Author Topic: Finger/Knuckle damage - how long is this going to hurt?  (Read 327 times)


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Finger/Knuckle damage - how long is this going to hurt?
« on: 07 May, 2024, 08:59:54 am »
I was holding the top of a tackle bag for the local U13 rugby team so two sturdy lads could tackle it. Painfully, the loop on the top of the bag caught my right index finger and wrenched it sideways as about 100Kg combined went sideways at speed. Luckily the loop slipped off, but my knuckle and first joint are still painful 6 weeks later (swelling has gone). Movement is 90%, I can't quite clench a fist. The finger is strong, but hurts when I use it and then hurts at rest for some time afterwards. I find myself dropping things like heavy chopping boards or saucepans if I accidentally pick them up right handed.
Is this going to go away through the default male health regimen of ignoring it? Should I bother the GP? a Physio?
Sorry for being a bit crap... but I've been sucessfully avoiding injury for some time so I'm out of practice.
Everyone's favourite windbreak

Re: Finger/Knuckle damage - how long is this going to hurt?
« Reply #1 on: 07 May, 2024, 09:11:16 am »
Probably daily for about 8 weeks, then alternate days for about another 2 months and then occasional unto 6-8 months.  Sounds like a collateral ligament injury.