Author Topic: Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally  (Read 3451 times)

Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally
« on: 30 July, 2011, 06:52:28 pm »
General  opinion is, I think, that one shouldn't repaint inside a Microwave Oven although I have found an American web site that allegedly sells suitable paint. I guess it may be an epoxy paint as enamel will presumably cook ???

I have a problem where the enamel on the circular groove below the revolving glass plate has failed quite badly, is now showing rust and doesn't look nice. The Oven is quite old but other than this issue is basically like new.

Do we have any learned Member with adequate knowledge to advise?  I am pretty good at DIY, have the necessary tools and just looking for technical advice whether I can safely repair it  or to bin it.


Re: Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally
« Reply #1 on: 30 July, 2011, 06:58:54 pm »
The metalwork itself shouldn't get hot from the microwaves; it may from the steam & hot air from whatever's being cooked though.  I think that the issue will be warmth &humidity rather than baking heat.  Choose your paint accordingly, but the worst that will happen is that it lifts off & you know to try something else.

There should be no safety issue whatsoever with the usual choices of paint.

edit: thinking about it, anything solvent-based may taint the food whilst it outgasses for the first few days,  so you might want to use a water-based paint that dries reasonably waterproof.

Re: Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally
« Reply #2 on: 31 July, 2011, 01:35:13 pm »
Since I asked my question I have done some further research and also dropped by my local Tesco to see what new models cost and which are suitable for a replacement. I was  surprised to see that the model range and prices was quite extensive. Currently an LG has satisfied my criteria on looks, spec. and price although I plan to have another look elsewhere tomorrow.

As to my existing Microwave, my research has highlighted  a number of issues that may have caused the problem but most probably a hot spot. Paintwise, one Techician has stated that any enamel paint was suitable but to put coffee grounds in the oven for two days afterwards to remove odors.

Hence, I think I will buy a new one but repair the old one just to keep only  for warming up Thai food by the MIL.

Re: Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally
« Reply #3 on: 13 August, 2011, 02:02:56 pm »
We got rid of our microwave when the rust developed into holes.  The turntable wouldn't turn because the wheels got stuck.

Re: Enamel? paint for a Microwave Oven internally
« Reply #4 on: 13 August, 2011, 05:40:38 pm »
Ah ha!

I decided to proceed with a repair but when I started  scraping off the loose paint I discovered holes also and binned it :o

This required an urgent purchase as rarely a day passes that it isn't used. The new one was very cheap and so the smaller cost compensated for losing a good friend