Author Topic: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT  (Read 79421 times)


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #175 on: 11 July, 2019, 12:39:34 pm »
On the Bolt, presumably you can follow a GPX route turn by turn and record the actual ride (to go onto Strava) at the same time?
Yes. The "Start Ride" record mode is independent of following routes. You do, of course, have to "start" the ride to record it. Simply following a route won't do that for you.
You can end active routes (accessed from the "map" page) and switch to other routes at any stage without interrupting a ride recording - useful for splitting ride routes or having alternate routes to swap to during ride.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #176 on: 12 July, 2019, 02:37:21 pm »
On the Bolt, presumably you can follow a GPX route turn by turn and record the actual ride (to go onto Strava) at the same time?

Yes, this is basic functionality. If you configure wifi with your home network, and set it to auto upload, then not only will it record the log, but it can also automagically upload the ride to strava when you get home and hit stop*.

Just make sure you hit start when you start the ride.

Update on the buttons: Strava replaced it no questions asked, they arranged pickup, sent me a document to print, I printed it, put the wahoo back in box, put box in another box, put printed document on outside, waited in, got a guy from TNT who scanned it. The next day before the package was showing as delivered, I got notification that a new unit had been dispatched. It arrived 2 days later. It was pretty damn painless! I'm impressed. The ease with which they did it makes me wonder if this is a known flaw with one batch, and they are just trying to get them all out of circulation with as little negative publicity as they can.


*Mine auto uploads when I get up to my flat, even tho I hit stop outside, 6 floors down. The wifi signal works outside the front door, so I usually get the beep in my ear to say the strava upload is complete when I'm still fumbling with my keys.
Beer, bikes, and backpacking


  • Loving the lanes
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #177 on: 09 November, 2019, 05:04:49 pm »
I've been using the Bolt for a few months now and it's generally great - particularly for VeloViewer tile hunting rides which can be quite tortous and it's saved a lot of time writing my routesheets. The battery life is slightly too short for a 200km ride at my pace but I have a portable charger.

One issue I've found is that while it generally transfers recorded activities from the Bolt to the Elemnt phone app OK, the Wahoo system then doesn't forward the activity to Strava. If I go into the activity on the app and choose 'Delete and Resync' (which means it takes it from the Bolt a second time), it does appear in Strava. Has anyone else found this?
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #178 on: 09 November, 2019, 09:43:19 pm »
I've been using the Bolt for a few months now and it's generally great - particularly for VeloViewer tile hunting rides which can be quite tortous and it's saved a lot of time writing my routesheets. The battery life is slightly too short for a 200km ride at my pace but I have a portable charger.

One issue I've found is that while it generally transfers recorded activities from the Bolt to the Elemnt phone app OK, the Wahoo system then doesn't forward the activity to Strava. If I go into the activity on the app and choose 'Delete and Resync' (which means it takes it from the Bolt a second time), it does appear in Strava. Has anyone else found this?

Yep, I had this, you have to disconnect the app from strava, then re authenticate it.

Also, as a side route, if you add your wifi network to the element, then you can do a sync (goto map screen, select route, hit sync). Assuming you have the strava/elemnt pairing setup, it doesn't need the phone.

Beer, bikes, and backpacking


  • Loving the lanes
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #179 on: 19 November, 2019, 09:19:38 am »
Thanks QG, that seems to have fixed it  :thumbsup:
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #180 on: 19 November, 2019, 11:14:35 am »
You can also go to the Elemnt app > History > open the ride you've done, tap the 'upload' button (top RH corner on iOS) and then tap on send in the Strava section. If I have the digital data enabled on my phone when I finish a ride, this usually happens automatically. If I just have wi-fi, it sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't, but it can be checked and done this way later.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #181 on: 12 February, 2020, 06:36:07 pm »
Used the Elemnt (not Bolt) today for the first time in ages. Worked well using a route planned on RWGPS. While in a LBS I noted that Wahoo have now got the Elemnt Roam and another one or two new models. Still not a great display on the Roam TBH. And it’s very expensive. If I recall correctly the Roam does have significant improvements, however - it can operate as a stand alone router planner, can route back to your route if you get lost (as can the Elemnt, but only by way of a phone app), and can create a route home.

Which brings me to my point. I was in said LBS looking for a Wahoo mount. The Elemnt came with 3 mounts: out-front for road bars, a stem mount, and a mount which I thought was for MTB 22.2mm bars. It is not - it is for TT bars and thus faces the wrong way*.

Wahoo, it seems do not make a 22.2mm mount. LBS man said that the stem mount - that’s for along the top of the stem, not stem cap - could be used anywhere. But surely the radius is all wrong for anything but the stem, and would need an unseemly amount of padding out? And anyway, I have lost it. And the shop didn’t have any.

Do any of you have one on 22.2mm bars? Did the stem mount work or what have you used?

* I have looked for a 90 degree rotation adapter or converter to change the orientation - then it would work in the location I have in mind. Don’t seem to be made.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #182 on: 12 February, 2020, 06:39:26 pm »
HK uses an adaptor for her Wahoo on a Garmin fitting. 3D printed off eBay, I think.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #183 on: 12 February, 2020, 06:56:20 pm »
On the last Bolt I fitted to a friend's bike the mount could be dismantled (couple of screws IIRC) and rotated 90 degrees before reassembly and fitting. It fitted fine on his handlebars.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #184 on: 12 February, 2020, 06:59:01 pm »

I have a 3d Printed shim I used to fit my di2 junction box to my tri bars. I think it would convert the standard out front mount to fit on 22mm bars.

Crap photo:

I have spares, if you want me to drop one in the post.

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #185 on: 12 February, 2020, 07:19:27 pm »
HK uses an adaptor for her Wahoo on a Garmin fitting. 3D printed off eBay, I think.

I use that very same adapter and find it perfect in use,

Wahoo also now provide one, slightly cheaper,

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #186 on: 12 February, 2020, 08:52:50 pm »

I have a 3d Printed shim I used to fit my di2 junction box to my tri bars. I think it would convert the standard out front mount to fit on 22mm bars.

I have spares, if you want me to drop one in the post.


That’s very kind of you, but the other point I ought to have mentioned is that I cannot have the unit out front, as it interferes with a fixed front light. Hence I have not gone down the route of shimming out the standard mount.

Psyclist, LWaB, thanks, it does seem that Garmin + adapter is the way to go. I think I need a different MagCAD adapter:

As you say the Wahoo one is cheaper.

Needs to be on the bars or only slightly out front. This would be ideal, combined with the above, but is a trifle spendy:

I’ve also found this, which would work nicely, but I cannot tell if it is possible to change the orientation from tri-bar to normal:

ppm, this is not possible with the tri bar mount that I have:


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #187 on: 24 February, 2020, 09:58:43 am »
Now been using the element bolt for 2 weeks. I have yet to do a super big ride with it but I have navigated around twisty towns streets and it's been very good, a lot less confusing on odd shaped junctions than my old garmin. The battery life is excellent and it's far easier to plug routes into it than the garmin.

What does annoy me is neither service lets you sort routes into folders of any kind. It would be very helpful to be able to sort routes into e.g. 'Rides from home' > 50km / 100 km / 200 km etc or 'old audaxes' > 200 km / 300 km / 400 km. Instead everything is rendered to a big unwieldy list. Wahoo is a bit better as it lets you view which routes you're closest to the start point from but it still irks me.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #188 on: 24 February, 2020, 10:11:23 am »
What does annoy me is neither service lets you sort routes into folders of any kind. It would be very helpful to be able to sort routes into e.g. 'Rides from home' > 50km / 100 km / 200 km etc or 'old audaxes' > 200 km / 300 km / 400 km. Instead everything is rendered to a big unwieldy list. Wahoo is a bit better as it lets you view which routes you're closest to the start point from but it still irks me.

The only way I have worked around that is to archive unlikely to be immediately re-used routes onto my computer as .fit files (I usually use RWGPS or Komoot for planning). They are then automagically removed from the Bolt/Elemnt when it next "syncs". If I want them back, I just reload them into RWGPS and they magically re-appear. My "active" route lists rarely exceeds 10-20 entries now, even for a week away.


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #189 on: 24 February, 2020, 10:16:18 am »
Yeah I have thought about saving gpx's etc into my google drive but just haven't bothered.

I might send wahoo some feedback about it later...
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #190 on: 24 February, 2020, 12:16:49 pm »
I like to keep the files on the Bolt to a minimum, so I don't have RWGPS sync switched on.

Regular routes I keep on the Bolt. For new routes I export the TCX from RWGPS (or Komoot) and load to Wahoo via the saved TCX file using my phone. Then sync the Bolt. Slightly more convoluted than a direct sync, but I prefer the control over what is stored on the Bolt.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #191 on: 25 February, 2020, 10:42:21 pm »

I have them as just one big list, with komoot and strava routes both synced. All in all there's a couple of hundred+ routes on there. Some of the routes from Strava I have starred, so I can find them with "sort by: Starred". Others I name based on what they are, so a lot start VV (veloviewer), and some LTC (Long Term Challenge), and some both. This plus sort by distance and sort by proximity work for me.

I think a lot of it comes down to what you're used to.

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #192 on: 29 February, 2020, 01:03:21 pm »
Oh SH?T. Just took the plunge after much deliberation and bought a wahoo roam. Then found that it will not be friends with my mobile. I have an Honor 10, a cheapo subset of Huawei. I like the mobile not only because it is cheap and powerful, but also because Trump trumpets against Huawei. Now I have to decide whether to buy new mobile or send back the wahoo. Best wahoo deal I could find was 10% off at ctc cotswold. Seems that wahoo incompatibility with Huawei Honor is a known if unpublicised problem which wahoo are not interested in resolving.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #193 on: 29 February, 2020, 01:43:19 pm »
That's a shame, but Wahoo do say on their FAQ's;
Note: Since Android devices vary widely, compatibility cannot be assured for all devices. Please download and install the Wahoo Fitness Android app from the Google Play Store before purchasing a Wahoo Fitness product to ensure compatibility.
I've had my Bolt since they were launched in March 17, and after some early issues with them dropping the GPS signal, have been very pleased. I bought a Roam and sent it back - the RH button was very flaky, a common issue it seemed.


  • Not Small
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #194 on: 29 February, 2020, 10:33:11 pm »
Interesting, not had problems using my elemnt with my honor.
Wonder if this is actually a trumpian thing

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #195 on: 03 March, 2020, 08:24:40 pm »
Ha thanks for that FE. That gave me the incentive to try again to connect and lo, Honor and Roam are connected! Whoopee.  :) So the Wahoo advisor may have been wrong. Will pursue testing tomos.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #196 on: 03 March, 2020, 10:04:22 pm »
How well does the basic Elemnt work with a power bank?


  • Not Small
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #197 on: 03 March, 2020, 11:30:49 pm »
How well does the basic Elemnt work with a power bank?
Exactly as I expect it to.
Charged by it and then powered by it once it reaches full.

Forgetting to disconnect is of course my #1 cause of excess power bank drain...

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk


  • Randonneur and bargain hunter
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #198 on: 04 March, 2020, 12:14:31 am »
I got a refurbed Bolt recently. I was having a great time with it but then it started crashing and not rendering the maps, so I got in touch with Wahoo (who I bought it directly from).

It looks like they're sending me a brand new one as soon as I stick the refurb back in the post which is jolly decent of them. It means I won't have it in time for Sunday's audax (probably) but ho hum it's not that twisty a course and I can just use my phone.
YACF touring/audax bargain basement:

Ban cars.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #199 on: 04 March, 2020, 07:04:03 am »
How well does the basic Elemnt work with a power bank?
Exactly as I expect it to.
Charged by it and then powered by it once it reaches full.

Great, thanks!