Author Topic: [LEL17] LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia  (Read 3520 times)


  • terry2wheelz
[LEL17] LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« on: 23 June, 2017, 03:28:21 pm »
My LEL Training hasn't been going too badly at all - despite only getting round 400km of last weeks 3 coast ride excluded, but I've just been given some unfortunate news from my GP that has my forthcoming LEL in some serious doubt.
I've just been diagnosed with an inguinal hernia in lower left side of my groin, it's about the size of a boiled egg.   I'm presently cycling reasonably OK as I can pop the hernia back in whilst sat at most traffic lights, but my GP (Quack) has said it'd be impossible to ride LEL - but I reckon my own judgement must come into deciding this one - Quack has probably never ridden a SR series !!   -  I'm tempted to arrive at Loughton start line & give it a go ( I successfully rode LEL last time, so have rough idea of huge effort required)  but I thought I'd ask AUK riders if anyone else has ever ridden such a long distance with hernia already & would they have any advice for me.  Being a tight-fisted / thrifty rider, £££  not starting LEL would be a massive bitter pill for me to take so late / near to start of event, as I've shelled out for camping too, so best part of 400 quid at stake & 6 months physical training & dieting.....    Any advice?
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !

Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #1 on: 23 June, 2017, 03:51:00 pm »
My two cents worth advices:

1) Your own judgment about your cycling ability is probably better than anyone else's judgment.

2) Your GP will always lean on the safe side. He (she) will never say "yes you can do it", by fear of being sued if something goes wrong.

3) For your GP, as well as for over 99% of the population, riding 1400 km in under five days is something absolutely mad or impossible, "Even the pros on the Tour de France don't ride that far in 5 days", as they say. You are in the 1% of the people who know that it can be done with a reasonable amount of training and effort.


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #2 on: 23 June, 2017, 09:40:26 pm »
Diagnosed with similar after completing Perth Albany Perth in late 2013. Not the size of your problem. Carried on riding my regular DIY and calendars at least once a month , did SRs in 2014 , 2015 , 2016. retired on PBP in 2015 at 1000kms.. nothing to do with hernia. Now scheduled for an op in September.

So for me .. hernia caused no problem while sitting on a bike riding long distances .. but my experience does not compare with boiled egg size  .. so not directly relevant.

To me depends on your mind set ..if you are  willing to start and give it a go .. knowing that you might have to retire at some point.. i can see no reason not to start. I dont think you can make the problem dramatically worse ....   without becoming  aware that you now have a serious problem and NEED to stop NOW.

NOTE this is my personal input and NOT a LEL team members advice.
I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!


  • terry2wheelz
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #3 on: 24 June, 2017, 08:30:16 am »
FB -  thanks for the reply,  you're just the kind of audience I was targeting with my initial question.  I know AUK riders are a hardy bunch & statistically 1 in 10 blokes of a certain age will get a hernia apparently, so I genuinely wanted to hear from rider with experience more than opinion, not that there's anything wrong with opinions.
 For sure I'm presently of the mindset of starting LEL & giving it a go - I like proving people wrong & naturally a stubborn type who likes a challenge, I'd guess that's why I'm drawn to Audax riding
 I've dedicated half a year of my life & few quid on it for heavens sake,  so throwing the towel in hasn't crossed my mind. (you'll struggle to meet a more thrifty & tight-fisted bloke than me) But I'm not on a death wish & aware it could end in tears...

worst case scenario - a strangulated hernia would mean riding off-route for a while & finding A&E infirmary  :)

I'd genuinely like to hear from any other rider who's ridden with inguinal hernia please.   
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #4 on: 24 June, 2017, 11:13:48 am »
Pardon the flippancy, but why does the egg have to be boiled?

BTW, I've had an untreated umbilical hernia for 30 years, although it's not very big. Like you, I just pop it back in every so often.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Just do it!
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #5 on: 25 June, 2017, 05:40:01 pm »
Pardon the flippancy, but why does the egg have to be boiled?

BTW, I've had an untreated umbilical hernia for 30 years, although it's not very big. Like you, I just pop it back in every so often.

I am not aware of much change in egg size from cooking, be it raw, soft or hard boiled but YEMV.

As I understand it, small hernias are more likely to strangulate than large ones.

If you can put your hernia back and it's not giving you pain, I don't really see how or why it should interfere with LEL very much.

It seems common practice to defer surgical treatment of hernia for any length of time or reason. Most folk don't seem to be harmed by this. You seem to be aware of danger signs and are willing to take the gamble.

I think that's fair enough.


  • terry2wheelz
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #6 on: 25 June, 2017, 08:57:44 pm »
Thanks for the comments & advice.
I Have given it plenty of thought & pretty much decided that unless my date for surgery falls first week in August then I'm going to be on that start line for LEL  -  I rode another hilly 200km ride today & it only popped out twice, does make me feel sick initially & is quite uncomfortable until slipped back in-situ.   Not even seen consultant yet, so highly unlikely op date would clash with LEL , as I'd not risk turning down an op date.      Looking forward to Loughton start -  I should be quite easy to spot if you want to say hello & wish me luck  -  I'll have a skin coloured truss /  jock strap on outside of black Lusso cycling shorts.  :thumbsup:     
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !

Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #7 on: 26 June, 2017, 11:02:02 am »
I rode most of last year with a double hernia, though neither side as big as yours. I noticed them a few weeks after PBP, but I don't know whether there is a causal connection or just hadn't noticed before (as I said, they weren't very big). I didn't notice any problem, and my GP was quite happy to let me carry on cycling (but I probably didn't make my mileage clear). Having said that, I had a quiet year and didn't do anything over 400k.

Fundamentally it's your decision, but in your place I'd start.


  • terry2wheelz
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #8 on: 26 June, 2017, 08:26:35 pm »
Thanks Rod,  hope your's is OK now. Thanks for the advice - great minds think alike,  As it stands I'm starting.  Just seen article in newspaper about hernia op patients left in agony, which is something I'm keen to avoid.   I'll keep cycling as long as possible, believing "Rolling Stones carry no moss".   Thanks T
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !

Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #9 on: 10 July, 2017, 06:02:42 pm »
I was diagnosed with an inguinal last year - just prior to doing the Marmotte and just after the Bryan Chapman and the Asparagus and Strawberries (no link to the events - the condition was long established - i just never knew what it was). I did the Marmotte (was damned if I was going to miss that having paid up front for everything) and my consultant said Id probably be ok. If it was this year I think id proceed with LEL but very carefully/slowly and always willing to pack. if you know your own body and what you can get away with go for it.


  • terry2wheelz
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #10 on: 13 July, 2017, 07:46:01 pm »
Great to hear your story Chris -  Thanks for taking time to share this one. It's just the tonic I need TBH
Find myself nodding in agreement with you on couple of points - I'd also be dammed if throwing away LEL entry & camping fees.
 I'm focussed on cruising round LEL this time around & not planning on straining the inguinal hernia, I can already visualise sitting down & twiddling low gears up cobbled section southbound / homeward bound around Alston rather than honking up em' like last LEL
 I'd be interested to learn if you've had the hernia repair surgery & how if at all it's effected your riding -  as clearly if you've ridden Bryan Chapman & Marmotte then you're as tough as they come...  T.
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !


  • Just do it!
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #11 on: 13 July, 2017, 11:08:55 pm »
Several people here have had hernia surgery and I don't think many have any trouble at all cycling after a few months post-op.


Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #12 on: 14 July, 2017, 10:58:10 am »
Mesh repair of developing inguinal hernia in 2004. 6 weeks off the bike. Started Audaxing 2 years later. I have been riding mostly fixed since 2011 and have 3xPBP, 2xLEL and something like 7xBryan Chapman.

My experience was that for about 6 months post op doing something new which I hadn't done since the op would pull on it and cause mild discomfort. That's it. Obviously the first few days after the op weren't fun. It's really not been a barrier to anything. I'm also now rowing competitively and I played a fair bit of football, only really stopping that because it's hard on my joints.

Men have an natural weakness in that area. I was told on my follow up visit that I'd be far stronger in that area than normal and recurrence is very low.

Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #13 on: 15 July, 2017, 11:10:47 am »
I was on the bike again a week after having my puncture repair patches inserted. Only gentle commuting, mind you, but cycling all the same, and it wasn't really a problem. As Simon pointed out, first few days after the op weren't much fun, but the pain was quite bearable (as audaxers we're used to a bit of pain) and I healed up pretty quickly. Doctors recommended two weeks off the bike, as ever I took this with a pinch of salt as doctors only see ill people and adjust their expectations accordingly. Two weeks after the op I was riding normally, only problem the occasional twinge getting on and off the bike. These continued (with decreasing frequency) for a couple of months.

Actually the only issue I had was the anaesthetist coming to see me after the op and asking how fit I was. Apparently my heart rate had fallen to "dangerously" low levels and he wanted to check me out.


  • terry2wheelz
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #14 on: 06 August, 2017, 09:02:56 am »
Well many thanks to all the riders on the road who gave me help & support & forum posters for their sound advice.
Thanks to the the lord - I managed to ride round LEL 2017 well within the time limit.

The hernia did give me a few problems en-route , but they weren't show-stoppers. I'm due to go in to hospital next week & I'm glad I listened to the advice given on this forum & also to the voices in my head ( they made me do it  :demon:)

Terry from Bury
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #15 on: 06 August, 2017, 10:03:10 am »
Absolutely delighted for you. I have an op scheduled for next month.
I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!


  • Just do it!
Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #16 on: 06 August, 2017, 12:26:34 pm »
Well done T2W!

Hope both of you have trouble-free surgery and a smooth recovery!

Some of my cycling friends have sailed through this.

Other have not.

Such is life!

Re: LEL - With an Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #17 on: 07 August, 2017, 11:30:02 am »
Great to hear your story Chris -  Thanks for taking time to share this one. It's just the tonic I need TBH
Find myself nodding in agreement with you on couple of points - I'd also be dammed if throwing away LEL entry & camping fees.
 I'm focussed on cruising round LEL this time around & not planning on straining the inguinal hernia, I can already visualise sitting down & twiddling low gears up cobbled section southbound / homeward bound around Alston rather than honking up em' like last LEL
 I'd be interested to learn if you've had the hernia repair surgery & how if at all it's effected your riding -  as clearly if you've ridden Bryan Chapman & Marmotte then you're as tough as they come...  T.

Hi Terry

Sorry for not responding earlier - hadnt looked at YACF for a while. I had an op last september and was riding again by november with no problems. I filled the lack of riding in that time by doing loads of walking which is apparently ok. One thing Id say is make sure you go for the laparoscopic surgery rather than the open as recovery is much quicker. Great to hear you completed LEL safely and in time and all the best with the op!