Author Topic: 5 [Free] Ferries  (Read 1681 times)

5 [Free] Ferries
« on: 31 August, 2008, 11:42:10 pm »
A few of us are doing the 5F on Friday 12 Sept.  Imagine my surprise when I read this on
I looked at calmac website but couldn't find confirmation. Anyone can confirm this ?
5F is a west coast 100mile classic,
 - round bottom of island up to Lochranza quite fast to catch ferry
 - up over to Tarbert, hilly but leisurely for pub lunch @ Tarbert
 - up round the Kyles of Bute to Colintraive - hilly, to give you time to take in the best view in scotland
 - Rhubodach/Rothesay - rolling
Rothsay/Weymss Bay
 - Wemyss Bay down to Ardrossan  - bit of a main road bash :-(

Bicycles free of charge on CalMac
CalMac has agreed to carry bicycles free of charge for the first time, with cyclists paying only the relevant passenger fare.

The Transport Minister, Stewart Stevenson,  welcomed...

Published: Thursday, 28 August 2008
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