Author Topic: Cycling First Aid Kit  (Read 4074 times)

Cycling First Aid Kit
« on: 06 April, 2009, 08:02:20 pm »
During a discussion on in The Knowledge on an Emergency Tool Kit, the subject of First Aid Kits came up.

I'll admit, my first aid kits tend to be selected for my own personal medical needs, which won't be the same as others.  What would people carry in a small kit for use on group rides, just to cover minor fettling injuries and falls?  Obviously anything more serious would have to be covered by the Emergency Services.

Off the top of my head:

A pack of assorted plasters
A pack of Melolin Adhesive Wound Dressings
Compeed Blister Plasters (or equivalent)
Germolene Antiseptic Cream
A small pair of scissors
Antiseptic wipes
A water bottle with just water (for washing minor wounds)
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Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #1 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:15:10 pm »
I've seldom carried much, taking the view that  I don't have a portable hospital.
Tweezers for splinters and decent scissors are the tools I'd take.
Never used antiseptic cream.
Water and cleansing wipes are good.
Make sure you don't use anything that stops plasters sticking.
Other suggestions seem fine.

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #2 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:17:50 pm »
Tweezers, good idea. :thumbsup:

I've used the Germolene in the past more since it's a Local Anaesthetic, rather than for it's Antiseptic qualities.

Possibly a small packet of tissues, for mopping up blood from cuts and similar.
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • The Codfather
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Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #3 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:18:25 pm »
I'd not take plaster things, I'd take Tegaderm.

As long as you have cleaned up properly before you put it on you can leave it for a week afterwards. No need for any other dressing and no scarring.
It is simpler than it looks.

Chris S

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #4 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:19:56 pm »
Hand cleaner
Immodium Plus
Factor f*ck off sun cream
Lip Salve (Factor 30)


  • Tyke
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #5 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:46:32 pm »
I have to take a number of medicines with me on any ride, but that's a different matter.  And it depends on whether you're thinking about a tour or a day ride.

If it's first aid, you need to have nitrile gloves (even if you're not latex-sensitive, your casualty might be), a mask if you fancy doing artificial respiration, and some recent BLS training in your head.  That's the most important thing you could have.

I would recommend a triangular bandage.  Very very versatile.
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Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #6 on: 06 April, 2009, 08:54:16 pm »
Someone posted about this before that summed up my view. Can't find it though.

Basically nothing more than plasters, anti-septic wipes and painkillers. Those will treat any minor injuries that I'd be prepared to carry on with. Anything else will require getting it seen to properly and so I can just abandon the ride and get that help as required.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #7 on: 06 April, 2009, 09:05:06 pm »
At the moment I'm thinking more from a FNRttC perspective, so day ride, sort of. :-\ ;D

I think I'd err more towards a Greenbank perspective than clarion.  Wise though it is to know CPR and so forth, it's rather too many years since I did any of that.

Whilst triangular bandages are possibly versatile, I think I'll get more value for money out of things like plasters (and possibly Tegaderm if I can find any).

I'm mostly thinking of things that can get people through the ride, so analgesics for headaches, Compeed for blisters etc

Anything serious like a break or sprain is probably going to require a visit to the Hospital, or at least a GP, and abandoning the ride.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Chris S

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #8 on: 06 April, 2009, 09:10:03 pm »
Someone posted about this before that summed up my view. Can't find it though.

Basically nothing more than plasters, anti-septic wipes and painkillers. Those will treat any minor injuries that I'd be prepared to carry on with. Anything else will require getting it seen to properly and so I can just abandon the ride and get that help as required.

Once you've done a ride, whlst suffering from the runs, I guarantee you'll add Immodium to the list... ;)

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #9 on: 06 April, 2009, 09:22:58 pm »
Ah.. just opened the kit up. It includes:

3x 7.5x10cm adhesive dressings
1x 10x10, 1x5x5cm dressing pad.
1 roll micropore.
handful of small plasters
A bazillion antiseptic wipes. You can never have too many as even a small graze can easily use half a dozen..
5cm crepe bandage
7.5cm gauze bandage
tube of cetramide cream
The bonjela had split (yuk) so has just been binned along with some bits it contaminated. I will probably not replace it in the FAK.
A 50ml spray bottle of 'hand sanitizer'.
A 20ml pen form spray of antibacterial hand cleaner (promotional item).
face mask for CPR
'after bite' pen
O'Tom tick removal hooks.
Scissors and a bag of safety pins.
Vinyl gloves.
£10 note
Sachet of Calpol 6 plus.
Part used blister pack of loratidine, sudafed and paracetamol. Must restock with Ibuprofen and Sumatriptan, and add another couple of large plain dressing pads, and one humungous self adhesive one if I can find one.


"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #10 on: 06 April, 2009, 09:28:06 pm »
The knowledge as to how and when to use the ^^^^^ above kit.

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #11 on: 07 April, 2009, 08:17:12 am »
My memory of first aid courses is that you don't give pills and potions to strangers, which might affect kit choice for FNRttC rather than you and close friends.

Anyway, my kit has:
antiseptic wipes
dressing pads and micropore (the only bit I've really needed, after I gave myself a crank brothers pedal shaped gash in the shin, which is a larger hole than any plasters I've seen)
a roll of cut to size plaster and scissors (which I reckon will do blisters as well)
a sting relief spray (the nettles grow quite close to the track round here in the summer)
elastic bandage
a whistle (I've got off-road tendencies and don't get phone coverage everywhere on the downs)

... that sits in a little first aid kit bag next to spare tubes in a seat bag that is always there. I rarely ride with others, so this is just what I use for me. I might carry some extras for a really long ride or rides with kids.

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #12 on: 07 April, 2009, 08:55:10 am »
My memory of first aid courses is that you don't give pills and potions to strangers,

Correct, except that giving aspirin to someone who may be having a heart attack was at one time recommended (I must do a refresher course). All drugs are for my own use.

The main bulk is antiseptic wipes and dressing pads. The other bits are in the realm of 'nice to have'.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


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Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #13 on: 07 April, 2009, 08:57:14 am »
Once you've done a ride, whlst suffering from the runs, I guarantee you'll add Immodium to the list... ;)

Ho yuss.  And spare pants  :sick:

I have two kits.  One stays on me all the time.  Commuting, audaxing, walking to the shops, whatever.  It contains only two things - a pair of blue nitrile gloves and a resuss mask.  If it's attached to my courier bag (as it is 95% of the time) then it'll ride along with my Benchmade ERT.

Those items are the only physical things I need to do first aid.  Everything else just helps.

When I'm out on a longer ride (audaxing, FNRttC or whatever) then I carry a little waterproof box with medicines in.  This isn't for anyone other than me and possibly my riding companions (if they self-medicate).  It contains:

Tramadol (in case of dire back-related emergency)
A couple of plasters and antiseptic wipes

I don't make a habit of carrying dressings, wound closures or such things as if I need to treat anything more than a scratch or a cut, then it's time to find a chemist, go to casualty or call an ambulance.

Mr Gates will be along shortly to explain the logic behind carrying a boo-boo kit.  I rarely pack such things unless I'm in a position of responsibility (i.e. ride leader).
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #14 on: 07 April, 2009, 09:45:12 am »
When I'm out on a longer ride (audaxing, FNRttC or whatever) then I carry a little waterproof box with medicines in.  This isn't for anyone other than me and possibly my riding companions (if they self-medicate).  It contains:

Tramadol (in case of dire back-related emergency)

Do you ever get hard to find rattles?  :)
As with all the suggestions here, knowing what to do with it is clearly key. I'm not sure I'd know how to choose between most of these - although I probably ought to add some Loratadine to my kit.

I don't make a habit of carrying dressings, wound closures or such things as if I need to treat anything more than a scratch or a cut, then it's time to find a chemist, go to casualty or call an ambulance.

Most of my first aid assumptions involve being in the mountains and getting myself to civilisation, which is overkill most of the time I know. Dressings keep crud from the road / field out of a hole while I get home / to a&e / find a chemist open on a Sunday. Plasters stop rubbings getting any worse and so let me carry on.


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #15 on: 07 April, 2009, 09:50:12 am »
Do you ever get hard to find rattles?  :)

Nope - blister packs FTW  :thumbsup:
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -


  • Opposites Attract
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Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #16 on: 07 April, 2009, 10:45:59 am »
I don't take any first aid stuff with me

On long audaxes I have neurophen and maybe a chemical cold pack but that's not for a crash

Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #17 on: 07 April, 2009, 10:55:09 am »
My memory of first aid courses is that you don't give pills and potions to strangers

Nor even to work colleagues. Work-place first-aid kits never contain these.

I'd consider carrying some kit if I was leading a ride, but not otherwise.


  • Tyke
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #18 on: 07 April, 2009, 10:58:24 am »
I've got out of the habit, but, when I was riding in less urban/more bleak areas (and on roughstuff fairly often), I carried the basics.

I know people think that BLS and First Aid is a bit over the top, but, let me tell you - some sound training and a dressing or a bandage can patch someone up well enough not to make things worse before professional help can get to you/you to it.

A couple of basic dressings can often be the difference between carrying on to finish a ride and bailing completely.

These days, beyond my pills & inhalers*, I carry a mask and gloves and have recent BLS training.  Probably all that's needed on an hour's riding on urban streets a few short minutes away from ambulances and casualty units, but, if it comes to it, I will 'Nelly the Elephant' someone till the Paramedics get there.  Any loss of circulation can do immense damage.  Fortunately, in the incident I witnessed, the injured person was conscious.  But I wouldn't guarantee it every time.

* I carry Ventolin (and, often, a spare), paracetomol, Ibuprofen at the moment (but not normally), Gaviscon, and usually antihistamines in summer.  Overnight, I take oral steroids, and two more inhalers.  I've finally managed to go away without my nebuliser ::-)  Oh - and I have witchhazel stick for any sores, as well as Minty Arse Lard for prophylaxis of same.
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  • Tyke
Re: Cycling First Aid Kit
« Reply #19 on: 07 April, 2009, 11:01:02 am »
My memory of first aid courses is that you don't give pills and potions to strangers

Nor even to work colleagues. Work-place first-aid kits never contain these.

I'd consider carrying some kit if I was leading a ride, but not otherwise.

No.  Absolutely not.*  The key item in my work tool kit used to be Optrex eyewash, but that's not allowed now, except in v expensive one-shot versions.  The other staple was Ralgex spray, but that's surplus to requirements now.

* I have allowed people I know to be asthmatic and even more forgetful than me to use my Ventolin, but it's a rare event, and at their own risk.
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