Author Topic: Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.  (Read 1389 times)

Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.
« on: 21 July, 2011, 09:13:01 pm »
*Begin long rant*

I've not posted anything about bad driving in months (years?), but the selfish b*****ds are just getting me down lately.

I am so sick of fools from the building I work in driving like maniacs.  >:(  Our office in in an otherwise residential area, all 30mph limits, traffic calmed within an inch of its life and part-time 20mph limits when the school is going in or coming out.  People from my work drive at high speed slaloming around chicanes and overtaking unnecessarily. TBH lots of the locals drive the same way, but that's no excuse.

This morning I was riding at 20 - 25mph along one such road overtaking parked cars and build-outs on the left.  I need to turn right.  Fool roars up alongside and has to brake hard to turn right too.  Of course, I have to brake hard to drop behind him for the turn.  I say, "You're a crap driver". Previously he tried to overtake by pulling out of his lane accelerating hard and had to brake hard to avoid the oncoming car.  This is a residential road, and just not wide enough for this nonsense.  Going down the next street, he does the old party-piece of repeatedly driving on the right-hand-side of the road and swerving in front of me to invite me to have a discussion - I decline his elegantly phrased invitations.

This is a guy who works in the same building as me, so as I park my bike, he makes a bit of a fool of himself having a rant at me.  He is a "cyclist" too (that old chestnut) - he cycles to work in once in a blue moon.  ::-)  I was going too fast apparently at 25mph, but he wasn't at 35-ish. What's he supposed to do? - He has to overtake doesn't he?.  I thought at first I could smell alcohol on him, but on reflection it was probably cheap aftershave.  I would have called the police (though they're not interested in bad/drunk driving around here), but I want a quiet life and I'll have to see him around from time-to-time.

On the way home another guy from my building must have burned goodness knows how much diesel, producing clouds of black smoke overtaking me on the same narrow, traffic-calmed residential road and did the same for the next half mile or so with me still just behind him on my tourer, worth it eh?  ::-)

Management have had to put around e-mails in the past about people narrowly avoiding pedestrians whilst turning in to the car-park with tyres squealing etc.  Some of these guys (they're all men that I've seen) work for.... roads and transport planning, designing the very traffic calming they slalom around.  ::-)

Most people are just selfish d**ks who don't seem to see any consequences for their actions and think that they're entitled and right to drive as as fast as they can. They seem to think that as long as they haven't crashed today, they must be driving well.  I hate (nearly) everyone   :(

**Cathartic rant over**

Re: Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.
« Reply #1 on: 21 July, 2011, 09:15:24 pm »
Get one of those little bar-mount video cameras and film them, then circulate the Youtube links round the office?  You could do this anonymously if you were subtle about it.

Re: Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.
« Reply #2 on: 28 July, 2011, 03:27:11 pm »
I complained to our building manager, and pointed the person out. Email went around and a quiet word was had with the individual concerned. We've since had really aggressive traffic calming put into the car park itself, so at least they can't roar out (into a 20 - so they shouldn't be roaring anywhere).


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Re: Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.
« Reply #3 on: 28 July, 2011, 03:30:04 pm »
Wee through his sunroof.
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -

Re: Bad driving my work colleagues gets me down.
« Reply #4 on: 28 July, 2011, 05:54:24 pm »
Try your local Safer Neighbourhood Team, they're usually quite good and have a different brief to the Police assigned to the same area.

Also see if there are any Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area. If there are, then the Police can put you through to the local coordinator.

I'll bet you a pound that the Neighbourhood Watch also coordinate complaints about bad driving (our local one does) - again this goes back to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team, but they'll also get the local elected councillors involved and possibly the local MP.

Between them, they can stir up endless trouble, especially if they can track the culprits down to a specific company in their area.