Author Topic: Around the world by bike; 23,000 km in 9 1/2 months  (Read 700 times)

Around the world by bike; 23,000 km in 9 1/2 months
« on: 04 August, 2013, 10:10:22 pm »

I want to share my 23,000 km round the world bike tour that I did in 2011. My name is Tom Bruce, I'm 26 and in March 2011, I set off from my home in Peckforton, Cheshire, England, to cycle unsupported around the world. My route took me from my front door, through France, Switzerland and Germany, to the Danube River, which I followed across Europe to the Black Sea. I cycled through Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan to the Caspian Sea, which I crossed on a Ferry to Kazakhstan. A long crossing of the Kazakh Steppe and the Karakalpakstan desert from Beyneu to Nukus brought me to Uzbekistan and next up was the high altitude Pamir Highway in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Then into Kazakhstan again before a 2 month crossing of China through Xinjang province, across the Tibetan Plateau, along the Yellow River, then via Xi'an to Beijing. After that I flew across the Pacific to tackle North America. I cycled across the USA from San Francisco to Florida via, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi. I finished in Daytona Beach, Florida on the 16th December 2011 and flew home from Orlando Airport.

There's loads of info about my route, planning advice, photos, maps and my blog at my website I've also released a book (info on my website) about the ride, called "Every inch of the way".

Please feel free to contact me for any tips about planning an adventure or just to get in touch. My email address is, more contact details are on my website.

Thanks a lot,
Tom Bruce