Author Topic: Escape from the East! Bucharest to Berlin via Jeremy Clarkson's favourite road  (Read 3318 times)


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
I've finally finished my tour journal from three (yes three!) years ago, from Romania to Germany via the Transfagarasan pass, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and (briefly) Poland. 

Hi I'm Karla.  You might remember how I used to do journals of tours involving randy stallions and flying Mercedes cars.  They went down quite well, if the reviews were to be believed.

7 pages in - enjoying it immensely.
Yours, however, I read in one shot, end to end, brilliant write up and a magnificent ride

Now I've finally got round to finishing my next trick: a tour from three years ago where I started in Bucharest, escaped from Vlad the Impaler's castle, left Romania having mainly learned how to say "fuck off dog", then met up with a clubmate in Hungary and took a run at the Berlin Wall, via a goth paradise of a church full of human bones. 

Here it is: Bucharest to Berlin - a journal on

To whet your appetite, here are some of the photo highlights.

Go on, give it a read, you know you want to.

An excellent adventure, thank you!