Author Topic: Places offered on ride from Istanbul to UK starting June 2015  (Read 806 times)


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Places offered on ride from Istanbul to UK starting June 2015
« on: 13 December, 2014, 11:28:28 am »
A friend of mine who is not on this forum is planning to fly to Istanbul in June and ride back. He is doing it with a friend and thinks four would be a better number, so has asked me to put up this post.

"In a nutshell, the plan is to cycle from The BLACK Sea to The NORTH Sea – Istanbul to
Cuxhaven, The distance is c. 3,500 km/2,000 miles. We reckon on a 2 month
trip home/home with about 50 cycling days, average ~74 km (46 miles)/day.
The first half would be using cheap hotels/hostels in E Europe, then camping
through Czech & Germany. Time  will be spent doing some tourist stuff & rest
days. Start June 15 2015.
Route is fly to Istanbul, do W Turkey, cross Bulgaria, then Romania taking in
scenic Transylvania, Hungary, a bit on the Danube to nr. Vienna, head N into
Czech to reach the Elbe, follow that on the Elbe cycle way to the N Sea at
Cuxhaven, train/ferry home.
Rob & Steve are going, being 2 retired cyclists; we seek 2 more to make a good group.
These should be experienced in camping cycle touring in Europe."

PM me for contact details for my mate Rob. I think this would be a great chance for someone who is wondering about doing a long cycle tour but unsure of who to go with, and such simple matters as who looks after your bike when you go into a shop, or who looks after the tents while the shopping is done. Rob has done several trips with me, including Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark. I suppose someone with less time could start with them and somehow leave early, or maybe even join them along the route, but I have no idea how that could work.

So, again, send me a PM and I'll put you in touch with Rob.

Oh, and please - none of those posts saying "I can't come but good luck."
Besides, it wouldn't be audacious if success were guaranteed.

Re: Places offered on ride from Istanbul to UK starting June 2015
« Reply #1 on: 15 December, 2014, 04:38:15 pm »
Cannot do the trip.
But I did Northampton to Varna via Rhine-Main-Danube this summer.
I thought it would be close to 2,000 miles when I set of.
But due to the meanders of the rivers, it worked out to be 2,400 miles.
I then came home via Riga and that worked out to be 3,600 mile.
So I think you've underestimated the distance.
I would think put your distance is going to closer to 2,500 mile, rather than the 2,000 miles.