Author Topic: AUK membership renewal  (Read 16028 times)

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #50 on: 02 January, 2018, 06:27:30 pm »
..... It would be an interesting study to determine why so many AUK members join the organisation but do not ride brevets ......

Perhaps they are content to support AUK, perhaps they just organise events, perhaps they used to ride events but no longer do so but still support AUK, perhaps they forgot to cancel an automatic renewal payment, perhaps they believe in altruism.

I remain a member of some organisations and are not active within the organisation, but hope my contribution helps the organisation.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #51 on: 02 January, 2018, 06:29:31 pm »
Not to mention people who are sporadically active, on account of other commitments, injury, or whatever, may decide not to let their membership lapse while they're not riding.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #52 on: 02 January, 2018, 07:37:55 pm »
..... It would be an interesting study to determine why so many AUK members join the organisation but do not ride brevets ......

Perhaps they are content to support AUK, perhaps they just organise events, perhaps they used to ride events but no longer do so but still support AUK, <........>, perhaps they believe in altruism.
I've not ridden a calendar event for a number of years, and spectacularly failed on the last 100k DIY I attempted.
I still however feel I am "imbued with the spirit of long distance cycling" and hope I was some small help as a tiny cog in the LEL machine last year.
I also feel that AUK is a worthwhile organisation to support (I assume that my membership fee is of more value than the magazine costs).
And the magazine - it is truly a splendid publication (a small aberrant part of the last edition excepted).

Tapatalk puts this signature here, not me!
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

frankly frankie

  • I kid you not
    • Fuchsiaphile
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #53 on: 02 January, 2018, 07:47:47 pm »
I also feel that AUK is a worthwhile organisation to support (I assume that my membership fee is of more value than the magazine costs).

That's certainly not an assumption that should be made lightly.  I'm pretty sure it's well in hand at the moment but there certainly have been times in the past where, due to magazine production and postal costs, AUK were making a loss on each member.
when you're dead you're done, so let the good times roll


  • Just do it!
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #54 on: 03 January, 2018, 12:12:00 am »
I have not ridden my bike for 15 years or so.

I have just renewed my AUK membership for another five years, in which only a miracle could get me to ride again.

I am not aware that anybody objects to my continued but inert AUK membership.

I am 'imbued with the spirit of long-distane cycling'.

That is almost all.

You may also debate which AUK Members are 'a person of good character'.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #55 on: 03 January, 2018, 07:47:31 am »
I am not aware that anybody objects to my continued but inert AUK membership.
You may also debate which AUK Members are 'a person of good character'.

Not only do they not object, but you are very welcome as an AUK member.  I think you've got good eyesight too.


Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #56 on: 03 January, 2018, 09:19:15 am »
+1 :thumbsup:

Not only do they not object, but you are very welcome as an AUK member.  I think you've got good eyesight too.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #57 on: 03 January, 2018, 10:06:10 am »

I am 'imbued with the spirit of long-distance cycling'.

Since I stopped running the Kernow & SW 600 I am seldom in Bude with the spirit of long-distance cycling (the night control was there).

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #58 on: 03 January, 2018, 10:42:51 am »
Perhaps you could arrange to be imbued next year?

frankly frankie

  • I kid you not
    • Fuchsiaphile
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #59 on: 03 January, 2018, 10:51:00 am »
I thought it a reasonably interesting question.  It's unfortunate that we don't have this figure readily to hand but I'm hoping that our new website will make this available automatically.

Oh, did you?  What was the question again?

Can you tell how many of the 7,000 members have ridden at least one of the following: BP, BR, BRM, Perms, DIY's ECE's, imaginary rides (I was sitting on my couch thinking of riding, does that count?) in 2017?

For the 2017 season - and remember these figures are for finishers only,
and for AUK members only, non-members are a significant extra but not included here:

3400 members rode at least one event/permanent, a total of 19391 rides (there were also 10318 non-member rides, mostly Pops)
1189 rode only Populaires
2211 rode at least one counting ride (BR or RM)
1177 rode at least one RM ride.
2002 rode at least one 200km
977 " " 300km
703 " " 400km
29  " " 500km
469 " " 600km
11  " " 700-900km
63  " " 1000km
3   " " 1100-1300km
346 " " 1400km  (nb 2017 an LEL year)
18  " " 1500km or longer
all the above include events and permanents, and ECEs integrated where appropriate.

186 members rode 404 ECEs between them (included in the above figures).

969 members rode 5977 Perms between them (included in the above figures).
962 members rode 4250 DIYs between them (included in the above line).

Those last 2 lines don't quite stack up, either 969 or 5977 looks wrong but I can't offhand spot what the problem is.  :-\
[edit] oh I get it now, yes those figures are OK.  :thumbsup:
when you're dead you're done, so let the good times roll


  • Just do it!
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #60 on: 03 January, 2018, 12:16:59 pm »

I am 'imbued with the spirit of long-distance cycling'.

Since I stopped running the Kernow & SW 600 I am seldom in Bude with the spirit of long-distance cycling (the night control was there).

 ;D ;D ;D


  • Just do it!
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #61 on: 03 January, 2018, 12:24:03 pm »
I am not aware that anybody objects to my continued but inert AUK membership.
You may also debate which AUK Members are 'a person of good character'.

Not only do they not object, but you are very welcome as an AUK member.  I think you've got good eyesight too.

I know how to manipulate font sizes on my computer...

I have good corrected visual acuity in my right eye.
My left eye, which was totally blind for some part of 1997, has patches of 6/9 acuity but a rather moth-eaten visual field.



  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #62 on: 03 January, 2018, 01:44:11 pm »
I thought it a reasonably interesting question.  It's unfortunate that we don't have this figure readily to hand but I'm hoping that our new website will make this available automatically.

Oh, did you?  What was the question again?

Can you tell how many of the 7,000 members have ridden at least one of the following: BP, BR, BRM, Perms, DIY's ECE's, imaginary rides (I was sitting on my couch thinking of riding, does that count?) in 2017?

For the 2017 season - and remember these figures are for finishers only,
and for AUK members only, non-members are a significant extra but not included here:

3400 members rode at least one event/permanent, a total of 19391 rides (there were also 10318 non-member rides, mostly Pops)
1189 rode only Populaires
2211 rode at least one counting ride (BR or RM)
1177 rode at least one RM ride.
2002 rode at least one 200km
977 " " 300km
703 " " 400km
29  " " 500km
469 " " 600km
11  " " 700-900km
63  " " 1000km
3   " " 1100-1300km
346 " " 1400km  (nb 2017 an LEL year)
18  " " 1500km or longer
all the above include events and permanents, and ECEs integrated where appropriate.

186 members rode 404 ECEs between them (included in the above figures).

969 members rode 5977 Perms between them (included in the above figures).
962 members rode 4250 DIYs between them (included in the above line).

Those last 2 lines don't quite stack up, either 969 or 5977 looks wrong but I can't offhand spot what the problem is.  :-\
[edit] oh I get it now, yes those figures are OK.  :thumbsup:

How about AUK members that volunteer. I've not ridden an event for a few years but I've run a Nat 400 Control and run Calendar controls at least once a year for a while now.

A comparison with the USA is risible. Anyone with a bit of intellect would realise that a country with 243k sq km space, 400k km of roads and 64m people is different to one with 9.800k sq km space, 4,000k km of roads and 323m people. That's before you consider cultural differences.
It is simpler than it looks.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #63 on: 03 January, 2018, 02:14:39 pm »
Some comparisons between randonneuring organisations can be instructive and/or interesting.

It seems that AUK is still close to having half their members riding at least one event in a year. From memory, it has been around that level most of this century. AUK grows about 10% per year fairly consistently and seems to have got past a lull over a decade ago when the number of AUKs completing SRs was basically static for quite a few years. Now the number of SRs is increasing at least as fast as membership growth.

In comparison, Audax Oz has a higher percentage of riding members but membership rises and falls and is a somewhat smaller percentage of the national population.

RUSA has been shrinking for the last few years, which is unusual amongst randonneuring organisations. Most are static or growing, which matches the amount of 'sporty cycling' occuring in most countries.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #64 on: 03 January, 2018, 03:12:24 pm »
Actually, yes. Watching trends should be instructive, but most valuable for looking at the reasons behind the trends.
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #65 on: 03 January, 2018, 04:30:35 pm »
The USA is big enough that randoneurring may be doing ok in one place but not have enough critical mass in another. Looking at the very public RUSA members list it seems to be very much a West Coast thing with members being very thin in the ground most other places.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #66 on: 03 January, 2018, 04:37:59 pm »
It isn't just randonneuring which is on the decline in America, it is all levels of cycling. I can ride one of my perms out into the country and not see another cyclist during the 125+ miles.

At one time I would see many more riders on the country lanes but for a number of reasons cycling has lost its appeal. The only time we see any number of riders is during the 'MS150 season' when some 13,000 riders will take to the road in a group to ride some 150 miles raising money for the charity. Prior to the ride weekend we will see various clubs on training rides, but once that event is over, it is zip.

Maybe the inhospitable temperatures have some part in that, blistering high 90's during the summer and even today we had a hard freeze down to 27 degrees, so there are probably any number of excuses not to take the bike out.

I believe it was Keynes who suggested that a synergy exists where large numbers of people are present - he was talking about London as a driving force for economical wealth - and I can readily see that a crowded nation like Britain could develop a cohesive and impelling force among cyclists to meet and ride as a group.

Anyway, whatever are the complex causes and effects of specific declines - and wherever and whatever that would affect - randonneuring (and cycling in general) around here is a declining activity and a decline that is likely to continue. But it is good that AUK seems to be keeping the rando torch flame lit and to be well seen.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #67 on: 03 January, 2018, 04:51:30 pm »
The USA is big enough that randoneurring may be doing ok in one place but not have enough critical mass in another. Looking at the very public RUSA members list it seems to be very much a West Coast thing with members being very thin in the ground most other places.

True, for some reason California in particular is well served and well attended for brevets possibly for being a heavily populated area in close proximity. Florida does fairly well, but in much of the rest of the country, not a lot going on. In Texas for example, for a vast country (many Texas like to think of themselves as being of a country as opposed to a state) of some 24 million people in 262,000 Sq. miles, for any brevet ride (usually no more than one - two rides per month per Regional Brevet area, there will be only a handful of riders. 

Of the four 1200's run last year, 200 riders attended, this year there are seven 1200's announced so the opportunity to ride long brevets exists, but it will instructive to see how many turn up for them.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #68 on: 03 January, 2018, 08:16:11 pm »
The critical mass theory is interesting. You can see that in the Low countries where there's a lot of cross-border movement, creating the critical mass for some ride organisers who otherwise wouldn't have enough entries to make it interesting. The Hainaut province of Belgium has a lot of French riders while in the eastern provinces of the Netherlands sometimes as much as 50% of the participants are German randonneurs.
This doesn't reflect in the membership numbers though due to linguistical and official reasons.

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #69 on: 09 January, 2018, 10:22:53 am »
Anyway, back to Membership Renewal.  Have you renewed your Audax UK Membership for 2018?  If not, we won't be emailing you your AGM voting papers, so you'll have to come to Birmingham on 10th February.  It could be worse; we could be holding the AGM in ... (insert your own punch line here)

Re: AUK membership renewal
« Reply #70 on: 12 January, 2018, 02:58:25 pm »
It's a lot quieter here, now all that RUSA stuff has gone elsewhere.  Thanks to the shifters.

I've processed loads of renewals in the last couple of days, after emailing a reminder to everyone showing as "lapsed".  That will enable me to let you have your AGM voting papers by email and thus save you going to the AGM in Birmingham in person - not that you won't be welcome to the AGM in person of course.

It might be worth checking that we've got a correct and up-to-date email address for you at > Members > MyDetails.  I notice we have 38 obsolete email addresses from Orange, and these no longer work.  I can't even email these people to ask them to make the change!

Obsolete domain names: