Author Topic: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 22nd Sept 2017  (Read 33848 times)

Re: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 22nd Sept 2017
« Reply #200 on: 26 September, 2018, 11:39:51 am »
Only 2 hours stopped!


Got me musing and analysing...
- Hackthorpe 27mins
- Gretna 11mins
- Abington 26mins
- Darnley 30mins
[Other stoppage time on way out 19mins]
- Abington 35mins
- Gretna 9mins
[Carlisle sleep stop 5hrs24]
[Other stoppage time to Carlisle 11mins]
[Penrith Garage Stop ~10mins]
[Kendal emergency bagel ~10mins]
- Carnforth 9mins
[Other stoppage time to end 20mins]

Total time 36hrs22
Moving time 27hrs 32
Stoppage time 8hrs50
- Controls 2hrs27
- Sleep 5hrs24
- Other 1hr20

Sleep was needed and the need to partake of social niceties when checking in and their system not taking my card was a bit of a drag. Given the temperature and I'd already decided I had nothing to prove apart from finishing I allowed myself some luxury there.

Increasingly a victim of the phantom wee stop on the way back.... either an effect of being in the saddle so long or just my body's excuse to stop for a couple of minutes  ;D


Re: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 22nd Sept 2017
« Reply #201 on: 26 September, 2018, 03:04:20 pm »
When I did my fastest 600 it was about 24h moving time and about 12.5h stopped iirc. Shows where most gains could be made!


  • Not Small
Re: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 22nd Sept 2017
« Reply #202 on: 26 September, 2018, 03:16:00 pm »
Wee stops are an interesting beast.

I think when road cycling temperature and road vibrations have an impact on when they come; there's also the case of what else are you drinking; it's night time, you're probably drinking coffee, coke, red bull or 2:1 with Caffeine in it at controls if not on the way too.
Caffeine is a diuretic so you're going to need to pee more.
The temperature is also lower which I certainly find results in more pee time needed, this is particularly a problem when you're trying to work on a bike out in a cold garage working on oily things without gloves and you're constantly having to dash into the house and Swarfega your hands before there's an accident.
And then you're bladder (and prostate) are being battered around by the saddle vibrations

During MTB 24hr rides I found I regularly stopped at the same place; on the Strathpuffer course (up to this year when they changed this section) there was a straight in the trees after the climb up from the "Bridge of Thighs"; think I stopped there 4 laps in a row one year.
At Nevis Range during Relentless24 I would always find myself stopping at the bottom of the Haggis Trap; almost like my bladder had some muscle memory; fast descent into slow rocky section, better empty!

I stuck to my 1.5L from my bottles per 100km baseline without trying to; but I had 3 cans of Red Bull during the second night (I had accidentally used one of the 2 packs of 2:1 with Caffeine I had packed during the day). So I was drinking more than normal, while adding a Diuretic in sub-zero temperatures.

However even just being a bit more regimented at the controls at taking 30m instead of 45m ish at all but Gretna I'd have had another hour and a half to play with.  Take out the puncture and that's 2 hours, so "would have had" over 4 hours in hand at the end. But then if I had that I could have taken 2 hours sleep at gretna instead of 1 hour, wouldn't have needed the Shap bus shelter sleep; if I'd eaten more at Gretna I wouldn't have had the 20m stop at Auk, and so on; it all built up!

Lots of little things to improve in my time management which I'll need on longer rides so I can get a bit more sleep in.

Re: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 22nd Sept 2017
« Reply #203 on: 27 September, 2018, 08:30:35 am »

I was decaffed for 3 weeks before this one, and apart from a cup of tea at the scout hut was pleased that my first caffeine (caffeine bullet chewy mint thing) was just before sunrise on Saturday, coffee at Abington & espresso at Darnley, coffee milk thing back at Abington then nothing Carlisle (after sleeping cos I didn't want to impact on that!).

I was a little frustrated that a lot of wee stops came shortly after a stop for another reason, like getting back in the saddle triggered it and I'd stop again half a mile down the road.
Final wee related anecdote... I had a similar muscle memory thing on lapped course round Snowdon in double IM where I pretty much stopped and pee'd in the same (national trust) gateway every lap overnight  ::-)

As to time improvements, still happy that I followed my vague plan/expectations. I'm sure I could have gotten away with a lot less sleep (a couple of 1 hr stints maybe) and maybe saved myself 3hrs.. but where and what the quality would have been in those conditions I'm uncertain.

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Blackpool-Glasgow-Blackpool 2019
« Reply #204 on: 25 June, 2019, 11:35:55 pm »
Thanks to all those that took part in the final PBP qualifier of 2019. Despite a reduced entry, the riders were faced with varying weather conditions including some heavy downpours in Cumbria. Fortunately, many riders were able to rest in the well placed night control at Hackthorpe village. There were 8 finishers.

There'll be another running of the event over the weekend of 20-22 September 2019. See event websites for further details. Links below:

Andy Corless