Author Topic: Webby membership form for Wordpress  (Read 1179 times)

Webby membership form for Wordpress
« on: 12 February, 2024, 05:39:48 pm »
Hi folks,

I suggested to my somewhat favorite <name redacted> cycle club that the membership sec. could be saved alotta work and we may attract more members if the process is simplified.

Present the method is: Download a pdf from <name redacted> club website. 
You then then print it, complete in your bestest-eva handwriting and post it, together with your cheque or Postal Order for subs.
There are a significant proportion who pay by BACS maybe some who scan and attach the completed form to an email.
Probably a minority of one, myself, who completes the form using an on-line pdf editor...

There is also the option to tear a form out of a printed magazine and post that with your cheque or P.O.
I suspect a significant proportion do this simply because they don't have a printer and scanner to hand.

G.N. The committee have seen the wisdom of this idea.

B.N. I have to implement it and K.I.S.S.

Soo.. I has a look at w.p. forms picked one or two from the 1001  .. review.. suspect this was used to inject code into my  web-site '
I start to feel out of my depth....

May I run through the criteria for success?

Input: Name, Address, email, phone number , tick-boxes, renewal or application, do I want my details published in the paper membership list, GDPR

Sanity checks: . Is the address correct? - lookup online database.  email - email verification link. Tick boxes checked ?

Spam; well the email address to attach ones form to is already published, I suppose any half decent form cannot be spammed (much)

Output: I suspect the membership sec. will want something that 'looks like a form' so they can print it out and file in the card index

Options for implementation  - I did looks at Jot-Form instead of native WP - problem is 400 renewals is over the monthly  limit for starter and bronze  is $34 pcm

Does anyone have any good suggestions please?


  • Not Small
Re: Webby membership form for Wordpress
« Reply #1 on: 12 February, 2024, 06:32:29 pm »
Has <favourite cycle club> got a Microsoft 365 or Google subscription?
If so, Google/MS Forms and a wee bit of integration with GoCardless is what my <favourite hiking club> use.
If you just want to collect the data, they dump them into active spreadsheets if you tell them to.

If not then, meh whatever can't help, sorry.

Re: Webby membership form for Wordpress
« Reply #2 on: 12 February, 2024, 07:21:21 pm »
There are systems specifically designed for club membership. eg Membermojo, or SiEntries, or Entry Central. They do have fees, but maybe not too expensive?

Re: Webby membership form for Wordpress
« Reply #3 on: 12 February, 2024, 07:43:28 pm »
Has <favourite cycle club> got a Microsoft 365 or Google subscription?
If so, Google/MS Forms and a wee bit of integration with GoCardless is what my <favourite hiking club> use

Yes  Google sheets should be plenty good enough.
Memb sec has a Gmail account specifically for membership, I suspect Google forms will be a novel concept to them.s
GoCardless would be nice but far to radical a departure from postal orders..
Thank you!