Author Topic: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported  (Read 15009 times)


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #75 on: 23 June, 2014, 02:55:22 pm »
Lower back hurts.   Shoulders sore.   Neck still pretty bad but I can now hold my head up properly.    I rode to work this morning and the legs were really unhappy for the first couple of miles.   No saddle issues.

I've gone through the distances on the start list and reconciled my distance back to 409, assuming I was half way between TK3 & TK4 when I ran out of time.   

Overall I'm happy.   When I realised I was ahead of schedule I relaxed a little and took some more breaks.   Feeding didn't work as planned as I was a bit dehydrated on Saturday afternoon.   Neck issues caused me to stop several times on the finishing circuit.

Support definitely makes a massive difference.    I had 3 people doing shifts and a changeover but it worked really well.   I could not have made it without them all. 

Would I do it again ?    Probably, but not next year.   The Mersey is a bit of trek for me, but the ESCA is just over an hour from home.   I have a lot of audax mates in the area so finding help was easy.   There were a lot of people on the circuits that gave me a shout.   The kindness of strangers gets to you - someone gave me a sponge each time round the finishing circuit.   I'll add a bucket and sponge to the helpers pack if I ever have a go again.

Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #76 on: 23 June, 2014, 03:19:50 pm »
well done to all who finished, i had to pack at 03-30sunday morning with a very painful back. totally gutted as i had gone past the 12hour mark up on my planned mileage, but i had a back problem last year that stopped me cycling for 4months so i hope this is not as bad.


  • I'm part of the association
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #77 on: 23 June, 2014, 08:03:46 pm »
Another forum user that I can put a face/RL name to. I recognised (now I know) Postie at the start from the pub after LEL - but it had been a long 4 days... I also saw BDI from my Easter Arrow team  at the start (his epic LEL report was in the last Arrivee) at the start, but not at the finish. In the absence of official results, does anyone know how he fared too?

Hope everyones injuries clear up soon.
I Said, I've Got A Big Stick


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #78 on: 24 June, 2014, 11:32:44 am »
Poorly, elderly father rushed to A&E Saturday evening. Couldn't not be there, so abandoned. He is recovering and might be home again by the weekend. Bit of a blow after all the prep and making a good start and right on my schedule, but still only a bike ride in the greater scheme.

I await the results with interest so I can 'index link' my possible distance & position.

Now to look for an AUK 600 to keep SR hopes intact.



  • Full of bon courage.
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #80 on: 24 June, 2014, 04:15:46 pm »
I am sorry to hear it BDI. I was wondering where you were after the finish.

It is only a bike ride and I hope your father recovers well now.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!


  • I'm part of the association
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #81 on: 24 June, 2014, 06:41:14 pm »
Sorry to hear your bad news BDI, hope your father recovers well.

More photos here (less 'dramatic' imo)
I Said, I've Got A Big Stick

Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #82 on: 26 June, 2014, 02:23:54 pm »
Firstly, a whopping great well done to all who finished.  Hope you all got the distances you were hoping for.

Secondly, a cathartic experience for me - hopefully.  I had a really bad day at the ESCA 24.  I wonder if by spelling out why I think this was the case it might help me et it straight in my mind and also help others to prepare in future.

Last year I did the Mersey Roads.  It was my first TT at anything over 25 miles.  I'd prepped by riding an SR, my first year of audax riding.  I took my tried and trusted Specialized Allez Expert, even though I'd not done any of my SR on it.  That job was reserved for my venerable Claud Butler Majestic.  At the Mersey I had no support other than the nice guys in the tent at Prees.  I rode 665km.

This year I thought I'd up the ante.  I took my Specialized Transition Pro, albeit running the same Carbone wheels as last year.  I had a really bad time and packed in the early evening after 8 hours and 240km.  So what went wrong?

1 - Get REALLY used to your bike first.  I'd done a couple of 5/6 hour jaunts on the Transition this year and had ridden it for Ironman a couple of times in the past.  This was not enough time spent on the bike to realise just how uncomfortable it was going to be.  5/6 hours of a dodgy back and stiff shoulders is one thing, facing a night of it something else.  My rides on the bike had been on a quiet, early morning, smooth surfaced A38.  I planned to take a second bike, just in case, and then couldn't be bothered to pack it.
2 - Don't overestimate the value of support.  Last year there was no guilt.  This year I felt from the start that I had to perform as I was robbing my wife and daughter of a night's sleep.  I lost more time stopping to say 'hi' and collect a bottle etc than I did last year with people I didn't know.  I appreciate what they tried to do but worrying about any one other than yourself in a 24 is counter-productive.
3 - Prepare for heat.  I didn't take adequate consideration of the weather.  The wind was deceptive.  You don't appear to sweat as much.  By the start of my first night circuit I was vomiting by the side of the road and then sitting down unable to move.  10 minutes later I was shivering uncontrollably.  This is heatstroke.  At this point I took a shortcut to night HQ and pulled out.
4 - Recon is valuable.  I didn't check the course out first.  Admittedly I didn't do that last year either but the Mersey course is a much 'friendlier' course.  ESCA has nasty roads, way too much traffic and a total lack of scenery or landmarks.  I was bored silly.  I also felt threatened by the levels/attitude of the traffic.  I'm a hardened rider and this never fazes me normally.

I realised the support thing was a problem and so sent them back to my daughter's place in Shoreham at about 6pm.  I thought this'd motivate me more.  No chance to pack easily.  At the night HQ I realised the error of this decision when, with no phone, I was faced with a heatstruck ride back to Shoreham.  Once the pressure was off, I'd quit - end of, the ride back down to Brighton and then along the seafront at midnight was the best part of the day by far.  Sunday saw a splendid breakfast at Bill's in Lewes and then back to the course to pick up kit.

I feel no regret at dropping out - contrary to what the guy at Night HQ said I would feel - but I do still wonder why it all had to go so wrong.  It's remarkable that, having been a cyclist all my life, more or less, and having done more miles of prep in the first 6 months of this year then ever before, I can still make such monumentally poor judgement calls.  I guess that's the lesson here - that there are always more lessons to be learnt.  I have a ferry booked for the evening of Sunday 20th July, otherwise I'd be off to Wrexham - alone, with a comfortable bike!


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #83 on: 27 June, 2014, 04:12:44 pm »
In typical fashion I sat in the car on the way home and said 'I can go further than that'.   I already knew where things had gone wrong and where I under achieved or faffed for too long.   This attitude annoys the living crap out of your friends and family - beware.

It has taken me most of the week to get my head round what was achieved by the team.   In 18 months I have gone from a steady audax rider to cracking 400 miles in 24hrs.   Along the way there has been a lot of research, investment (financial and time), early mornings, pain and lots of miles.   I have pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could and started to realise what the human body is capable of.   I was able to deal with issues as they occurred and take them in my stride (temporary trafiic lights, an accident, diet problems) - apart from being sent round the night circuit for a seventh time which caused some tetchiness.

The organising team did an amazing job.   Finding the way was never an issue, but I had trained on all the circuits several times and done my research.   

I still have the hunger 5 days later and I get fits of weariness.   I have a weekend off and may resume training next week.   I have a 12hr in September to complete the year.

For those who have done both how does the course at the Mersey compare ?    I won't do it next year but might in 2016.



  • Full of bon courage.
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #84 on: 28 June, 2014, 09:09:28 am »
I already knew I could have gone further when I crossed the line. Primarily injury had cost me, but a million and one other little things added up to quite a few more miles. Again injury largely contributed to two hours off the bike, but that is way too much!  From my first 12, I was well on track for 400miles.

So that desire to go further is burning. Maybe not next year, PBP (possibly on a tandem) is a project that will eat up my energies again (if not on a tandem, I would probably go for a proper time this time around).

I really did #%^* myself up though - I have never had such a hefty cold/cough in my life - I am still very croaky, but am on the way out of it. Clearly my immune system was at such a low by the end that this cold really beat me up.

I had a trip to the clinic that is part of Pearsons in Sheen for a massage - I should have done it earlier, but my sickness was so awful.  Nothing ruptured or torn by feel, but some massively swollen muscles. Needless to say, it hurt, but it feels better already.  It was also my first trip on bike for 5 days (albeit only 4km each way!). I will attempt a spin out this afternoon, just gentle stuff.  I am riding up to my parents in the Peak District next weekend for Le tour, so hopefully everything will be back on track by then.

I may take a leaf out of several long distance TTer's book (including hippy) and use calf guards next time. I must certainly stretch better and all the things we are meant to do. As per many of us, I come from a background of moderate pace for extended periods - pushing things to tempo effort for hours on end is a new game and needs some lessons to be learnt.

I am in no way disappointed with 375 miles (or whatever I end up with officially), it is still beyond my expectations before the event - I had no clue how I could ride 600km in 24 hours. I know I am good for 400 with a little extra luck and no injury. Beyond that, well, depends how hard I work!  But, I am still very pleased and proud to have hit that distance.

I am also eyeing up the 12 hour - we will see though, I have some other plans for early September that may make the 12 impossible.

So glad to have ridden the 24 - it is something that more people should consider trying. It is so different to audax (though there are many similarities on the surface), it does make it clear that audax is a different challenge and in most ways much more straightforwards. The mental fortitude that audax has helped me develop certainly helped massively in the 24. It would be very easy to step off the bike on the 24, I nearly did in the last couple of hours. Packing on a long audax might involve big logistical challenges (trains home etc.), whereas it would be easy on the 24. The 'reward' of a control doesn't exist on the 24 (on an audax, ride for 50-80km and you can have a sit down, cup of tea and a bit of cake) - I found that quite tough to reward myself like that.

Amazing feeling afterwards though - still processing having ridden so far (for me) in such a short period of time. Bonkers.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #85 on: 28 June, 2014, 04:37:57 pm »
Enjoyed the 24 apart from our p******* , loose bb set, slack cones and buckled wheel but we don't let minor misshaps like this get us down. Many thanks to Adrian who directed us to his workshop in the middle of the night. It was great to have a warm but not hot day. The 500k or so we did added getting on for 50% to my years total so far so now about 1600k.  Support was great from all around the course. Did 2k down to the village today to collect the paper. I keep telling George I will do some training one day but that day has yet to arrive and won't before the Mersey Roads as I am off to the Alps walking on Tuesday so expect to be marginally fitter then.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #86 on: 03 July, 2014, 07:28:43 pm »
I hope no one bought Sportive Weekly last week for the coverage of this NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

3 paras.  :facepalm:
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #87 on: 06 July, 2014, 12:35:07 pm »
Provisional results out.

Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #88 on: 07 July, 2014, 06:45:46 am »
Well done, Rob - 15th place!  That's excellent.

There are two amazing distances at the top of the list (and a very good one from Toby in third), but the big gap to the bulk of the field shows that it must have been a tough course.   I recognise a few names who have ridden a fair bit further in the Mersey Roads. 


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #89 on: 07 July, 2014, 06:04:00 pm »
Well done to Marcus on getting six audax points!


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #90 on: 07 July, 2014, 06:52:59 pm »

The 12h split is a little over what I made it (10 miles ish), but still a ride of two halves (part one, where our hero is going well, pacing very even and comfortable and part two, where the wheels fall off and our hero ends up unable to walk).

I am well chuffed with it - 375 was always my goal. It always seemed impossible even in the run up. However, I do know I can do 400 with just a bit of luck and not injuring myself.

Suppose that means I will have to do it all again sometime.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #91 on: 07 July, 2014, 07:23:11 pm »
Well done to Marcus on getting six audax points!
Hmmm. Not sure that fully captures the whole scope of this achievement...

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #92 on: 07 July, 2014, 07:28:42 pm »
6 points was what I was aiming for - so I achieved what I wanted!
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #93 on: 08 July, 2014, 08:04:07 am »
I sent the results to the AUK recorder yesterday.   I think you need to make individual claims, though.


Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #94 on: 10 July, 2014, 01:34:11 pm »
Short film has been put on youtube.   I'm on there very briefly, as are postie and marcus.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Re: ESCA 24hr TT - 21st June 2014 - semi-unsupported
« Reply #95 on: 10 July, 2014, 01:37:56 pm »
I sent the results to the AUK recorder yesterday.   I think you need to make individual claims, though.

In previous years the recorder has checked the results of 24s and updated points totals. One might expect that to continue.