Author Topic: Bar bags v Saddle Bags  (Read 14515 times)

Re: Bar bags v Saddle Bags
« Reply #50 on: 27 February, 2024, 07:17:46 pm »
I have tried a few different options but keep going back to a top tube bag and frame bag, I find this gives me a good amount of space in different areas and keeps the bike well balanced.  My bike has a rack so I often pop in some straps and just strap my additional clothes to the rack in a carrier bag if I need more space. (I found saddle bags flapped about too much).

Tortec ultra lite rack with some Restrap fast straps and a carrier bag = budget tailfin!
How accessible is the frame bag while riding?

Not too bad, it’s alright to put my gloves in the top or grab my brevet out of the side.  You are right that anything more than that requires a stop.  I normally have a few snack in the top tube bag for easier access.  Probably not that much different to saddlebag storage.
I think it is all so individual and what works for one doesnt for another.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Bar bags v Saddle Bags
« Reply #51 on: 28 February, 2024, 07:02:31 pm »
For some reason I resisted bar-bags for many (many) years. Then I bought a humble Decathlon jobbie for barely an Ayrton (inspired by one of the TCR winners - a Kristoff possibly?), and it changed my life. I have yet to upgrade to anything more expensive, but don't rule it out. Not sure about the £75 someone here has spent  :o

A bar bag is like being served your meal at a table, everything else is like those restaurants where you were supposed to collect your cutlery when you paid but forgot and now your food is here you need to get up again and go get a fork, just a minor faff, but gets more annoying the longer you have to deal with the faff  ;)
Beautifully put!
[... and don't you hate it when they don't tell you that they won't be bringing the cutlery with the food?  ::-) ]
Has never ridden RAAM
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