Author Topic: A thumbs up for the Braco Way  (Read 1167 times)

A thumbs up for the Braco Way
« on: 02 December, 2019, 10:10:32 pm »
Did this yesterday - Dunfermline - Auchterarder - Causewayhead - Dunfermline (100km) and would recommend it to anyone.

Rode up from the coast to the start in freezing fog (-6 degrees) and got up above it just after the start- a glorious day that never got above freezing with a hard frost all along the route and ice in places.  The bit between Yetts o Muckart and Dunblane was especially good.  Two good cafes (Kisas in Auchterarder and Corrieri's in Causewayhead.  60 entrants, 29 starters and 28 finishers.

Big thanks to Mary the organiser who also published a cold weather main road alternative and her support team for a fantastic spread at the end (chili or stovies and great cakes to follow).


  • Not Small
Re: A thumbs up for the Braco Way
« Reply #1 on: 02 December, 2019, 10:47:11 pm »
Hard day out on spikes, but I needed them for my ECE.

I've blogged but it's no in Inglis

Re: A thumbs up for the Braco Way
« Reply #2 on: 05 December, 2019, 10:01:44 am »
Yeah it was a really good ride, I enjoyed it despite (or perhaps because of) the challenging weather - my first 100k in around 3 years, I thought it was all over before it had begun when my brakes seized right at the start!  Got on my way 20 minutes late but caught the rear group by Glendevon then stuck with the Angus Bike Chain lads from Auchterarder to Clackmannan.  Started cramping up in the last 20k but made it back in exactly 5 hours riding time (6:24 overall) which I was really pleased with.  Great stovies and cake at the end, good day out and good riding with great company!