Author Topic: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?  (Read 18725 times)

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #125 on: 21 January, 2011, 03:04:45 pm »
Just be aware that if you head out through Bishopthorpe and Applton Roebuck that the Brass Monkey half marathon begins at the racecourse at 10 o'clock.  There are meant to be 2,000 entries so traffic (cars and on foot) will be fairly crowded. I'll be around there shouting at encouraging some people I know before heading home (probably) through Colton and across the A64.  Have a good ride!
The older I get, the better I was

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #126 on: 21 January, 2011, 07:10:06 pm »
Just be aware that if you head out through Bishopthorpe and Applton Roebuck that the Brass Monkey half marathon begins at the racecourse at 10 o'clock.  There are meant to be 2,000 entries so traffic (cars and on foot) will be fairly crowded. I'll be around there shouting at encouraging some people I know before heading home (probably) through Colton and across the A64.  Have a good ride!

Cheers for the tip - we might be better off heading out via Askham Bar then....

9.30 at the Minster (meet by the statue of Constantine I think), for anyone coming.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #127 on: 21 January, 2011, 07:17:27 pm »
Cool, see you there.

I have no idea of a sensible route to Copmanthorpe, with or without marathon runners around.... I shall turn up and follow.  Why break the habits of a lifetime :)

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #128 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:36:27 pm »
Right, Midge is installed in the lobby downstairs, so i don't have to set off for the Minster until...

about 9.28.

nah, I'll be there early. I haven't utterly decided which route we'll take to Copmanthorpe - I reckon the Askham Bar route is quicker, but I don't know it.  Simon, if we're late, it'll be my fault for dithering or getting lost.  Actually, I'll PM you my mobile number in case of any problems. 

If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #129 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:37:37 pm »
Have a good ride, everyone.  I'll think of you lot as I'm slogging my way up Wear Bank.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #130 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:40:05 pm »
That'd be another one of those tall-sounding places.  LG and I were discussing last week how you know it'll be fun, fsvo fun, when there's a list of places ending in bank or top  :)

See you in the morning Arch! (and Aidan and Interzen)

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #131 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:41:06 pm »
My Name is Deano, and I Like Hills.

There.  I've said it.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #132 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:47:54 pm »
Hmm, getting stuff ready.  THat would probably be a good idea, really, wouldn't it?

I don't exactly dislike hills these days.  I mean, the view from the top is usually quite nice.  And it can be (and I can't quite believe I'm saying this) moderately entertaining flying back down them.  And you certainly get a sense of achievement at the top.  But I'm still just a bit shit at climbing!

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #133 on: 22 January, 2011, 08:56:12 pm »
Hmm, getting stuff ready.  THat would probably be a good idea, really, wouldn't it?

Note to self, pack map (just in case).

And waterbottle.

And chocolate raisins.

If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #134 on: 22 January, 2011, 09:10:53 pm »
I'm all sorted, apart from not being able to decide which bike to bring ::-)

   I've packed jelly babies :thumbsup:  erm thats the extent of my preperation


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #135 on: 22 January, 2011, 09:17:01 pm »
I'm all sorted, apart from not being able to decide which bike to bring ::-)

See, that's just never a problem for me.  The Very Lovely Valencia or the Very Lovely Valencia, every time :)

   I've packed jelly babies :thumbsup:  erm thats the extent of my preperation

Well, I've got as far as sticking the oven on and getting some butter out of the fridge.  Probably ought to work out which bag my not-very-waterproof and the toolkit's in at some point. 

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #136 on: 23 January, 2011, 04:38:43 pm »
Excellent pic - I  like the way it shows off my utterly uncoordinated jersey layering strategy....

A great start to the season for me, thanks to CL and Aiden for great company, even if they were mostly in my mirrors as we rode along (I don't mean I was fast, but it just happened to be the best formation for 2 uprights and a 'bent trike.

Report to follow in a moment - It'll have to be a joint effort on pics...
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #137 on: 23 January, 2011, 05:34:46 pm »
Right, well, I was up in good time, and ready to go at 9.  Which is daft, as it's two minutes to the Minster and we weren't meeting til 9.30.

Si had texted to plead crippledness, and offer tea later if we happened to pass by. Which was a shame (the crippledness, not the tea offer), but meant we didn't have to detour to Copmanthorpe. I set off for the Minster in good time, and sat for 5 minutes enjoying the bells before Aidan arrived, shortly followed by CrinklyLion.  We decided on a route out of town along the river and up to Tadcaster Road, before swinging right at the Big Tesco Roundabout.

It was along here that the trike and I garnered the first double-take of the day - from a golden labrador.  Crossing the main road via a bike path that allowed me to deomstrate the trike's jinking ability, we were out in the countryside proper, and bowling along nicely.  Along one verge there had been some heavy duty hedge slaying (yes, slaying, not laying), and I took advantage of hiding behind one of the huge piles of debris for a comfort stop - whereupon I could see that the hedge thrashing machine had gathered up a couple of roadsigns and bollards too...

There were an encouraging number of other cyclists out, from serious looking club groups to pootling couples - it must have seemed like a good day for a ride.  After Healaugh and Wighill we glided (glid?) down to the Thorp Arch Retail and industrial  park, a slightly odd set up on an old airbase, with many buildings set into or behind earth bunkers - and home to one of Cyclesense's branches, and the Northern Wing of the British Library.  Our destination was the Cafe and Bistro on the retail park, where I'd previously enjoyed the treacle sponge, and the scones came well recommended.  We parked the bikes and trikes in a tangled heap against a bin - once they were locked together it would have taken a thief with a forklift truck to remove them, and anyway, we got a window seat overlooking them. It was late elevenses time, so CL and I opted for a cheese scone each, and I plumped for a treacle sponge and custard on top, on the understanding that CL would sample it too.  Aidan went for the sponge and custard alone.

It was a popular spot with cyclists - we were soon admiring a ladyback (or even kiddieback?) tandem parked up outside the window - we later watched the captain of this set up giving my trike a good perusal - I dunno if he'd seen one before, he looked at it for a long time!

I forgot to get a 'before' picture of our feast, but did get an 'after':

Eventually we dragged ourselves away, and up the bike path towards Wetherby, although once we reached the road we did a U turn to get back through Thorp Arch village and Boston Spa, which involves a fine swoop down to the single track bridge - alas oncoming traffic meant I had to brake and lose a fair bit of momentum for the UP on the other side.  Then it was on to Bramham, and a choice of the route I knew (and knew would be uphill), and the alternative I didn't, which would also be uphill. Experience won out, and we tackled the back road, up past the old mill. I warned the others that once we turned left at the T, the surface might get quite back, on my past experience - instead we were treated to a longish patch of rather nice new tarmac.  A quick poll suggested that the preferred option was to blat on into Taddie, and call on Si for that tea, so we did that, via a slight diversion due to a very closed bit of road. calling Si once in Tadcaster raised only his answerphone, but he called back by the next set of lights and gave me his address and directions, oh and if you want milk, get some at the Coop...

Keen to make good time, with an eye on the light, we blasted (well, pootled) back along the remarkably good A64 bike path as far as the Copmanthorpe turn, and our directions (and the placing of the Coop) were spot on.


Sort of.

We found the house fine. And taking two knocks to get an answer, well, he's got a back back, he's perhaps a bit slow on his feet.

That's odd, he seems to be a lady. In a dressing gown.

I'd heard and written down the wrong house number.... :facepalm:

A rather embarrassed, but to the others, hilarious, phone call set us right - five houses down the road, there he was waving....

After some very good cake and tea, and the usual discussion in which gear and tyre choices featured, we set off again, back to York via Bishopthorpe. Some rain tried to dampen our spirits and bodies, but gave up eventually, and we were soon heading across the racecourse, to go our separate ways.  CL and I parted after the Millennium Bridge, where I spotted one of York's other trike owners and said hello. Then it was back to the lockup to put Midge away, and retrieve Monty, and back home, just in time, as I was just feeling the slight nausea I've got recently when it's time for a Little Something. (toast in this case)

37 miles registered on the trike computer, an ideal start to the season for me and enough to remind me that I do like cycling, and should do much more of it.

Thanks to CL and Aidan for company, and Si for tea and address hilarity.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #138 on: 23 January, 2011, 06:33:52 pm »
A bit of creative topiary and Interzen could have a giant green bicycle to lure visitors to the correct address.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #139 on: 23 January, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
Not only is the cake not a lie, but Aidan is not a figment of my imagination and there are now independent witnesses and photographic evidence to prove it!

Theoretically riding out from York should make it really really easy for me to be on time, so anyone who's ever formed a plan with me will find it no surprise whatsoever that Aidan and Arch were already waiting for me by the Minster when I rolled up a couple of minutes late.  Oops.  Arch had had a text from interzen to say that the back was playing up good and proper and he would be unable to join us, although we were welcome to pop round for a cuppa as we were passing (possibly with a cake).  So we headed out of York, using the river path to get to Bishopthorpe Road and (past the vast numbers of vehicles belonging to people gathering for the half marathon) off to Tadcaster road.  Along the on-road not-actually-as-wide-as-a-Catrike cycle path to the big Tescos roundabout where we headed off towards quieter altogether more pleasant roads.  Not far off perfect-for-a-Crinkly weather, being a bit overcast, not too windy and dry if, I suspect, a bit chilly for some - although generally warm enough, even I got got cold toes on our way to the first cafe.

At one point I looked down at Arch's hat, and realised that other when she's on the trike it's not a perspective I often have of her and we formulated a plan to, at some point in the day, definitively answer the question of who is in fact  the shortest shortarse among the York-or-thereabouts lot.  

We wended out way towards Thorpe Arch, where there is a rather impressive play area, well worth a visit with a cub on a warmer day I reckon, and where the cafe does indeed sell remarkably pleasant cheese scones although they 'only' had fresh scones having run out of toasted ones.  

I strongly approve of warm scones and coffee and treacle sponge with custard for an early lunch with an excellent view of the bike tangle we'd locked up outside, and a prime view of the Rohloff-equipped tandem that parked up just outside the window.  We did see rather a lot of cyclists out and about and they all seemed in fine and cheerful moods - quite rightly, as it was a very pleasant day to go out for a pootle.  As Aidan commented at one point, it was hard to think of anything nicer to be doing today than turning the pedals.  With toasty defrosted toes, We headed out and picked up an off-road cycle track where there was only minimal dog dodging required, and where a couple of small people out for a ride on their bikes seemed quite taken with the trike.  Back on the road, where we encountered a minor optical illusion, made slightly more challenging by Valencia's shifting being a little bit lazy, a windmill

and a very well-mannered Audi driver who pulled right over and stopped to let us past.  One or two very pretty villages and a plenty of most attractive bridges - although really not very far from home, I've never ridden out that way before and it was nice to see more new roads.  

We stoppped in Tadcaster, just near the somewhat impressive brewery, to check on the map and make a decision about where to head next.  

The general consensus was that pootling towards interzen's so that he could at least join in the cake eating, even if injury prevented him from joining us for the ride, seemed like a good plan.  There was a little bit of drizzle, but it didn't last long and wasn't worth getting a not-very-waterproof out for.  Arch and myself having never been that way, we figured we might as well go and see what the cycle path along the A64 was like.  It's wide, flat, little used and very well surfaced with surprisingly few side roads to cross so it gets you from A to B fairly efficiently but blimey, it's noisy.  

Useful to know about though, as I suspect it would make an eminently sensible bail-out option for getting home quickly if I found myself in that neck of the woods with a Cub running on empty.  Off the path and towards interzen's, with a bit of (probably) pavement cycling as the cycle path faded with a whimper but not a sign.  

We found the right street - I think that the householder a few doors down was slightly embarassed about answering the door, eventually, in the middle of the afternoon in her dressing gown.  Can't think why....  I do hope we didn't spoil anyone's afternoon.  On the second attempt, and after ringing for clarification, we found the right house and were soon suitably ensconced on the sofas, with tea and CAKE, and I got to meet orange-gina who is almost as orange as the Catrike.  In the (inevitable) discussion of how one gear and no freewheel is the one true way I commented that I would, beyond a shadow of a doubt, fall off if I attempted it to which interzen replied that orange-gina is just a bit too large to fairly test that particular theory.  Which reminded us of the Very Important Question to be answered - and it's official, I am shorter than Arch.  Or, as she would probably say, she is taller than me!

With the clouds looming and a few spots of rain threatening we collected up the rest of the cake (at interzen's request, not just because I'm a greedy cow, honest!) and headed off over the railway bridge towards Bishopthorpe where we decided we might as well take the planets path back towards town.  At the racecourse we said goodbye to Aidan (who is not a figment of my imagination Tiermat!) and Arch and I headed to the millenium bridge where we went our separate ways - her to trike/bike swappery, and me home to find the cubs and Dearly_Beloved playing D&D which necessitated lifting the Very Lovely Valencia over the game mat, dice and mini-figs back to her home in the dining room.  

Thanks to Aidan and Arch for the excellent company, and interzen for the tea stop - I had a lovely day out, and that makes three weekends in a row I've managed to get out for a bit of a ride with forumites - I don't think that's bad going, to say we're still in January!

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #140 on: 23 January, 2011, 07:48:26 pm »
Yes, a lovely day out :thumbsup:  Nice to meet Arch ( so she remembers!) and Interzen ( although we think we have met before!)  and Crinklylion again.

Cant add much to the ride reports but it was a thoroughly enjoyable day, the weather, though cold, was absolutely fine  and the food , drink and company excellent.

What more could you want!

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #141 on: 23 January, 2011, 08:20:39 pm »
Yes, in season the Bolton Percy tearoom makes a welcome addition. A ride with two teastops is alright, but 3 is better....

If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: Any of the York (or thereabouts) lot want to go for a pootle this weekend?
« Reply #142 on: 23 January, 2011, 08:23:15 pm »
That really impressive (inna Gothic stylee) brewery is the John Smith's brewery - the Sam Smith's is the less imposing one along the High Street, opposite the bike shop.  The Sam Smith's pubs in the town used to have their beer delivered by horse and cart, even 5 years ago.

An old friend's parents used to run the Fox & Hounds, right where that picture is taken.  We had many fine times in Taddy on the Sam Smith's. Hic.