favourite solo ride for my days off.  Gorgeous country.

We kick off at 8 am, so it seems unlikely :( 

Watch yourselves on the descent to Neasham from M-S-G: there was an off there last year when a group was descending, and the road is a pothole-y mess which the winter hasn't improved.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #8 on: 09 April, 2010, 08:39:06 pm »
200's enough for moment.Hopefully this will give me a good guide to how fit I am rather than how fit I feel.I did 3 days back to back cycling over Easter and have got more miles in than ever before so quite confident.
I like to build up slowly this time of year,especially as it is the busiest time of year on the work front and I end up doing ten times more miles in a car than on a bike.
Thanks for the warning about the road surface.I think the stretch from Northallerton to BB is in reasonable condition.

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #9 on: 10 April, 2010, 12:12:20 pm »
Aye, I'd probably be ready to off myself if I rode that stretch of the Vale of Mowbray south of the Tees more than twice in one day.  It is bloody tedious.

But I'll ride to the start from Darlo, which is quite a pleasant route through Ferryhill and Sherburn.  Well, at 6 am onna Sunday it's quite pleasant.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #10 on: 12 April, 2010, 10:44:39 pm »
200's enough for moment.Hopefully this will give me a good guide to how fit I am rather than how fit I feel.I did 3 days back to back cycling over Easter and have got more miles in than ever before so quite confident.
I like to build up slowly this time of year,especially as it is the busiest time of year on the work front and I end up doing ten times more miles in a car than on a bike.
Thanks for the warning about the road surface.I think the stretch from Northallerton to BB is in reasonable condition.

Was that you we saw on the stretch of A167 between Great Smeaton and Northallerton?  There were two of us in VC167 colours riding south, neither wearing helmets, the rider coming the other way looked an audax-y type, and I thought of you.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #11 on: 13 April, 2010, 09:02:43 pm »
You were going south and leading the field, with Bob whatsisname from Harrogate?yes it was me in York Cycleworks colours , not that common so you wouldn't instantly recognise them. I got headwind outward and back but did what was for me a reasonable time.
Some of yor VC 167 colleagues didnt look that happy going back towards Newbottle ,hardly a wave or a smile between them. I  thought it was a reasonably good day and Joe provided  lunch as well.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #12 on: 14 April, 2010, 09:54:57 am »
We had a very good day, more so once the sun came out, and Joe's excellent birthday party feast at the end was a bonus.  I am well on my way to the 'world's slowest cyclist' award, which is fine actually.  Not a good week for weight loss though with those lovely sandwiches.


Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #13 on: 14 April, 2010, 12:16:46 pm »
definitely no deflations on the ride.maybe stopped to inspect the hedge near Girsby village but that was all.
I didnt see any other similar colours out. Sub 8 hours is definitely going it but in fairnes i have seen Bob riding out of Harrogate several times so he is getting the miles in. I spent more than that actually riding never mind stops, but was happy at just under 10 hours for the distance.On calendar rides I  end up as billy no mates cos i'm too slow for the whippets but get too frustrated to stay with the canny riders who pootle around and finish with 20 minutes to spare. Cest la vie. Sometimes its nice to be on your own but must say that DIY perms on your own needs strength of character sometimes just to keep going.

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #14 on: 15 April, 2010, 10:18:02 pm »
Thankfully, smiling is not yet obligatory in our club ;)

Someone did tell me they were expecting a tailwind on the way back, which may have hit morale a bit.  I enjoyed the ride, though - less than 8 hours is a first for me.  That chappie from Tyneside Vags was a very strong rider, and I don't think he really appreciated how well he'd ridden to finish in that time.

We had a very good day, more so once the sun came out, and Joe's excellent birthday party feast at the end was a bonus.  I am well on my way to the 'world's slowest cyclist' award, which is fine actually.  Not a good week for weight loss though with those lovely sandwiches.

It was a good spread, I don't think I did it justice.  The guy on the MTB finished behind us, by the way, so you've got competition for that title :)

Re: Gilpin's Gallop 100
« Reply #15 on: 15 April, 2010, 11:22:37 pm »
As I said in the Have You Been Oot Today thread, it was bally chilly on the way back.  But, having ridden regularly in the winter, I am feeling the benefit of sunshine and warm (ish) air.  I had to pull my armwarmers back up on the run-in to Newbottle.