Author Topic: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66  (Read 7282 times)

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #50 on: 13 March, 2015, 09:03:55 pm »
Yes, actually Pratchett's pre-Discworld Sci-Fi story "Strata" is a spoof on Niven's Ringworld series. ...

I did like Strata immensely, and The Dark Side of the Sun, to a lesser degree.  Whilst I love the Discworld series, it's a shame he didn't write many other books like those two.
Actually, it is rocket science.


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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #51 on: 14 March, 2015, 04:37:30 pm »
I have never entirely managed to get on with PTerry's books but I am surrounded by huge Pratchett fans and have absorbed a lot of the cultural references by osmosis and I do think a number of his ideas were enormously clever. He also seemed like a genuinely lovely person who managed his fame with dignity and kindness.

I didn't agree with his assisted suicide views but I am glad he used what time he had left to increase awareness of dementias which are enormously under researched and supported considering their prevalence in society.

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #52 on: 14 March, 2015, 05:03:47 pm »
The first Discworld novel appeared some years later.  The cosmology was a bit different, but I always wondered if TP had read that Niven article.

Yes, actually Pratchett's pre-Discworld Sci-Fi story "Strata" is a spoof on Niven's Ringworld series. Allegedly Larry Nivens read it and was pleased with it.
First of his books I read. I have a 1980s paperback.
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #53 on: 14 March, 2015, 05:14:33 pm »
Another one who's never read any of his stuff,  there just seemed so much of it & I didn't have the shelf space.

I'm amused by this  :D
- shame on you. Thats no excuse!
- thanks - that's brilliant.

Didcot library has filled a special stand entirely with Pratchett's books.    :'(    :thumbsup:
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #54 on: 15 March, 2015, 09:40:50 pm »
The first Discworld novel appeared some years later.  The cosmology was a bit different, but I always wondered if TP had read that Niven article.

Yes, actually Pratchett's pre-Discworld Sci-Fi story "Strata" is a spoof on Niven's Ringworld series. Allegedly Larry Nivens read it and was pleased with it.

"The Colour of Magic" and "Light Fantastic" are rather superb examples of menippean satire, full of allusions and spoofs of scientific debates (the steady gait theory instead of steady state theory), board and roleplaying games, Greek mythology and Homer's Ulysses, though some of the classic intertextuality apparently are from movies, not from the classic texts. There is also H.P. Lovecraft and Cthulhu, and several fantasy spoofs including "Cohen the Barbarian". Basically Pratchett was inspired by a broad wealth of books, movies and current affairs, and poked fun at it too.

The fun-poking was one of the most enjoyable aspects.  The references were sometimes quite educational, e.g. The Monstrous Regiment.  And I loved the way he explained the Fat Mines of Überwald, which predated The Fifth Element, and then sited them in the Schmaltzberg.

Damn. First Douglas Adams, then Terry Pratchett.  Who's left?
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #55 on: 15 March, 2015, 10:32:45 pm »
I thought his later books were better. I really didn't get on with anything containing Rincewind, but I like the Tiffany Aching books and enjoyed the later Sam Grimes and the Moist Von Lipwig books. I think the first one that really clicked for me though was Mort.
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #56 on: 16 March, 2015, 12:25:00 am »
And you speak for a large number of people with that. Read Sourcery to find an early and jarring incarnation of Esme Weatherwax, then compare her with the great character she became, or if you want Rincewind, compare the R from Interesting Times or The Last Continent with the irritant in the first two books.
Mae angen arnaf i byw, a fe fydda'i


Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #57 on: 16 March, 2015, 02:39:55 pm »
I thought his later books were better. I really didn't get on with anything containing Rincewind, but I like the Tiffany Aching books and enjoyed the later Sam Grimes and the Moist Von Lipwig books. I think the first one that really clicked for me though was Mort.

Sam Vimes is my favourite character in the series. In all likelihood due to our professional outlook. The passages about Sam standing in doorways, collar turned up against the rain, knowing exactly where he was in the city due to the feel of the cobbles through the thin soles of his boots etc. I was probably at my most professionally content during the early years of my policemanship, 3- 4 a.m. on a miserable winter morning, foot patrol in the town centre rattling doors, gannex mac collar turned up to stop the drips off the brim of my helmet rolling down my neck, hiding in shop doorways, puffing on a crafty fag or watching the early morning ner do wells as they prowled for something illegal to do. Happy days.

Many of the successful characters are part of a double act- Esme Weatherwax and Gytha Ogg, Vimes and The Patrician, Carrot and Angua, Fred Colon and Nobby Nobs. The interplay between them is often a joy. Simple but funny.


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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #59 on: 19 March, 2015, 06:03:04 am »
Time for YACF to Go Postal?  :)

X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

In other news.  There are two unpublished Pterry books waiting on the slips.  A Tiffany Aching book (The Shepherd's Crown) to be published in Oct. this year and a Long Earth (The Long Utopia) don't know when. Both completed last year.

I shall miss Vimes and Vetinari, all the others as well, but especially that pair.
Τα πιο όμορφα ταξίδια γίνονται με τις δικές μας δυνάμεις - Φίλοι του Ποδήλατου

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #60 on: 24 March, 2015, 02:49:54 pm »
I'm working my way through the Disc World books. Currently up to No 4 "Mort". Cracking description of an over frilly teenagers bedroom:

"The whole room wasn't so much furnished as lingeried"

made me spill my tea :)
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #61 on: 24 March, 2015, 04:23:50 pm »
I wish he'd spent his time on something else, not those Long Earth books.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #62 on: 24 March, 2015, 08:08:06 pm »
I think the problem is, he didn't spend much time on them.... especially the later ones.

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #63 on: 13 April, 2015, 07:55:12 am »
Ah. Could be.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #64 on: 13 June, 2015, 02:15:32 pm »
In other news.  There are two unpublished Pterry books waiting on the slips.  A Tiffany Aching book (The Shepherd's Crown) to be published in Oct. this year and a Long Earth (The Long Utopia) don't know when. Both completed last year.

Rhianna Pratchett has confirmed that The Shepherd's Crown will definitely be the last Discworld book. She has no intention of writing any Discworld books herself, nor will permission be granted for other authors to do so.

I think that is the best decision all round. Even if PTerry had accumulated enough notes and background material to given other authors a starting point, the track record of other people trying to pick up the reins in any given literary canon post-Author Existence Failure has been somewhat... mixed. Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's butchering of Frank Herbert's Dune legacy is often held up as a prime example of how it can go wrong.
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #65 on: 14 June, 2015, 10:20:08 am »
I thought Frank Herbert managed a good job of that himself when he was still alive personally.  Chapterhouse Dune is purest twaddle of the first degree.  Which is a shame as the early three Dune novels are absolute classics, particularly the first one.

Having said that I did once pick up a copy of one of the new ones and - oh lord - yes he would have been spinning in his grave.  I made through about 5 pages.  The guy who finished off Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series in contrast, did a pretty damn good job however, so it's not all one way traffic.

Terry Pratchett was so prolific that surely there's no need for any of that nonsense.

It's a reverse Elvis thing.


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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #66 on: 14 June, 2015, 12:50:20 pm »
Good to see The Long Earth series has been completed - have recently read the first two & am about to start The Long Mars.

Just finished Raising Steam - was nice to read of the invention of the velocipede right at the end, but sad that we'll never find out if he'd have written a cycling-based story...
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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #67 on: 15 June, 2015, 09:58:57 am »
I'm not convinced by KW Jeter's follow on books to Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. They seemed to turn into 2 books of splurge to follow his first which was tolerable.


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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #68 on: 16 June, 2015, 12:42:26 am »
Long ago onna nother corner of teh Intarwebs I had an alternate id viz. Foul Ole Ron :D

How are things at McLaren?* Considering conceptualising conflagration or extolling extracting erstwhile digits?


Well that's the more blunt way of putting it but as usual he's dead right.

Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #69 on: 19 July, 2015, 12:39:21 pm »
I've just pre-ordered this

Think others might want to (esp @ £1.49)

Ooops - alert - I already has it in "Slip of the keyboard". Oh well.


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Re: Terry Pratchett dies aged 66
« Reply #71 on: 09 January, 2016, 07:45:13 am »
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight