Author Topic: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017  (Read 11052 times)

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #25 on: 16 June, 2017, 12:53:48 pm »
Ian, I think I've used a parking ticket from the lake visitor centre before on one of Chris's perms.

Cheers Peter

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #26 on: 18 June, 2017, 03:55:29 am »
Riding through effort hamstrung by clear skies and low temperatures. Tried to get Travelodge at 415km but was full. Backtracked to 24hr garage with a Costa machine and seating for a closed Subway. Have been dozing on comfy chairs since 2am. Unfortunately a bunch of local scrotes high on whipped cream propellant keep popping back and appear very interested in my bike. Just waiting for a bit more sun to appear before setting off again.

Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #27 on: 18 June, 2017, 01:07:32 pm »
... seduced by England's longest downhill road ...

which is fine, until you realise you have got to get to the top of that longest descent with 570 (or so) km in your legs

mr ben

  • Some routes may be arduous.
    • ramblings and randonees
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #28 on: 18 June, 2017, 06:18:12 pm »
 :'( A DNF after 100 km. Shortly after the first control I noticed the tell-tale squiggle of an approaching migraine, stopped at a shop for paracetamol and to let my vision clear, and then continued to Pocklington. Sitting around at the petrol station there I was aware that I couldn't see properly to my right hand side and decided I didn't want to risk it continuing later into the day and night. Appologies to any of you that I was rude to or weird at, I either couldn't see you properly or was having a brain fog.

Bloody annoying as it's been such great weather, and I didn't feel too bad apart from the visual stuff.  After a while in Pocklington's Costa I rode to York, and got the train back to Mytholmroyd to meet Chris and team at HQ to retrieve my luggage.  I helped unload the car and could see you were going to have a splendid feed later.

I half considered staying over and doing the Good Companions ride but my heart wasn't in it and I fancied my own bed. Good decision, I had another visual disturbance on the train home and again this morning. Still pissed off though, bloody bodies.  ::-)
Think it possible that you may be mistaken.


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #29 on: 18 June, 2017, 06:24:19 pm »
I hope those GPX tracks were useful. I forgot to put them onto my Garmin. Instead I used an elastic band to hold the route sheet to the Garmin. Good job I had a puncture after 75km or so and found an elastic band in my tool tube

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

the straggler

  • ACME Award Recipient & ROTY 2021
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #30 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:24:09 am »
Glad I tried the 3 coasts this year after a strong recommendation from Nigel and the slightly hillier course did not disappoint. Struggled with the heat on Saturday but felt OK the following morning with no dozzie attack after only affording 45 min sleep time at HQ. The final climb up to Hollingworth Lake was worth the extra effort just for the last 10 km of freewheeling on the descent return to the finish.

Thanks to Chris and team for the great TLC.
CCS - Setting the Standards


  • terry2wheelz
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #31 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:46:50 am »
 :( Also a DNF from me too  -  just after 400km.
"Forgive me lord for I have sinned ! "  O:-)
Arrived back at Mytholmroyd HQ around 02.00am well & truly exhausted, being a northern softie I'm really not used to sweating in glorious sunshine all day & I'd struggled with re-hydration.  Also mine was the exploding tyre in Cafe' garden in Bridlington so spent an hour faffing with this is baking heat.  Had 3 hrs kip @ HQ thinking all would be great @ sunrise, but got as far as Burnley then turned back & threw towel in.  Spent hours next morning with doom-mongering thoughts, like "how the hell am I going to get round LEL if I can't even succeed on this 600km" -  even thought of taking up hiking & hanging up wheels  ??? -  but after 8 hours kip & glass of Duvel I recognise this minor failure just as the wake up call it is.    I rode LEL last time quite comfortably with blocks of 400km's so I'll be reet !  Chapeau to all who finished this 600 - T'wasn't easy in that heat - respect to you all. 
Confession over....
Terry from Bury..
Fatter Riders Bounce Better :-) !

Bairn Again

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #32 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:55:20 am »
Spent hours next morning with doom-mongering thoughts, like "how the hell am I going to get round LEL if I can't even succeed on this 600km" -  even thought of taking up hiking & hanging up wheels  ??? -  but after 8 hours kip & glass of Duvel I recognise this minor failure just as the wake up call it is.   

I wish I had a £ for every time I've done that too.  You'll be fine. 

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #33 on: 19 June, 2017, 11:58:43 am »
Spent hours next morning with doom-mongering thoughts, like "how the hell am I going to get round LEL if I can't even succeed on this 600km" -  even thought of taking up hiking & hanging up wheels  ??? -  but after 8 hours kip & glass of Duvel I recognise this minor failure just as the wake up call it is.   

I wish I had a £ for every time I've done that too.  You'll be fine.

I wanted to pack so many times on this event - a few stand out. First, when the chap I was riding with packed and I knew I'd have a long section on my own in to the wind - whereas he was heading home to comfort and cold drinks - was saved by stimulating company - thanks Adamski / French chap / Martin T. Second, when I set off in to the night and found I didn't have enough clothes - I rode to Burnley Travelodge with the aim of packing, but there were no rooms - mwas saved by the 24hr Texaco on Rossendale Road (they let me kip on some seats, and sold me some Immodium on the way back - more on that...). Thirdly, when my guts decided to turn inside out and where only letting me do about 30m on the bike before urgent calls of nature. I was set to pack at Todmorden and skip the lake and climb. Fortunately, The Old Cafe in Tod gave me a cracking flat white and suggested I drink a very large bottle of water, which was enough to get me back (in combo with the Immodium).

Not an easy day on the bike.

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #34 on: 19 June, 2017, 01:11:46 pm »
Commiserations to those who packed, you were not alone. According to CC, there were around 70 entrants for the two events and 20% of those packed either on day 1 or when they got back to HQ.
It's not surprising really, given the heat and wind.

The leg from Brid. to Malton was brutal ,just like being in a fan oven, and then a few short sharp hills before Thirsk were not easy either. En masse,the pace dropped by 2 or 3 mph on Saturday afternoon.
Sunday was different, with no clouds but a slightly cooler breeze, still niggly and very dehydrating but not a killer,IMO.

A few niggles- slow service at the cafe in Brid( just stamp the card please.I don't need your autograph.
Some riders interpreted it as no order=no stamp.)
- the closed road just before Blackpool (Singleton) that put us onto the busy road through Poulton,
- no instruction on the paper route sheet that a POP was needed on the return leg through Mirfield.

My biggest mistakes were navigational despite having a paper routesheet and following a Garmin line.
On the return ,I nearly ended up in Dewsbury Moorside,(erstwhile home of Shannon Matthews et. al.) having misinterpreted the direction that said "RT to Heckmondwike." My apologies to the chap from Norfolk who was with me.
I missed the turn off the cycle path on the Garstang road and was worried about finding Broughton crossroads ever again.
Same near Whalley, where in ended up in Billington ,just along the road. I resisted the obvious question and asked a pedestrian which direction could I find Whalley.

Despite the heat and all that,I was quite happy to visit just the two coasts  and happy with my overall time. I gather that Blackstone Edge had some of the hard men looking for a skyhook, so a special"well done "to the 3 Coast finishers. It's also nice to see more than a few visitors from further afield.

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #35 on: 19 June, 2017, 05:17:05 pm »
A few niggles- slow service at the cafe in Brid( just stamp the card please.I don't need your autograph.
Some riders interpreted it as no order=no stamp.)

It was sauna-hot in the café at Bridlington and there was a long queue. I simply wanted a stamp and then to leave. The woman behind the counter flat refused to stamp my card unless I queued; something I would not do. I even offered to pay her for stamping my card; she still refused. So I left and went to Tesco.

Every time I've been to that café it's been slow service - I think it's time that the Org made it clear that other proofs of passage are acceptable.
You're only as successful as your last 1200...

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #36 on: 19 June, 2017, 05:35:33 pm »
That's where I saw you. My brain was fried and faces just became a blur. I guess you suffer a lot in the sun?
Did your mudguards  warp in the heat or did their tropical heritage win the day?

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #37 on: 19 June, 2017, 05:47:48 pm »
I guess you suffer a lot in the sun?

er... not especially. Why? (intrigued)

Did your mudguards  warp in the heat or did their tropical heritage win the day?

The mudguards performed flawlessly, as did the Pashley Guv'nor.

It's the tropical heritage:
You're only as successful as your last 1200...

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #38 on: 19 June, 2017, 06:00:24 pm »
I guess you suffer a lot in the sun?

er... not especially. Why? (intrigued)

Your primarily cider-based rehydration technique perhaps?  ;)
Eddington Number = 132

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #39 on: 19 June, 2017, 06:57:41 pm »
I guess you suffer a lot in the sun?

er... not especially. Why? (intrigued)

Your primarily cider-based rehydration technique perhaps?  ;)

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it :)
You're only as successful as your last 1200...


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #40 on: 19 June, 2017, 07:13:52 pm »
I hope those GPX tracks were useful. I forgot to put them onto my Garmin.

I'm not going mad. The gpx tracks were on my Garmin, only not in the correct folder. I'm muppet  :facepalm:
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #41 on: 19 June, 2017, 07:39:40 pm »
W, Weren't you wearing three quarters and a long sleeved top?
If that wasn't you then I am obviously mistaken.
As a ginger ninja, I am prone to sunburn myself and relied on industrial strength sunscreen all weekend.
There was at least one self confessed "tight Yorkshireman" who was grateful for some of it after the heat got to him.


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #42 on: 19 June, 2017, 08:50:56 pm »
I'd decided to do The Three Coasts for a variety of reasons, but mainly because it'd worked as a ride I could do with my dad as he continues his preparation for LEL. The fact it'd be a new ride for me was an added bonus.

After an easy train trip up from London (leaving Kings Cross at 4.30pm meant the train wasn't rammo) I arrived at Mytholmroyd, sorted out my kit & drank some of Wobbly's cider.  Before long it was bedtime and as always happens it was far too quickly time to wake up.

I was ready for the go just before 6am and discovered there were no tracks on my Garmin :facepalm:. I could have sworn I'd transferred the files. Nevermind, I grabbed a routesheet from the HQ and set off with everyone else. The first section down to Castleford in a big group was easy and the traffic was light. We bounced through Castleford and before long where at a petrol station in Pocklington for more fluids and a ATM slip. The riding was lovely and the tailwind helped no end. Another quick stop and we were on our way, although a puncture somewhere outside of Pockington slowed us down. I did discover an elastic band in my tool tube and used that to strap the routesheet to my Garmin

Everyone seemed to have decided to arrive in Bridlington by car and it was chaos. We'd planned to bounce Bridlington and stop at Malton for food, but like others were unable to get a stamp without spending money, so waiting for tea to cool down slowed things down.

The section from Bridlington featured a gradual climb into a headwind and 1,000s of sportive riders heading the opposite direction. We stopped at New Brew with Cake-a-licious which was on the approach Morrisons car park, the bikes were visible and they did quick service. I'd use them again.

From there I don't remember much of the ride to Thirsk, but after that the ride back to Castleford was really pleasant riding through the flatlands. From Castleford a peleton formed, as Dr. Mekon has already mentioned. The stiff climb out of Halifax took some huffing to get up.

We were back to HQ around 11.30pm & still wearing just shorts & a jersey.

The TLC back at HQ was great, so much food and showers. Whoop. After some sleep we were back on the road around 6am and  enjoyed the challenge of the hidden information control.

We picked up Clement outside Blackpool and the three of us tried to approach Blackpool by the official route but RailTrack turned us around due to the closed bridge, giving us a bonus 3km.

After Glasson Dock I left my dad and pushed on alone to make sure I'd be back for my prebooked train. The ride over to Whalley was excellent, although I was jealous of all the people enjoying The Aspinall Arms by the River Ribble.

On the descent into Cornholme it all almost went wrong. One of the bolts that holds my Goldtech front wheel in place (I don't have quick release wheels) had escaped at some point but I was unaware of this until the front wheel went mental. I initally thought the tyre had unseated itself but once I'd managed to stop and recompose myself, amazed I was still upright, I discovered the issue. I looked on the road for the bolt, couldn't find one, tried calling the Family Team Car that was waiting to collect my dad, but with no success and gingerly set off again

From Todmodern I had to decide if to bail or not. I opted to risk the dodgy front wheel held in place with one bolt and lawyer lip, although I wasn't convinced leaving Todmorden I was heading in the right direction because it just didn't feel right. I had communication with the Family Team Car and we tried to rendezvous at the top of Blackstone Edge, but with neither of us knowing the area meant that didn't happen, so I had to refit the front wheel and slowly ride down to the Arrivee, a shower and a train back to London.

Dad finished about 1¼ hours later having ridden in with Martin T. So all in all a successful weekend.

Tracklog here:

Thanks to Chris and all the helpers. It's amazing how much we, as riders, get for such a modest entry fee. It's really appreciated.
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #43 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:11:54 pm »
W, Weren't you wearing three quarters and a long sleeved top?

Longs for both arms and legs. I've been horribly sunburned once too often (i.e. PBP 1999) to make that mistake again.

As a ginger ninja, I am prone to sunburn myself and relied on industrial strength sunscreen all weekend.

Being a "ginger" implies you have hair. Sadly I have none, hence the cycling cap...

But anyway, don't get stuck in a time-wasting queue. You are on a schedule, time is important. All you need do is provide proof of passage; you don't *have* to buy beans on toast at the suggested café stop.

Here's my Bridlington proof of passage :)

You're only as successful as your last 1200...

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #44 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:14:45 pm »
Don't think you'll get away with that R. - photo clearly taken pre-war.

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #45 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:16:56 pm »
You're only as successful as your last 1200...

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #46 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:42:35 pm »
DNF here - must have had too much sun, as someone else said, us northerners aren't used to it! 

My rear mudguard popped off it's fitting on one of the potholes during the first km. Quick stop, soon had it fixed. However it happened again after another 30km or so and this time the fitting clip proved to be ruined. Strapped it to my saddlebag for a while and, as a tight Yorkshireman, it nearly broke my heart to have to chuck it in a bin at the garage in Castleford.

Bizzy Lizzies, great service but be warned if you need to use the loo, just think of the toilet scene in Trainspotting....I'll say no more.

I was in the cafe garden at Brid when Terry's tyre exploded, it was as loud as a gunshot. It was a right little suntrap in the garden, my Garmin showed 109 degrees farenheit as we left!!
I didn't think the service there was too bad tbh, however we may have been lucky and hit it during a slight lull.
Terribly hard trying to hold Jack's wheel to Malton, hilly to Thirsk. 

I was in a nice group most of the day with Jack and (variously) Nicki, Kim & Steve and probably others that I can't remember your names, sorry.

All good to Tadcaster and then Castleford (lights on) but then started to feel decidedly poorly. Lost power, felt nauseous, was getting dropped, running on empty.  More or less dragged back to HQ by Jack got in at 00.50.  Continued to feel v. ill & eventualy threw up. Felt a bit better then.

Already knew after Cas that I was in bad shape and had decided not to ride on the Sunday. Had a forced lie in then kicked around trying to help out at the control and welcome back the riders who'd completed the 600.  Kudos to the lot of you.  Good luck to all you doing the Trans Continental, especially all the Sheffield lasses.

Many lessons learned.  Great to meet so many folks and a special thanks to Chris, his Mrs, and his wonderful team of helpers.

(Leeds Mercury bloke) first time posting

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #47 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:48:18 pm »
That's a shame, Footpad - if you got to Mytholmroyd for midnight, you had plenty of time.  I'm sure you did the right thing, though.

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #48 on: 20 June, 2017, 12:41:18 am »
I packed at HQ after day one. Domestic issues prompted my return but it still would have been touch and go whether I completed. I got about an hours sleep on the Friday night thank to captain snore and the leg from Brid to Malton was a tiring solo slog. Felt okay when I woke up at 5am on day 2 after about 4 hours sleep but I was getting serious dozzies driving home so I think another day in the sun would have done for me, let alone trying to drive home straight afterwards (note self, don't schedule 9 am meetings the day after a 600). It's the first Audax I've ever packed so it sticks in the throat a bit but I think a sensible decision in the circumstances. Well done to all those who finished and thanks for the superb organisation and hospitality, saw plently of places I'd never ridden before and I see there's Blackpool - Glasgow - Blackpool on the 22nd Sept, so maybe I'll sort my unfinished business with Blackpool then...

Re: Three Coasts 600 / East & West Coast 600 - 17/06/2017
« Reply #49 on: 20 June, 2017, 08:15:57 am »
The three coasts was my second 600km and almost ended in disaster just beyond Castleford when my rear brake locked. (Ultegra Hydraulics). I started carrying the bike before just removing the calliper and carefully scooting down to Evans. They managed to loosen it off, but it was now strictly for slowing only and I was nearly two hours out of time leaving Castleford.
One of my fastest two hours on the bike would have got me in time at Pocklington if I hadn't punctured, but I was only 4 minutes late.
By Brid I was back in the game with an hour in hand although the Cafe had closed and they were clearing up. They thought the last rider had come through half an hour ago. They did however do me beans on toast and stamped my card.
The ride to Malton was miserable, hot, rolling and into the wind and sun. I didnt feel very visible as I could hardly see where I was going (or the GPS)!
Just outside Thirsk I spotted a rider ahead... with a Carradice! An AUK! I was no longer alone. Met a few more at Thirsk refuelling but I was in the groove now so powered on solo.
By Tadcaster I was thinking I may have pushed a bit hard so cruised back to HQ with a friendly bunch from VC167, arriving at about 0315.
After not a lot of sleep I rolled out at 0645 for day two, wishing I'd chosen the East and West Coast! Lovely ride, but it was HOT !!
Made it round in the end, finishing with a whole hour and 15 to spare. 632km for me with my detour. Lots of thoughts of packing. Lots of digging deep....
Weirdly after I drove home yesterday, my rear brake now works. It was 'on' in the car. Anyone any ideas what might have happened?