Author Topic: Never done an Audax - is my Garmin Edge510 up to the job?...  (Read 3807 times)


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Never done an Audax - is my Garmin Edge510 up to the job?...
« Reply #50 on: 30 January, 2024, 02:26:34 pm »
Assuming you have a smart phone it would probably be worth downloading the ridewithgps app and loading the course on that as a backup.

I you were to get lost I would not trust the re-routing on older Garmins. If you know vaguely where you are find a village on the route on your phone and head for that and you should be able to get back on track.

Also definitely take a battery pack. My Garmin 820 now lasts at most four fours but will run happlily from a powerbank in a toptube bank. A bonus for that approach is that the backlight can be permanently turned on which is useful when riding in the dark.
I wouldn't trust re routing on any garmin, even the more modern ones often make strange conclusions, sending you in a circle to rejoin the route where you left it, and not just picking it up where you are. I can't seem to work out how to turn this "feature" off, without losing turn by turn prompts

I'd also be careful about charging from the top tube while riding, my experience is that the constant vibration damages either the usb connector or the socket so the cable/device combination is no longer effective for charging. charging while eating and drinking at any control stop is best. If charging while riding is required, best to consider the usb cables as consumables, and ensure you have spares at least at home.

Eddington  127miles, 170km