Author Topic: Is It Contradictory To Be Inspired By PBP But Still Not Want To Actually Ride It?  (Read 8646 times)

To respond to the OP it isn't contradictory. It is fine to be inspired by the efforts of others.

Comparing LEL with PBP is like comparing apples and oranges. PBP has atmosphere, village parties, impromptu food stalls, generally good road surfaces, little traffic, a rolling route, considerate drivers and this year very few queues. LEL is a long distance challenge in a country with crap road surfaces, inconsiderate drivers, a population with little interest in cycling, some stunning scenery linked by miles of tedious country and extremely efficient central organisation.

These comments come from the perspective of someone who has completed two LELs but will return again and again for PBP. It all depends on what you are looking for in a ride.

I have completed one LEL, and no PBP, so I cannot compare LEL and PBP like you do, but I think that you are a bit harsh with LEL. My experience is limited to the last edition, I don't know how it was on previous editions. My impressions are that road surfaces were adequate enough, we had very little traffic, no agressive behaviour from drivers, no queues at control, and we even met many locals who were really interested in knowing what we were doing. Many locals asked us things like "Do you enjoy riding in England?", or "Do you feel that England is a beautiful place?". I would guess that being an alien probably helps getting in touch with the locals!

Many locals asked us things like "Do you enjoy riding in England?", or "Do you feel that England is a beautiful place?". I would guess that being an alien probably helps getting in touch with the locals!

And Scotland

^^Yes! I didn't mean to forget about Scotland. The road was just, on the average, more populated in England than in Scotland.