Author Topic: [LEL17] The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]  (Read 34232 times)


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #25 on: 04 January, 2017, 01:32:57 pm »
Thanks for thought. My preferred option would be a late start anyway, but I may need to do some persuading.

Phil W

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #26 on: 04 January, 2017, 04:45:45 pm »
You can of course choose smaller pelotons of 2 or 3 in which case the odds are better.  You'll be able to see what the rough chances are when you choose your start times as we will show demand vs. available places for each available start.  If demand is less than available places for the start slot you go for as a team then you'll get that slot.  Anything where demand is greater than available places for a start slot then you will be thrown into our infinite probability machine with a good cup of tea. 


  • known as Olaf in the real world
    • Cycling Intelligence
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #27 on: 04 January, 2017, 09:27:43 pm »
I'm really in two minds about the start time. The arguments in favour of a late start are:

- unlike on PBP, no need to ride yourself to the limit over the first 400 to 500 km, as intermediate control times don't really matter and time limit is more generous anyway.

- for me, 3pm start time may mean arrving at Louth (242 km) at around 3am in the morning, which is an ideal time for maybe 3 to 4 hours of kip, and the control should not be too busy, as most people will crack on.

- have a lie in on Sunday

- even with a morning start, I would not dare to ride further than Thirsk without sleep, where I may arrive between 4am and 6am in the morning. I expect Pocklington and Thirsk to be absolutely packed in first night, as both are the natural first sleep stop, so high probability of an unpleasant night.

Key arguments against late start may be:

- one is deliberately behind the bulge, which requires a lot trust into alwyn's organisatinal skills, as there is a risk controls may run out of food.

- one may catch up with  the tail end of the bulge at  a later stage. (My overall speed on PBP was 14.3 kph, and I was feeling better on the last 200 than after 400, so would be hoping to complete  LEL in around 100 hours). Running into the bulge from behind could mean experiencing pandemonium at the controls

- on PBP, I started at 6.15pm and always was a few hours ahead of the buldge, which was really good. I left a couple of controls after some sleep, which were in the meantime hit by the bulge, and there was absolute pandemonium

- I struggle to get to sleep on long rides, unless I'm really tired. So sleeping at Louth may be nice in theory but could not work out in reality.

- at the end of the field, on the way back, intermediate control times can in theory become an issue, as the controls do physically close at some point. hence slightly higher risk of DNF/OOT finish if some issues arise in between
If you can't convince, confuse. - my blog on cycling, long distances and short ones

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #28 on: 05 January, 2017, 04:54:01 am »
In 2013 Pocklington was the only first night honeypot. Thirsk was quiet and Market Rasen was dead. By spreading out the start times, and not front loading the start with a mixed-ability group, I hope to spread the load between Louth, Pocklington and Thirsk.

Being brutally candid here, my biggest worry is actually Louth. It's a relatively small control and I'm not fully confident the school realise yet what they're in for. I'm meeting them next month for a planning meeting which will hopefully put my mind at rest, and I may yet look for some overflow space somewhere nearby. But the controller is an old hand at this and the school are very keen to make it work.

At Pocklington I've booked a leisure centre in town, bang on the route, as overflow dormitory space. So things should be easier there on the first night.

Thirsk is a big control and never really gets truly busy because of where it is on the route. Ditto Barnard Castle.

In 2009 there was a 2pm start time, and I did a control at Thorne, ie Louth. Sue and Keith did Washingborough ie Spalding. We were all surprised at how quickly both controls filled up with people sleeping. Folk who had been on the road for 9 hours were getting 5-6 hours sleep. Personally I'm all for this; sleeping is good. Folk absolutely shouldn't feel compelled to skip a night's sleep to avoid being late to early controls. So we're taking a pragmatic approach to intermediate control times on the way up.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #29 on: 05 January, 2017, 10:58:31 am »
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: alwyn and redfalo, wise thoughts and more to digest. Extra highlighters and a bigger flip-chart needed for the pubinar!

I've always been surprised at how many want to sleep on the first night of PBP/LEL - it's all too exciting for me to stop then! I'm confident the new start arrangements will spread things out more: on the afternoon start in 2009, it did me a power of good to catch morning starters in Yorkshire, without feeling I was pushing hard to catch up*. I knew I had plenty of time in hand for sleep and could stop early on the second night, [before the control got too busy - on awaking there were bodies everywhere] which set me up for the hilly northern days.

* There was a significant tailwind...


  • known as Olaf in the real world
    • Cycling Intelligence
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #30 on: 05 January, 2017, 01:39:30 pm »
Really good food for thoughts, thanks for sharing your thoughts, alwyn!  :thumbsup:

So far, I had assumed that Louth would be a relatively unpopular stop for sleeping on the way out, at it is only 242 km from London and most people starting on the normal time limit would be keen to crack on.

Like Tomsk, I was surprised that some riders took roadside naps in the first night of PBP. However, my impression was that they were a small minority while most people put up with riding through the first night.

If you can't convince, confuse. - my blog on cycling, long distances and short ones


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #31 on: 05 January, 2017, 01:52:22 pm »
In 2005, loads stopped at Thorne on the first night [only a morning start that time, but also a Thorne start for northerners] - and though only a handful left around the time Pip and I did, a fair sized peloton formed to push on through a glorious warm night, after we were held up by level-crossing gate repairs at Howden.

Phil W

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #32 on: 05 January, 2017, 02:29:16 pm »
The only queue for food I recall was at Kirton on the first day. That was nowhere near the size of anything what we saw at PBP (and yes I was generally  ahead of the bulge as well). Not having to pay for food during the event makes a big difference to the queues.

I think Louth will be a popular choice for afternoon starts.   While you can push on, with the lower minimum speed and the fact it is even across the whole ride, you have more time for rest in the first 24 hours than PBP.  Afternoon start, finish the last bit of the Fens in the dark, rest at Louth, then cover the Wolds in daylight.  I wouldn't get fixated about when or where you sleep and remain flexible on that point. We had a stonking Fens tailwind in 2013, what will this year bring?

In 2013 Danial described Pocklington as "under siege" on the first night. So I stopped early at Market Rasen (great advice Danial!), had the dorm almost to myself, then rode on through the early hours passing bodies in silver bags to Pocklington.

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #33 on: 05 January, 2017, 04:00:04 pm »
I'm in for the afternoon start. I think riding through the Sunday night (with maybe a short sleep some time Monday morning) will work well for me.

Like PBP I am not going to make too many plans, I'll make a rough note of how far the controls are apart so I know if I want to carry on to the next one but having a plan involves too much thinking on the bike for my liking. I just want it to be about riding and enjoying, much like PBP was*

*holding Tomsks wheel for pretty much all of PBP was helpful  ;D


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #34 on: 05 January, 2017, 08:09:25 pm »
So I stopped early at Market Rasen (great advice Danial!), had the dorm almost to myself, then rode on through the early hours passing bodies in silver bags to Pocklington.
Us too... after starting at the last bar one start time (10.15 I think) we were told that if we wanted a bed stay at Market Rasen - so we actually stopped around 9.30 pm, then left again in the small hours to catch dawn at the Humber Bridge. The seige conditions at Pocklington were still in evidence when we stopped for a second breakfast and overtook many of the riders who had "slept" there.


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #35 on: 06 January, 2017, 08:23:33 am »
For us slower riders, one advantage of starting early is that there's almost always some company along the road, even if it's from later starters catching up and overtaking.  Starting late and riding full value can be a lonely experience over 1400km.  Based on my ride in 2009, I wouldn't expect to sleep before Alston so would be aiming for a start time that would get me there about an hour before sunset, at my very casual pace.

Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #36 on: 09 January, 2017, 01:20:11 pm »
Hi all,

I've entered. Aiming to pay tonight.

I'd enjoy riding with some of you ACME folk if you'll have me. I probably won't be able make any pubinars though.

Just starting to think about knock-on effects of start times etc. A bit mind-blowing over that distance!

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #37 on: 10 January, 2017, 11:03:10 am »
I'm in too now.

I am going to start at some stage. Not sure it will make a lot of difference when really, just gotta roll with it. Tippers is generally right about this kind of thing.

I am going to concentrate on getting fit enough and tough enough to ride for 36 hours on naps just in case and let the ride take it's course from there. I am not going to do what I did on PBP (dawdle and not eat enough). For me the prospect of failing another 1000k+ ride is just too awful to contemplate, so I have to make this one! I think that will count for a lot...


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #38 on: 10 January, 2017, 11:30:29 am »
Witham 'spoons: The Battesford Court, aka our other spiritual home...

21:00 Wednesday 18th January

Homework for LEL-ers: read up all the relevant stuff on AUKweb and yacf, and look at Jo Wood's graphic renderings of the stats from 2013:
For some reason I thought this was a 19:30 start... Does 21:00 leave enough time?


Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #39 on: 10 January, 2017, 12:35:55 pm »
I’d definitely enjoy riding with some of you guys although I don’t have the time to get over to the UK again before the event. Be great to have some experienced company.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #40 on: 12 January, 2017, 08:35:52 am »
Following discussion among the peloton last night, we now favour an earlier start for The Pubinar at the Battesford Court next Wednesday.

20:00...I can get over to Witham for about then - how does that suit other attendees?

the straggler

  • ACME Award Recipient & ROTY 2021
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #41 on: 12 January, 2017, 01:54:23 pm »
Works better for me... More time for learning about consumption of Essex energy drinks and LEL tips from ACME,
before last train home. Either way 8 or 9 pm would be OK.
CCS - Setting the Standards

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #42 on: 12 January, 2017, 02:02:04 pm »
If anyone is traveling to Witham by train and doesn't know where the 'spoons is please let me know. I will meet you at the station and be your native guide.

Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #43 on: 12 January, 2017, 03:31:22 pm »
8pm is good for me.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #44 on: 12 January, 2017, 06:12:42 pm »
And me (I'm being an honorary ACME again)


  • known as Olaf in the real world
    • Cycling Intelligence
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #45 on: 12 January, 2017, 06:59:39 pm »
Pleased with 8pm too.
If you can't convince, confuse. - my blog on cycling, long distances and short ones


  • Enjoying life in the slow lane
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #46 on: 12 January, 2017, 08:39:37 pm »
I'll most likely be driving up from SE London.  Happy to provide lifts if we can get the timing right.  I'll probably be leaving Blackheath about 6.45.
Why should anybody steal a watch when they can steal a bicycle?


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #47 on: 13 January, 2017, 10:49:41 am »
20:00 meets with general approval  :thumbsup:

In case of any last-minute changes of plan...most of you have my mobile number or know where to find it via the usual channels. We'll have to take pot luck with seating at the 'spoons and maybe clear a section of civilians: perhaps someone could start some comunity singing?

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #48 on: 13 January, 2017, 11:50:14 am »
Happy to oblige with the community singing. I am ACME's Musical Director after all.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: The ACME LEL Peloton Thread [All Welcome!]
« Reply #49 on: 13 January, 2017, 03:41:38 pm »
Happy to oblige with the community singing. I am ACME's Musical Director after all.

 ;D :thumbsup: