Author Topic: Gearing down, feel like position is wrong  (Read 3746 times)

Gearing down, feel like position is wrong
« on: 27 November, 2017, 11:05:10 pm »
Just geared down after two years of riding the same gear, felt like I was sat too far forward and too low - even the handlebars felt too close.  Not even had an hour on the bike and half of that in headwind, but I have never felt the like before (normally I am oblivious to changes on the bike).  Has anyone else ever experienced this?
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Gearing down, feel like position is wrong
« Reply #1 on: 28 November, 2017, 12:13:11 am »
Might be because a lower gear means you're pressing less on the pedals, pressing harder on the pedals means you can ride in a lower position because your body and arms are pushed up by the pedalling.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: Gearing down, feel like position is wrong
« Reply #2 on: 05 December, 2017, 07:17:24 am »
All the time or when at high cadence? In a twiddly gear, the latter always has me pushing back along the saddle - less likely to do this on a big gear downhill. Maybe too long on one bike/gear has made adjustment harder. On gears I sometimes forget to change down and then take hills out of the saddle, also it feels harder work all round, but no real problems adapting back to fixed. [Though I'll maybe get a 'reminder' occasionally if attempting to freewheel!]

Re: Gearing down, feel like position is wrong
« Reply #3 on: 05 December, 2017, 09:18:50 pm »
For the first week, when pushing it and not.  Have to say it still seems like the bike has gotten smaller and I could maybe do with raising the saddle by a cm, but I am enjoying the really relaxed cycling, it feels like I am not putting in any effort at all.
I tried moving back to gears two years ago and I felt panicked and out of control.  I think I'll save gears for the bent, shame as it was a nice geared bike.
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Gearing down, feel like position is wrong
« Reply #4 on: 06 December, 2017, 10:32:59 am »
I ride 63 or 67" and have the saddle quite a long way back. I had to search to find a seat-post with enough set-back.