Author Topic: 2008 Goals Review  (Read 8088 times)

Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #25 on: 02 July, 2008, 09:26:08 am »
Didn't ever formalise my goals, but roughly they would have been : -

1  Do a whole FNRttC - Job done - twice

2  The South Downs Way in a day (and this to be my first imperial century). Working on this one. I've come to the conclusion that the only way this is going to happen is to do it solo, and to catch the train to Winchester that arrives at 2.30am. Looking forward to this one.

3  Wimp out (ie take the car) on the commute less than last year. So far, so good. I wimped out 20 (!!) times last year but only twice so far this.

4  More than 3000 commuting miles. On target; at June 30th I had done 1615.
Rust never sleeps

Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #26 on: 02 July, 2008, 09:28:52 am »
My goal remains the same, to complete a 200km randonee by end of August. Currently feeling confident and on target for that.


  • Tyke
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #27 on: 02 July, 2008, 09:45:22 am »
Can't remember what my goals were, precisely, but for the last three years, they can be summarised as:  Ride more; eat less; lose weight

Ride more?  Check.  Commuting 20km/day and most Southwark Afterworkers for the last month and a bit, plus the occasional evening outing and riding both days of almost all weekends.

Eat less?  Well, sort of.  I feel a lot hungrier after rides, but, with the encouragement of the wonderful Butterfly, who's making a big effort herself, we've cut down on the cafe trips, and are eating more salad.  Can only be good.

Lose weight?  I don't know.  Haven't weighed myself this year (partly because I don't want to pay the price for a set of digital scales, when my previous set from Lidl cost about two shillings and sixpence or summat - typical Yorkshireman! ::-) ).  But I feel that I'm losing it slowly...

So getting there.

There was one (sort of) goal I had from later on, which was to think about a short Audax.  I think we may be looking at doing a tandem one next year, if we can get the set-up right and up uor mileage. :)
Getting there...


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #28 on: 02 July, 2008, 11:13:38 am »
Lose weight. I'm back to the level I wanted to be at at the beginning of the spring...

Do a 200km ride. I've done that.

Otherwise I didn't really have any other goals. Maybe do more hills!
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #29 on: 14 July, 2008, 09:08:44 pm »
Looks like a no-goals obtained season.
no SR, took a shortcut omitting the last control since I was out of time anyway
no 1200, packed after 1060km, again being out of time with no chance to catch up untill the finish.


Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #30 on: 14 July, 2008, 09:18:46 pm »
I think Aunty C's 'post France hedonism' thread last year summed it up; It's been a great year so far, all boxes ticked. I need to do some swimming


Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #31 on: 14 July, 2008, 09:22:01 pm »
I'm sticking to my guns.  My only goal is to enjoy riding my bike.

However I do have a wish-list:

A 1000km event (calendar event from Galashiels or a perm).   ENTERED.
The BC 600 (either version will do, though I have unfinished business with the scenic).  DONE.
The Border Raid 600.  FAIL (DNF).
Severn Across 400.  DONE.
Irish Mail 400.  FAIL (DNS).
Snow Roads 300.  Did MSG 300.
Elenith 300.  DONE
Dean 300.  DONE
Poor Student 200 (already entered).  DONE
Willy Warmer 200 (already entered).  DONE
The Old Squit 200 (already entered).  DONE + 100k
Kennett Valley Run 200.  FAIL
Tan Hill Challenge 200.  FAIL (clashes with Mildenhall)
Fenland Flight 200.  FAIL (wasn't run)
Up The Uts 200.  DONE
Start of Summertime 200.  FAIL   The Dean was too tough.
Golden Tints 200.  on course could be my first fixed 200?
Easter Arrow.  I need to be in a team for that though.  FAIL
Whatever local 200s come along, plus random other rides as they
take my fancy, plus some more DIYs.   :thumbsup:

Complete my first RRTY (currently a bit dodgy but I might just manage a 200 this
weekend if I can be arsed to get up in time).  FAIL.  Reset from Jan.

I have also completed a 600 not listed there and am about to enter another.


  • "World's Scariest Barman"
  • It's only impossible if you stop to think about it
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #32 on: 14 July, 2008, 09:34:56 pm »
PaulF, come on you can ride 250 miles a month. That's nothing!! The weather is improving, just get out for a little ride every weekend and you'll be there.

Well I've done 250 already this month :thumbsup: so it 'should' be easy for the rest of the year ???


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #33 on: 14 July, 2008, 10:36:39 pm »
My targets were

A 2nd SR series  DONE
Continue a second RRTY  still on course
Get 50 points  Well on course - with currently scheduled rides taking me over 50
Match 2007 miles of 8,375.  At June 30th mileage was 4589 So far - so good
I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!


Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #34 on: 14 July, 2008, 11:14:39 pm »
The idea of doing 100 points came along later.  That's another FAIL.

I currently have 45 points.  From where I am now, no more than 75 seems feasible for this season.  Still, that would be a big increase - I already am just 6 points short of last season's total with the rest of July plus August, Sept, Oct still to go.  To get to 100 now would need almost 20 points/month rate (never gonna happen), whereas to get to 75 is 10/month, which I have already managed more than once this season.

Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #35 on: 15 July, 2008, 11:11:20 am »
Updated: 18th August

o Now I've done the hard work of getting there, keep to sensible weight (~12 stone = 76kg) Keeping it below 80kg but I would like to get it to 76kg and hold it there
o RRTY (starting again in Jan thanks to December's cold) FAIL
o SR (not on fixed) although there's a chance I'll do a fixed one (have the SFW card just in case).Fixed SR done!. Geared SR was a FAIL thanks to DNFing DIY400 and Border Raid 600
o 30 AUK points in the season 22 so far. On track for this with 3 remaining rides (200, 300, 300)
o 20 FWC points (4 already so far this year) in the season 22 so far. Ontrack for 30 (The Elenith was my only geared Audax this year but I've done 3 fixed 100s)
o 0.25 AAA points (already entered the Elenith so that's 2 AAA) PASS. 2AAA.
o Commute by bike 4/5 days a week (that's 5000km there) FAIL. Too much laziness. More like 2/5
o 10000km total cycling for the year in bikejournal Will have a go but looking like FAIL. Next target is last year's total of 6462.85km which I'll have to do in 10 months not 12 as I'm away Nov/Dev. Currently on 4711km.
o Sub-hour 3-lapper of Richmond Park 69 mins is the best so far, but that was on the fixed with a carradice. Still possible if I take the Colnago out...

o L192 + M150 + MT365 OU courses MT365 ok but I'm binning the French (L192) and will do the minimum for M150
o Start running and do 50 min 10km by end of year In progress
o 1 hour of swimming a week Big bag'o'FAIL
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • "World's Scariest Barman"
  • It's only impossible if you stop to think about it
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #36 on: 03 October, 2008, 09:17:25 am »
Back in December I set my goals as:

  • Get weight below 11st (from a pre-Christmas Season of 11st 7
  • FNRttC
  • Cycle to work as often as feasible: when I'm not working from home or travelling
  • 3000 miles

Well, how have I done?

Weight is still the same :(. Too much time off the bike and travelling

No FNRttC yet, but it's early in the year :)

Haven't taken the tube to work yet  :thumbsup: but then with the travelling haven't been to the office much either  :-\

3000 mile works out at 250 mile a month, I did less than half that this month but year to date am 5 miles over

...and after 6 months:

  • Post holiday may weight has shot above 12st  :o
  • Still no FNRttC but I have August's pencilled into my diary
  • Still keeping the commuting going - it will be a year on Friday that I started  :thumbsup:
  • Just 5 miles under target

And three-quarters of the way through

Well I've lost the holiday surplus but am still stuck at 11st 7, FNRttC looking unlikely, I've missed 4 due to being out of the country for work. Still commuting, occasionally take the tube when commuting impractical and 250 miles over target for the year :D


Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #37 on: 03 October, 2008, 09:25:02 am »
1 - Do an SR Series - DONE
2 - Lose a lot of weight - DONE
3 - Don't put it all back on again after completing SR - FAILED

Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #38 on: 03 October, 2008, 09:36:27 am »
Didn't ever formalise my goals, but roughly they would have been : -

1  Do a whole FNRttC - Job done - twice

2  The South Downs Way in a day (and this to be my first imperial century). Working on this one. I've come to the conclusion that the only way this is going to happen is to do it solo, and to catch the train to Winchester that arrives at 2.30am. Looking forward to this one.

3  Wimp out (ie take the car) on the commute less than last year. So far, so good. I wimped out 20 (!!) times last year but only twice so far this.

4  More than 3000 commuting miles. On target; at June 30th I had done 1615.

2   Never managed this one. Shite weather and bad back take the blame. I didn't even attempt it.  Booo hisss.

3  Well over budget. Total of 3 wimp outs this year. Next year's target could be tough.

4  On target. At 3/4 distance I should have been on 2250 miles. I was at 2467 commuting miles.
Rust never sleeps


  • "World's Scariest Barman"
  • It's only impossible if you stop to think about it
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #39 on: 04 January, 2009, 05:00:14 pm »
Back in December I set my goals as:

  • Get weight below 11st (from a pre-Christmas Season of 11st 7
  • FNRttC
  • Cycle to work as often as feasible: when I'm not working from home or travelling
  • 3000 miles

Well 50% achieved  :-\

Weight remained stubbornly high (or probably target stubbornly too low!) and never managed the FNRttC but did over 3000 miles and only didn't cycle to work on the occasions that the bike was off the road, had meetings not at the office first thing and a couple of times when it was icy and I had a cold 


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: 2008 Goals Review
« Reply #40 on: 04 January, 2009, 11:36:33 pm »
Not to buy any more bikes.  ::-)

To grow some of our own food.

To maintain the 600 mpm target.

To complete 5 200k audaxes.

To reduce our car dependency further.

Start our "Cycle round the North Sea" project - before the North Sea gets any bigger.

1. Achieved.

2. Achieved. French beans were the best crop, but there's lots of room for improvement.

3. 600 mpm became 500 mpm and it was more or less achieved. I managed over 6000 miles in the year.

4. I only managed 1 200k.

5. The total mileage on teh car, shared by 3 people, was less than 9000. I probably did most of those, but I'm reasonably certain that I cycled further than I drove.

6. North Sea project on ice. No plans to start that this year. We did, however, do a very wintry Coast-to-Coast and have several good things planed for 2009.

For the moment, I continue to inhale and exhale alternately, rhythmically and generally slowly.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.